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Choosing an Amyrlin


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Jaydena squared her shoulder until her back was straight and the gentle curve of her hourglass figure all but disappeared. She straightened her mask and headed down to the Sitters Hall. Today she wore a thick green dress of the finest satin with silver roses across the bodice and hem. Around her waist she wore a silver belt made of roses as well, her neck,ears, and wrist shone with the set Jared had made her so long ago. The roses were made of etched rubies, the leaves of emeralds. The set was stunning and one of the few sweet things he had ever done for her. Of course the man had wanted to sleep with her so that could have been his sole reason for getting such a thing for her. She shook off the thoughts of her lost gaidin and walked into the hall, her auburn hair was atop her head with sword pins used to hold the mass in place, the mask she wore today was a silver material with decorations around the edges. It had taken her some time to get used to the mask and it hadn’t been the long since the burning. The worst part had been the time where she couldn’t touch her face and couldn’t put a mask on it, so she had walked around the Tower, her face burned and disfigured after the angreal attack. Jade took her seat in the green chairs and waited for the rest of the Sitters to show up. When they did she spoke in soft tones to them, she had already spoken to them and others about what she planned to do today. The Tower was in a uproar over what had happened, the Novices and Accepted were having nightmares and walked through the Tower in little clusters, their eyes scared and hollow.


Even Sisters were having nightmares, she had had many herself after watching the Amyrlin and Keeper fall into a gaping hole in the ground with a man she had kissed many many years ago. A man who had entered the Tower and set out to kill all of them using the Power. The man was going to pay the price if she had anything to say about it, but first they needed a leader. The Tower was adrift without a leader, at time such as this they could ill afford such a thing to happen. The Dark was encroaching on them and there were times she feared it was within the Tower, though she didn’t share those secret thoughts with anyone. The members of the Hall began to file in and Jaydena stood up when the doors closed. “This will be a closed session of the Hall, we have many important subjects to discuss, since we are without a Keeper or an Ammy I hope that we can dispense with some of the formality. Let us open the Hall.” She waited as the ceremony was performed, the oldest and the youngest sealing the Hall. When they were finished she stood and adressed the group. “Days ago we lost something that all of us hold dear, wheather you agree with their politics or even they way they were raised to those positions, I think we can all agree that no one deserves to die that way or lose their use of the Power in that way. Now we stand here, in some of the worst times with no Amyrlin, without one to lead us we are so much less than we should be. The Amyrlin is the figure head and the support of the Tower. There is a reason that the people we lost were our leaders, they died for us because they lived for us as well. We picked someone of the Green Ajah for a reason, it is obvious that the Last Battle is coming, when our leaders are lost fighting that evil it becomes even more obvious that the Battle is coming. It is imperative that we have someone who is trained in politics, in battle tactics, and much more to lead the Tower into this age. Without further ado, I would like to nominate Sirayn Simeone for Amyrlin of the White Tower.”


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Aleanda strode towards the place where the Hall would meet. She knew what would come next. It had only been very short since Caladesh' attack, but leaderless the White Tower could not excist. A new leader had to be chosen. Aleanda knew she'd never get support enough, otherwise...


Arriving at the place she'd been summoned to, she noticed she was one of the first to arrive. Greeting those who had already arrived Aleanda found her place and sat down. Rethinking about what had happened only a short time ago Aleanda shivered. A direct attack to the White Tower by a Dreadlord. The Amyrlin and Keeper fought bravely, and managed to defeat the man. They had been a fine Amyrlin and Keeper. Aleanda pitied they were gone now. This should never have happened to the White Tower and everything that lay in the Tower's capabilities should be used to prevend such thing from happening again.


Aleanda would rather see someone from the White Ajah on top, too many things happened, in her eyes, illogically, too impulsive. Though Aleanda'd be happy with another Green as well. Only she wasn't sure about the other Sitters. If only they'd go for the most logical way.


Jaydena spoke first, before the ceremony to open the Hall started. After the Hall was sealed by the youngest and the eldest Sitter in the Hall Jaydena stood up and spoke to one and all. Aleanda's face remained, as it did aleays, in shape. Nothing was to be read from her face. Though for a second time shivers ran through Aleanda, this time caused by the mentioning of dying as Lyanna had died and loosing the Power as Lanfir had lost it.


Jaydena closed her speech with proposing Sirayn Símeone-Damodred as the Amyrlin. It was no shock to Aleanda. She wouldn't become Amyrlin herself, so she was going to support Sirayn, another Green, hoping to become a close friend one day. It was quiet for only a little while in the Hall, untill Aleanda spoke herself.


