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Role Call (April 2013)


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After some time away because of CloudFlare issues, I seem to be regaining my ability to access DM.  Now is just the fun part of getting things going again after my absence.  To start that, let's just see who is around.  Format is as follows:





RP Idea

Favorite Drink



Handle: Quibby

Character: Pahl Ebersol

Division: Medics/Services

RP Idea: Characters take over cooking duties for a meal

Favorite Drink: Absinthe

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Handle: Arinth

Character: Arinth

Division: Infantry

RP Idea: Interact with Tinkers

Favorite Drink: (Personally?) Tequila


I saw a few weeks ago that Bard Babe was having trouble with the site too. I am not sure if she still is or not but that might explain her absence (if she is absent)

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BB is here. She posted at the Wolfies recently to say she'd been without reply boxes and was unable to post for the last couple weeks.



Handle: Tay

Character: Elynde Sidoro

Division: Infantry

RP Idea: Anything that moves my training forward. When I got to the stage where I had 8 posts of decent word lengths and none of them counted towards my promotion requirements, I got fed up. Ideas aren't my strong suit at 5.30am but I'll have a think about it.

Favourite Drink: Elynde likes beer/ale... I prefer a cup of tea.

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Arinth, there's a thread on the Freelanders board regarding the Tinker thing.  Could you go there and elaborate more on what your character is looking for with the RP?  It should give us a better idea of how to proceed.

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Thanks Quibby. I posted. The general idea with Tinkers was more of a broad, open RP that would allow any band members that wanted to, to get involved.


And Tay if you want to do any kind of training threads or RPs to count towards a promotion I'll be happy to help out too. Arinth is also in the infantry

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Thanks Arinth, busy trying to kick start activity at the Wolfkin right now but doing an RP with Elynde would be a nice change. Last place she was involved was leaving the Citadel on the way to Tanchico. She wasn't involved in any of the subsequent RPs due to my LOA, so I'll need to account for her whereabouts. I'm considering the idea that she was struck down with some kind of fever, thereby missing the Tanchico events, and now needs to do some serious training to get back into shape.


Where are the Band at the moment? Still on the march?

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I'm back! Sort of!  Not really!


I'll be back better after the 23rd, but I am kinda back!




Handle: The Bard Babe

Character: Arkin Fletcher

Division: Scouts

RP Idea: I'd still like an RP with someone teaching Arkin to read, but after I've finished the RPs I'm already in. Also, Quib if you want to use my Illuminator Daera for Band progressy stuff then feel free. Also, we should have the lads taking Pahl out for a drink or to find a lady friend etc.  XD

Favorite Drink: I personally am ever so slightly underage, so I'll go for a nice vanilla chai tea or iced coffee, and Arkin will take anything he can get his hands on.   :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

Err, it's toooootally still April *nod* :P


Handle Nyanna al'Meara

Character Miriamele Erkynalder

Division ...Scouts?

RP Idea Well, I'd like to do some training/getting-to-know-the-camp-and-people RPs and

Favorite Drink Uhh, hard. I grew up on pretty much only amazing water directly from a mountain spring so I love that dearly. Out here in the civilized world though I rather like tea and hot chocolate and carrot juice XD Not all at once though. And from recent experiences, I'm best not let anywhere near there is a lot of alcohol.

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Sorry for the quiet, guys.  DM's still being a bit of a pain in the nether regions.  This is my first time on in almost two weeks.  If you want to get a hold of me for anything, go ahead and poke me on Skype.  I can usually be reached there, if I'm online.

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