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The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Town Wins


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That's exactly what I'm saying. I dunno why you used Red's quote rather than your own though. Are you hoping she will take up the gauntlet perhaps lol

There's only one person who can make you look a fool. I think you are trying to distract me from the fact that Player is being faaaaaar to nice and reasonable and ridiculously buddy buddy for Day 1.


Im using her quote because it neatly found everything I wanted to say.


You also are neglecting the fact that I am the one calling Dap out on his defense of you. Or did you just neatly skip over that part?

Also: You are attacking Roo for copying other people's logic. By using someone else's logic. Okay.
What? How am I attacking Roo? I havnt mentioned Roo anywhere.

You've got the wrong guy Maw, that was Dap

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Official Vote Count 6:


Lenlo (1/13):  Turin


Cloud (1/13): Chuckles


WoT (5/13): Basel, Song, Rand, Tina, RTE


Dap (2/13): Ithi, BG


Ithi (2/13): Tiink, Len


Basel (1/13): Red



Not Voting (12/24):


 Mish, Smiley, Dap, Kaylee, Niel, WoT, TG, Ruh, Hally, Dice, Ley, Maw



Did you know?  Scientists have begun to strongly link high fructose corn syrup and autism.

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Oh and I think I vaguely remember BG asking me if I was third party? No I'm not. I'm not even Mafia pretending to be third party lol. I am Town.


I just meant that I'm not in active communication with anyone in this game (apart from Darthe)and I don't have any confirmed knowledge of anyone else's alignment. I hope that helps. Unfortunately apparently I have no control over what Player does and can't stop him from being all nice and stuff. You will have to ask him why he is doing that. I think he is doing it because it will make him seem more Town however.


I hope you are in a better mood today Len. I still think your whole case on me is a means to distract me from noticing anything else that is going on. It won't work.


Noted Basel, I'm not the one going all Chuck Norris with Red though. Part of me feels both of you are up to something.


And anything else that was said during the night and I haven't responded to I have forgotten. Feel free to give me a nudge though if you need me to respond to anything you think I have missed.

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Your pretty well linked with Dap at this point with you two defending and backing each other up, even with you distancing and trying to throw him under the bus.


Of course mafia would say they are not mafia.


If my logic is faulty, atleast im using logic. Your jumping around, bringing up bs, not actually addressing anything and trying to discredit me by using pictures, gifs and trying to paint me the fool. All in all id say you are obviously the best lynch today.

Could you please provide a quote where I have defended Player? And also explain how I can defend and be backing him up whilst at the same time throwing him under a bus?


I don't think that was a very logical thing to say at all lol

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Wow... This game is that active that I have a hard time posting game-related things because 1) I'm asleep or at school when you're spamming 10 pages and 2) It's too much to be able to go at every detail.


By the way, vote Dap. He's that active it feels unnatural for me... I mean, he has a QUARTER of all posts made in this game on his own, and he's TOO relaxed to be natural too.

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She was a sweet old lady, prone to all forms of eccentric behavior but sweet nonetheless.  Some even said that she could see into the future, though that gift seemed in dispute in the rules of this new world.  Of course, nobody had a clue what was going on.  Thus, the sound of a shot ringing out took them by complete and utter surprise.  Lightning struck down, and when they arrived at the scene all that was left was a bloodstain.  Across the sky a hologram flashed, the face of The Oracle and her name listed below:


dapianoplayer, vanilla townie (2 shot oracle) has been killed.


It is still Day one.  With 23 alive it takes 12 to lynch!  You have 72 hours remaining (to the nearest day).  



Official Vote Count 6:


Lenlo (1/12):  Turin


WoT (5/12): Basel, Song, Rand, Tina, RTE


Ithi (2/12): Tiink, Len


Basel (1/12): Red



Not Voting (14/23):


 Mish, Smiley, Kaylee, Niel, WoT, TG, Ruh, Hally, Dice, Ley, Maw, Chuckles, BG, Ithi



@DAP, would you like to be a back-up?

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It wasn't me lol. I thought he was Mafia and wanted him Lynched.

i assume this is a joke, but its still slightly suspicious

This from the person who just wanted Player's role as vanilla clarified, rather than being even slightly surprised he got killed. Did you not get the result you expected?

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It wasn't me lol. I thought he was Mafia and wanted him Lynched.

i assume this is a joke, but its still slightly suspicious

This from the person who just wanted Player's role as vanilla clarified, rather than being even slightly surprised he got killed. Did you not get the result you expected?


not really clarified i just wanted to know whether darthe might have been wrong or not, and how am i supposed to show my surprise?? (anyway i assumed it was day vig)  

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I hope you are in a better mood today Len. I still think your whole case on me is a means to distract me from noticing anything else that is going on. It won't work.


Lol what? Now your over analyzing crap. My case is me wanting to get you lynched. You thinking that I would go though so much trouble just to distract you is funny though.
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She was a sweet old lady, prone to all forms of eccentric behavior but sweet nonetheless.  Some even said that she could see into the future, though that gift seemed in dispute in the rules of this new world.  Of course, nobody had a clue what was going on.  Thus, the sound of a shot ringing out took them by complete and utter surprise.  Lightning struck down, and when they arrived at the scene all that was left was a bloodstain.  Across the sky a hologram flashed, the face of The Oracle and her name listed below:


dapianoplayer, vanilla townie (2 shot oracle) has been killed.



Was that the character? The Oracle from the matrix?

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It wasn't me lol. I thought he was Mafia and wanted him Lynched.

i assume this is a joke, but its still slightly suspicious

This from the person who just wanted Player's role as vanilla clarified, rather than being even slightly surprised he got killed. Did you not get the result you expected?


not really clarified i just wanted to know whether darthe might have been wrong or not, and how am i supposed to show my surprise?? (anyway i assumed it was day vig)  


and why would you assume a day vig and no mafia? Though I suppose it is possible with how packed full of stuff this game is

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