Lea stood up, rearranging her shawl while saying "I support this proposal. Sirayn Sedai is a strong woman capable of guiding the Tower to whatever destiny lies upon it. The Green Ajah has proved to deliver some fine Aes Sedai capable of leading and fighting what needed to be fought. Though it might not have been a wise move to go into battle with the man that fought in our halls and made us without Amyrlin and Keeper, it was brave one. Our late Amyrlin and Keeper did make him stop terrorizing our property, stop terrorizing us. They sacrificed themselves for the White Tower, for us, for you. They were from the Green Ajah." That said, Aleanda took place in her chair again, hoping each and every Sitter in the Hall would be wise.


Aleanda Antori

Sitter of the White Ajah

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Recent events had shaken up the Tower, it had not only shaken but it had been a shock on its very fundamentals when the Amyrlin and the Keeper had both died tragically and now there was none. Phaedra had sat for two nights and days with her Sitters debating what their Ajah would want once the Hall would convene over this situation. They were all tired, worn down from pain and anguish but they were there. For this was an important time to be together and to regain the calm.


Phaedra had openly spoken her feelings to her fellow Sitters and told them that she was wary of choices being made on the basis of feelings. Even the most rigid Sisters were struck deep into their core, into the core of the White Tower and it was to them a time to act, not to sit and wait while others debated their future. Phaedra did not expect the Sitters to behave irrational, she rather expected a coup or a power struggle, they were still Aes Sedai who even through difficult times found themselves in favor of structure and stability by a strong leader. Today, the meeting took place and they all settled as Jaydena of the Green spoke. Her words were strong and Phaedra could feel the buzz that ran through the hall as the name of the candidate was uttered, Sirayn Simeone.


Phaedra only had to look over the faces of her fellow Sitters in the Hall to know that this name did not pop out magically, they were expecting this. Maybe not just from the Green Ajah, but from the Tower. Aleanda Sedai of the Whites was the first to speak and it surprised Phaedra that the White was so quick to agree with this new candidate. She expected a candidate to come from the Whites, not a White Sister maybe but a candidate still. The Grays would support this new Ammy as they did not have a candidate for the position in mind, but Phaedra and the other Sitters would not expect another Green Green ruling without at least a debate. She knew what she would say, now that she had had some time to think over her words and collect her thoughts. Yes, the Gray chose stability and understood that in these times a Green Amyrlin brought hope to the White Tower and the people who followed its course. It was a smart move to continue the line of Lanfir Sedai, but there were still some changes to be made.


She rose from her seat and with a curt nod waited for the Sitters to allow her to speak. “I, Phaedra Eskarne of the Gray Ajah hereby say that we will support the candidate Sirayn Simeone as Amyrlin. To watch over the White Tower and to continue the good work that has been done before this tragedy befell on us,” there she had said it. She trusted in Sirayn and was comfortable with the Green reign that led the Tower, but now came her condition, one that she saved up with a short pause, a deep breathe and then, “But we will ask that she not chose her own Keeper. We do not approve another choice-making on the balcony and so we will put forward our candidate for the Keeper of the Chronicles. We ask that a Gray Sister will be Keeper of the Chronicles to balance the power and plan ahead for a White Tower that is whole and undivided. A Gray can mediate between the different Ajahs so that all will be ready when tragedy strikes once again, for we do not believe that a Tower torn apart can stand another attack.”


She then settled down slowly, watching the faces around her change as the words she had uttered seem to find their way home. One by one they realized what she had said, for a full Green reign at the top was not her wish and she could not believe it was the wish of any other than the Greens themselves. The Amyrlin and the Keeper were of all Ajahs and none and Lanfir and Lyanna had proven to be just that. But Phaedra did not believe that another pair like that could be forged from steel once again, this time the Tower needed reason and diplomacy to make compromises and to overcome in the end. She looked over her fellow Gray Sitters and nodded calmly. This was not over yet and she awaited who would speak next, what would be the next step of the Hall of Sitters. Even her trained eye could not read the faces of the women around her and so she waited.


Phaedra Eskarne

Gray Ajah Head

Sitter for the Gray

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Muirenn couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew there had been rumors last time, back door deals, and midnight meetings to get the previous Amyrlin to choose a Keeper from another Ajah. But then Lanfir had gone and done her own thing. Really now, did the Grays think it would be different this time? And to actually say such a thing in the Hall! It was simply delicious. She smiled slightly to herself at how deep the chasms between the Ajahs had grown. Perhaps Sirayn would not be such a horrible choice, and it would keep the Seat from the Blues and Browns. And that Cairhienin was ruthless and singleminded. It would be almost as good as having on from her own Ajah, not the Red, on the Seat. Perhaps something could be done to influence her choice of Keeper in that direction. Especially if she came from the Gray. There were certainly possibilities there. Muirenn tucked it away for future thought.


For now, she sat quietly, watching. Would any of the Ajahs speak against her? The support of the Gray was expected, of course. And the Red usually voted with the Gray. But who could say in choosing an Amyrlin, where every hand wished to grab for power? In any case, she would not speak. She had certain duties to perform as the eldest in the Hall when they decided to call in the cantidate, but that was not yet. For now, she would watch.


-Muirenn Lina Alianin

Head of the Black Ajah

Sitter for the Red Ajah

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At the age of a hundred and eighty seven, Ziya Asunawa was not one for surprises. She had never liked them much, for she strongly believed in the quip and as she would often say, truism: a ‘nasty surprise.’ Of course, there was little that could really shock hundred years old women who didn’t seem to be on the verge of dying anytime soon and she was thus consoled. Idly, she glanced at the rings on her hands, and then followed her olive skin down to the white-grey sleeves of her dress. Meetings of the Hall were strangely popular times to show off one’s body and taste, and as little as Ziya cared for curves and cloth, tact had taught her never to be caught off guard. Dark eyes hardened slightly at the thought, just like they would every time some insinuation-intended or not- brought back the vivid memories.


The Tower endured. She had been taught that as a young Sister, when she had seen her first death. She had been taught that as an even younger Accepted, when she had mourned for her first losses, fresh out of the three Arches. However, she had understood well before either, for her Novice days had been dark ones. Legends faded, Sisters passed on and blood was spilt, but the Tower endured. As long as they had strength, the Tower would. Stay true, and the White Tower will gleam eternal, she had once told an Accepted, a promising young girl who she favoured. It was in this that Ziya put her faith. No Creator, not the Shadow certainly, but the Tower. It had given her everything, just like it had done for so many others and now, they were the Tower. Together, divided, scheming, or honest they were it. When times were dark and she could feel it weighing down on her, this was her chant. When Lanfir Leah Marithsen had fallen from the Light, it was these words she had whispered to herself. When she had heard that Sisters from her own Ajah had passed, these were the words she’d whispered. A dull, hyptonic chant better than any balm. The Tower endured.


The thoughts breaking with an interruption under the voice of Jaydena McKanthur, Ziya gazed at the other intently, nodding inwardly as she heard. Sirayn Simeone, she finished, tall and firm. Silenced crackled and thrived, but they had all known. It was expected that such a recommendation would come, all the Grays had believed so and said as much the night before, when Phaedra had decided that it was time to discuss the matter. The declaration from Aleanda of the Whites surprised her less, for they knew as well as she did that she was the best choice. Eyes flickering towards the other Sitters, Ziya almost smiled as she saw how sure they seemed. Yes, the Tower endured. Looking to Phaedra expectantly, she nodded when she met her eyes. There had been no need for Phaedra to do so, but then, it was things like this that made her the woman she was, and brought her the respect of women like Ziya. Approval swelling as she watched the other rise and speak, Ziya shifted her eyes to the others, wondering what turn their faces would take next. Her fellow Sitters-well, most- had sense and a keen foresight in such matters. They would have predicted this as much as the candidate who would be put forward. Still, reactions were always interesting to note. Hawk eyed and intent, Ziya waited.


None came, but she wasn’t worried. It would shine through in their Ajah responses, and as Phaedra sat herself down, she smiled slightly at the other, knowing full well that she understood. They had thrown the dice, even if it was with a lot of planning and thought. Now came the others.




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Kareja looked in the mirror, her dark green dress with a patern of dark red almost brown embroideries tingled with silver was domani inspired. Tycking a loose strand behind her ear she turned and donned her shawl, she was ready. She knew well what today would bring, or some of it, and hope was it all went well. She walked through the coridorss in ponder untill she reached the Hall. Inside she joined with her ajah. She sat silently while Jaydena adressed the hall with the proposal of Sirayn as a new candidate for amerlyn.


It was true a green was needed, the time rescently had shown that with what had been the loss of an amerlyn already. If for the sacrifise made by someone who understood their duty what couldnt have happened. She was happy to hear of suport from the whites, but she disagreed with the grey, no if anything a keeper from another ajah should be from the red. Caladesh was but a good example of that, the red held the knowledge of channeling males, and tarmon gaidon would be resting on the shoulders of one, they needed someone to control him less all was lost. Yet for now she kept quiet, this was a mather that could be raised later if needed, for now they must secure an able Amerlyn.




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There were difficult times ahead. No one understood that better than the Aes Sedai sitting in the Hall today. They did not need to be told that their fearless leaders had been as mortal as the rest, that the supposed impenetrable Tower had been shocked to it's foundations. No one should have to be told that Sirayn was the Tower's best chance at pulling itself together before the Last Battle.


Still, in an unaccustomed dark mood, Aramina sur Dulciena, Aes Sedai and Banner Captain of the Green Ajah, felt the need to drag every last Sister by the hair naked through the Warder's Yards if they didn't show some common sense. Common Sense. In a room full of women that were considered above the common drabble of life, what did they know of Common Sense?


Aramina stiffled the thoughts as she observed the women around her. There had been no doubt what Jaydena had been about and while Aramina supported her whole heartedly and would never think of publically speaking against a Green Sitter, she herslef would have waited to see if anyone else offered up a candidate to banter about. It would have been well to see the political mood of the others before offering up their own.


Phaedra's words caused some stir in the Hall, both her demand that Sirayn not be able to choose her own Keeper and the open declaration of the growing split among the Ajahs. When the words were said, Aramina had looked to Aleandra, a small smile on her lips before her attention returned to the others.



The Gray Sitter's words were not entirely unexpected, but they were regretable. She had no doubt that whatever the Hall came up with as 'suitable' for the position of Sirayn's Keeper of the Chronicles would only work against the Green Sister for an agenda of her own Ajah. Aramina had no dislike for the Gray Ajah, nor for any for that matter, yet she understood that working alongside someone with different goals was asking for trouble. She had tried her best to forge 'friendships' in all of the Ajahs for that very reason. And today, she hoped those bridges would be remembered. She intended to pull every string she had to see that Sirayn was named Amyrlin.


In the end, there could be no other strong enough to contend with Sirayn, at least in Aramina's eyes and she tried to be honest about the posibilities. Of course, years of unwaivering service did make her biased on that aspect and she accepted that as well.


In the end, Aramina did something she rarely did in the Hall. She drew focus to herself by standing and speaking. She prefered to pull strings from behind and had grown quite adept at it over the long years, as had many of her colleagues, but she felt the need to put her stamp on this thing, as if her words could change anything that was about to happen.


She felt eyes upon her and she let a small smile appear on her face, something that spoke of warmth and sincerity. "Sisters, we must reach this decision quickly. We are, by nature or training, creatures of debate but the World moves around us as we stand still. If there is another viably candidate for the Amyrlin Seat, then let us hear it now. Or if you would push forth as the Gray Ajah has requested, to chose a Keeper, then give us those candidates. The Wheel waits on no woman. Not even The Amyrlin Seat."



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Guest Arie Ronshor

You belong to me

my snow white queen

there's nowhere to run,

so lets just get it over

soon I know you'll see

you're just like me

don't scream anymore my love,

cause all I want is you


Snow White Queen - Evanescence





It was in the early hours of the morning that the knock on the disturbed the Red Ajah Head from the depths of her slumber. Maegan had spent most of the evening before arguing with one of her Sitters, Vivian, and her support in the Hall. The woman firmly felt that a Red Sister should be placed on the Amyrlin Seat and properly secure the Tower and bring it closer together. However Maegan could see the benefits to such an end, she did not entirely agree. Out of the candidates within her own Ajah Her, Muirenn Sedai and a few others were brought forth as possible Amrylin material. Maegan had no desire to reach for the Amrylin Seat, and as she pointed out to Vivian, the Red Ajah has lost far to many sisters to the Hall than any other Ajah and with the recent deaths of Perine and Leona Sedai, Maegan felt no need to dwindle their numbers just to be put in the spotlight of the Hall. With Tarmon Gaidin nearing, of which Maegan had no doubt would happen while she still wore her shawl, there were far more pressing matters at hand then guiding a Tower that had never listened to their Ajah before. But much of Maegan's reasoning was still left unspoken, just as she always liked it, as Vivian Sedai left her quarters. To much of the Ajah's chagrin, much of Maegan's reasoning and intentions were left unknown to those she may even consider her friend. But her simple directions and firm standing on issues were enough to put her in the more powerful position within her Ajah regardless of her status with the One Power. And until she could confirm the Red Ajahs political power within the Hall, she would stay as Sitter.


And it should have been with no surprise to her when she opened the door to find Jaydena Sedai, also a Sitter of her Ajah, of the Green standing outside of her door. Nodding her head greeting, Maegan pulled the cord of her cream Shara-silk robe tightly around her waist as she motioned for Jaydena to enter. Few were awake, but still Maegan activated her dormant eavesdropping weave and motioned for Jaydena to take a seat near the larger bay window at the far corner of her quarters, and then taking a seat herself.


"Shall I send for Tea?" She enquired as she took a moment to study the Aes Sedai through her spectacles, "or shall we head straight to the point of your visit?"





Jaydena rubbed the back of her neck and ran a hand slowly over her face, she had never gotten used to the burns, she hadn't been out of the sick ward very long before the attack on the Tower and they hadn't been able to heal her face. Before the attack she had been having very strange and in fact disturbing dreams about a woman trying to convince her that the Dark One wanted her. In the dreams she was rejected again and again by Sirayn and Seiaman. It was like having the wound open over and over, it had nearly pushed her over the edge, she had lost her beauty and Seia would never want her back now. It was obvious that the only thing the woman had ever wanted her for was her body and her face. She winced and eyed the paper before her, writing reports was not her favorite part of being a Sitter but something that must be done to keep their ajah head informed. Jade finished the report and sprinkled it with sand, she heated the sealing wax, and imprinted her seal into the wax, the Aes Sedai symbol, with a rose and a J.


She rose to her feet and prepared to go visiting, she knew it was late, she could tell by the large clock on her mantel, and elaborate gift from her deceased gaidin. He had been in love with her and was nobility, he liked to shower her in gifts in an attempt to woe her. Smoothing a hand over her emerald green dress she put her shawl around her shoulders and stepped from her rooms. Things were so horrible in the Tower that everyone went everywhere in packs, no one ventured out without other people. It was understandable, after all, just a short time ago, their Amyrlin and Keeper had been taken into the depths of the Tower and killed by a Dreadlord. The Tower was now a boat with a rutter, drifting aimlessly without leaders. It was just one thing after another, first the burn to her face, the dreams, strangly getting the sight back in her eye, the attack, the deaths of so many. She knew what needed to be done, they needed a green at the helm again. The woman had proved that she cared more about the Tower than her own life, giving her life to save them all. They had subdued the male channeler and saved them all. In all actuallity Lyanna had died in the depths and Lanfir had died later but together they had saved the Tower. You knew just who she had in mind for the post of Amyrlin, granted they weren't always on the best terms but her knowlege of battle tactics, her leadership skills, and so much more recommended her to the position. She strode through the Halls, alone but for the lone warder that trailed behind her. Raisa wouldn't let her out of her site and she could understand why


She reached the door she had in mind and gave it a quick knock, a green mask covered the horrible burns on her face. A green satin dress with silver roses on it, her signature flower for as long as she could remember, but a flower that held much more meaning to her since she had been forced into the Order of the Rose. Her auburn hair was hooked on top of her shoulders and matching velvet slippers peeked out from under her dress hem. Around her neck she wore a single rose on a silver chain. The door opened and she smiled at the woman behind it, they hadn't had a large amount of contact, but she knew her to be a fine member of the Hall and just the ally she needed. The other woman motioned her in and they took a seat, the other woman quickly speaking up, "Shall I send for Tea, or shall we head straight to the point of your visit?" Jaydena chuckled, she had heard of this woman's quick to the point attitude. "Well we could be here for awhile, so we might as well order tea." She smiled at the other woman and waited as she walked out into the Hall and ordered some tea. When the other woman had returned she spoke, "May I ask your thoughts on the position of Amyrlin?"


It took Maegan a moment to locate an early morning Novice outside of the Red Ajah Halls to order the tea, a good strong morning tea, and return to the setting where Jaydena Sedai waited for her. Taking a small moment, Maegan pulled her mass of curls into some semblance of order, slipping a favorite hair pin that was decorated with a plain humming bird into it that helped keep the bun in place. While waiting the few minutes for the Novice's return she took a moment to dwell deeper onto the situation. Thankfully unlike most of the Aes Sedai, Novices and Accepteds, Maegan spent her her time recovering in her own bed after the destroying of the very Halls of the Tower. It was only after that she was informed of Lanfir Sedai's burning out and the state of those lost. Only in the night alone would she ever admit to weeping for them. She had not felt ready to face her responsibilities after the disaster of chaos that demanded its resolve. But given little choice she kept it all in as she always did. The light knock on the door pulled her temporarily out of her own reflective musings and she retrieved the tea and took her seat across from Jaydena after pouring them both a cup of tea in her eclectic set. Maegan always collected the oddest items, and her multi coloured and patterned tea cups were but one of many.


"My thoughts or that of my Ajah? Both differ on the same subject." Maegan gingerly sipped the rich dark tea from the small porcelain cup decorated with only silvery swirls along the rim. Setting the cup down silently onto the matching saucer in her other hand, she thought on her words as her question required no answer as the rhetorical statement after kept Jaydena Sedai silent and waiting. "There is do doubt in my mind that there needs to be someone that all Sitters would see on the Seat. One that few would question leadership as the Tower has been split for far too long." Her words were rich with an underlining tone of slight resentment and disapproval. She never saw the benefits of judgement by ones Shawl colour and had never acted on expectation for hers. "Few candidates have been placed before me including those that wear both the Red and Green shawl. One of my own has already approached me as support for the position. But I have no need for the weight of the Amrylin Stole."


Gazing to the concealed eyes the hide behind a beautiful mask of the Aes Sedai across from her, but Maegan was not fooled by what was being hidden. "It is clear to me that you have a suggestion of your own to bring forward. What other reason would you be here."


Jaydena regarded the woman as she waited for her answer, while they had waited for the tea, the other woman had put her curly hair up on her head and straigtened her spectacles which has been slightly crooked when Jade had walked in. The other woman pulled out the most amazing cups Jade had ever seen and she wondered if she would be able to produce something like them in her kiln. She decided that she would try it the next time she had a free moment and perhaps give them to Maegan Sedai. The other woman poured them some tea and then leaned back before speaking, "My thoughts or that of my Ajah? Both differ on the same subject. Jaydena nodded and sipped her own tea while she waited for the other woman to speak, these things weren't to be rushed and if she wanted her candidate into the seat than she needed to take things carefully. After all she had helped put Lanfir there and she believed she could put Sirayn there as well. "There is do doubt in my mind that there needs to be someone that all Sitters would see on the Seat. One that few would question leadership as the Tower has been split for far too long. Few candidates have been placed before me including those that wear both the Red and Green shawl. One of my own has already approached me as support for the position. But I have no need for the weight of the Amrylin Stole."


Jaydena nodded silently, that answered one of her questions, it appeared the other woman wasn't going to run, she didn't want the job. Jaydena had considered running but had decided that she had enough duties without adding those of one of the most important leaders in the world to it. "It is clear to me that you have a suggestion of your own to bring forward. What other reason would you be here." Jaydena regarded the other woman silently, Jade could play the Game of Houses with the best of them, she was many years older than this woman and had been a Sitter for much longer. Of course there was something she liked about this Red. She had always had a thing for Reds, she almost chuckled as she remembered her episode with Telcia and their later friendship. She took one more sip of her tea and then returned it to the plate, "Well I think we both know that the Tower is crumbling from within, we need someone with strong leadership skills, someone who has led many a campaign and won, whether than be to capture male channelers or to fight in the borderlands. While I can think of many women who would do a good job, those within our ajahs and without, I can think of one that has all the skills and the right attitude for the job. I have thought long about this, and the Greens stand behind me on this. I want to put Sirayn Simeone into the seat of Amyrlin. Your thoughts?"


A short silence hung in the air after Jaydena spoke. Mulling over the name, and all the threads of the wheel that swirled around the very suggestion. How much would such a though put different things into play. Familiar with the woman's triumphs and natural disasters from Namandar to the debates in the Hall. Sirayn had been on various terms with not only the Red Ajah, but also in the other halls. She pulled feats beyond most Aes Sedai that have changed the face of the Tower. However, the opinion of whether for worse or better was always the constant debate behind closed doors. Especially within the Red halls. Most of which, unfortunately, had not yet reached Maegan's ears as much of her time was spend outside of the Tower.


"Sirayn Simeone."


She tested the name out loud, giving a small voice to the torrents of thought and possibilities in her own mind. A small frown tugged at the edge of her lips as her tea sat forgotten in her hands for a moment. "You will need to give me more reasoning than simply her attitude and reputation. I will agree that it is more than a matter of shawl colour that will be the more contributing factor. But why? you ask me for my thoughts, Jaydena Sedai. But what are yours?" She wished to no more give away her thoughts on the matter any sooner to her own Ajah then to any other. She watched in silence as she waited for the responce of the other Aes Sedai.






The Hall was unusually silent as the name of Sirayn Simeone echoed through the minds within the walls of the room. Placing their own condition and securing themselfs a small trump, the Gray Sitter proposed for the Keeper to be of their choosing and of their Ajah. This was also of no surprise to Maegan although it was not something that had been spoken of to her prior to the meeting. She would have to dwell for a moment on the implications of not only what the Grays had set forth, but also on how quickly they had stepped forward to support the name of Sirayn Simeone. It was enough to pause for suspision. Even for a moment.


But a quick glance at Muirenn Sedai's small smile that twitched even remotely was enough to confirm what had already been set into motion by the wheel. but she waited for but a moment as Aramina Sedai spoke forward. Foolish girl. If they were bickering it may have been a call to arms for such a small speech, however matters such as this were not to be rushed. Not when so much dangled on the strings that were already working their way throughout the world.




Maegan Ryanne Sedai

Highest and Sitter of the Red Ajah


(Appearances by Jaydena Sedai)


Ooc: I have anouther post in the works, as our dear Jade had to go to bed. But considering it's length i felt the need to post it. I'll put the next one up with Maegan standing for the whole of the reds support of Sira tomorrow or so.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

All our lives

we've been waiting

for someone to call our leader

all your lies

I'm not believing

heaven shine a light down on me

The Only One - Evanescence




Jaydena watched the other woman silently, her features clear and full of her learned Aes Sedai serenity. The name she had spoken seemed the echo around the room and the tension was almost oppressive, she concentrated on controlling her breathing and not letting the tension show in her shoulders. Some time passed and Jade watched closely as a frown flitted across the other woman's face. "You will need to give me more reasoning than simply her attitude and reputation. I will agree that it is more than a matter of shawl colour that will be the more contributing factor. But why? you ask me for my thoughts, Jaydena Sedai. But what are yours?" Jaydena leaned back, gazing at the the other Aes Sedai for a second before she spoke. "Do you ever just feel like something is right, like it was meant to be, let's say that the Wheel is weaving you that way. Everyone in the Tower knows that Sirayn Sedai and I used to be best friends and are barely on speaking terms anymore. That's no secret within these walls, but yet I support her for this position, I wouldn't support someone who barely tolerates me and risk my own reputation unless I believe she was the one right for the job. Something is pushing me in this direction, the same thing happened when I came to the Reds and the Grays about wanting Lanfir Leah on the seat. Even though we have lost her, I still believe she was right person for the job, in many ways she helped to unite the Tower in a way we haven't seen in some time, I think that Sirayn can continue her good work." She stopped and took a calming breath, she knew her strong emotions were showing on her face and she was really struggling to gain her serenity back. "Sirayn was one of my best friends, I know her better than anyone within these walls, she does everything with a deeply contained passion and a clear head. She is a master at the Great Game at the subtle levels within the Tower, she is exactly what we need in a time where so much is uncertain."



Maegan regarded the woman's open words and a level of new found respect could be seen behind the rimmed reflections of her own eyes. "That was substantially more than I would have expected from one of your stature, Jaydena Sedai." Lifting the rim of her tea cup to her lips she took a soft sip of the rich tea, momentarily forgetting its flavour as it was lost in the thoughts that wove itself together in her mind. Breathing in deep, the woman made one very simple point that Maegan could agree with. Sirayn Simeone could hold her own and will lead the Hall effectively as she had on various occasions with missions given her. Failure had become the option on many of her quests, but that did not shy away her ability to lead. "But your vision and dedication to the Tower I can respect." Maegan gave the woman a smile that, as always, did not reach her eyes. "I was not part of the Hall when Lanfir Sedai was raised, however I fully concede that her work within the Hall was worthwhile." She sipped her Tea again, flavourless. "I will admit, however, I'm still unsure if Sirayn Sedai is the best choice for such a role. Would there be a possibility of her being corrupted by the Shawl? She is not the strongest amoung us."


Jaydena waited silently for the other woman to speak and was quite shocked by her words, "That was substantially more than I would have expected from one of your stature, Jaydena Sedai." Jade nodded and watched as the other woman took a drink of her tea, she couldn't quite get a handle on this woman and it was frustrating, she didn't know if the woman was giving her a compliment or scorning her. "But your vision and dedication to the Tower I can respect." The Red smiled at her but Jade noticed that it didn't light her eyes up, she wondered if this was another cold as ice Aes Sedai like Sirayn. Of course since she knew Sira really wasn't as cold as ice it only followed that this woman wasn't as well. "I was not part of the Hall when Lanfir Sedai was raised, however I fully concede that her work within the Hall was worthwhile. I will admit, however, I'm still unsure if Sirayn Sedai is the best choice for such a role. Would there be a possibility of her being corrupted by the Shawl? She is not the strongest amoung us." Jade smiled at the other woman and spoke, "Sirayn is one of the most dedicated women I have ever met, do you know the story of what happened to her hand, or how her warder lost an eye. If she was going to be corrupted by the shawl I think she would have been a long time ago. How many women do you think could be tortured to reveal secrets of the Tower and still stay strong, she is one of the strongest women I know and I am sure she won't let the position go to her head." She couldn't very well tell her that Sirayn was ajah head and still acted the same as she always had...


And the temptation was set without the blink of a single eye as the sympathy vote was cast. One Maegan had simply no care for. None in the least. One could hold against physical abuse, and one can hold against mental abuse, and there was not one single Aes Sedai in the Tower, Novice nor Accepted that has not and will not be challenged against all odds to reveal the secrets within hidden walls. Sirayn was no different. As was Jaydena herself. Eyes flickered to the woman's mask in a thoughtful gaze that as always held no emotion despite a spin of her own subconscious emotions to challenging times. Maegan's voice never wavered. "The Pattern does not always weave a steady thread for anyone, especially to one that has the ability to change it." She did not need to know the story behind Sirayn Sedai's missing hand. She knew of it, but little connections but the woman's alliance to the Shining Walls had ever shone through in such stories.


And they were only stories after all.


"Than you will be calling upon the Hall soon?" There was little time for any to construct a firm candidate for the Stole and the sooner they acted, the better. She pondered on Jaydena's choice.


"Within the Hour." Jaydena regarded her with silent thought as Maegan sipped her tea again. "Will you stand?"




"Yes." It was already woven.





Already woven. She thought carefully. It would be as one vote that they would stand together. Vivian Sedai was already under Maegan's thumb. As the Green had called the Hall meeting as quickly as she did, Maegan silenced her with a quick word unrevealing of the information that she knew, that she would take to her grave. With serious doubt that any time had been given to the others in the Hall, Jaydena Sedai had indeed worked quickly. The Gray sisters were a wild card, but as an Ajah she had once looked up to with a childhood respect and now an adult acceptance, she could abide by a Gray Sitter. Her own influences in that Ajah through her mentor Deyalyn Sedai had not been breeched nor forever closed. There were ways to work with that. However would Muirenn agree to these conditions. The Eldest was always the most difficult to read.


"Muirenn." Maegan's voice soft and barely audible, but the question hung as the other sisters debated around her. Maegan will speak for her sisters as Muirenn would be making her own demands shortly. Under the assumption that the small smirk in the womans otherwise stone exterior was of any indication. However the older woman sat silently without response and in return caused Maegan to frown for the first time that session in the Hall. What probably irritated her the most was the womans insatiable need for her own agenda, of which was only to be expected, especially at her age. Nevertheless it was becoming tiresome to have the woman part of the Hall but only for her station than her ability to cooperate unless for something on her own Agenda. She did not need to point fingers, as she was guilty of similar actions. Still...


Standing, followed by Vivian Sedai. "We stand in support of Sirayn Simeone Sedai's nomination for the Shawl under the support of a Gray Keeper under the Halls agreement of who shall be placed. We understand the need for a mediating hand, but in spite of this we would also like to be clear of who is leading who." Taking her seat, Maegan watched patiently as others murmered between themselves. Vultures, the bunch of them.



Maegan Ryanne Sedai

Highest and Sitter of the Red Ajah


(Appearances by Jaydena Sedai)

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Not in all her years had Sarita seen the Tower in such disarray. Repairs were being made post haste to the destruction set forth by one mad man, not only to restore the beauty, but to restore the emotional stability as well. Whether that could be done, she was not sure. Having the main hall, along with the Amyrlin and Keeper destroyed was enough to emotionally scar the most hardened Aes Sedai. The Sitters would meet this day, attempting to mend these wounds my electing a new Amyrlin.


Silver streaked her once rich dark hair, but cold, hard determination now filled brown eyes that once held out hope and danced with innocence. The Brown Sitter wondered at the directive she had received from her Ajah head. Sarita got the distinct impression that Shaneevae was personally not pleased with the prospective candidate for Amyrlin, but she was most certainly resigned to the proposition. Secrets had a way of getting out and there was no doubt that Sirayn Simeone would be named as a possible candidate. While Sarita herself was not personally against Sirayn there was still some lingering animosity between the Brown and Green Ajahs. Namander still left a bitter taste on the tongue of each and every Brown sister.


There was no surprise when the opulent Jaydena Sedai stood in sponsorship of Sirayn for Amyrlin, but when Aleanda stood in support Sarita barely suppressed the surprise on her face. The entire matter was distasteful and while she could offer no other candidate as worthy for the position, she waited contemplating the wisdom of choosing a Gray as Keeper. A peacemaker would be an excellent balance to a warmonger.



Sarita Kalien

Brown Sitter


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Guest nephitess

~Sada Kuchim~


IC: Brushing the blonde streaked hair out of her eyes, Sada Kuchim walked gracefully. In step with her fellow sitter she discussed the reason for this call to sit in the hall. They knew the reasons that Jaydena Sedai would call this meeting. It was to announcement of their candidate for Ammy. It had been whispered in the browns halls that Sirayn Sedai would be nominated by the fiery green sitter. It was cause for concern to be sure. Namander was a thing of the past but still stung her sisters sharply. This was an interesting way to start her Sitter career, a hall sitting to choose an Amyrlin. She was a little nervous but nothing to put her out, she had seen hard and dangerous times.


Sitting in her seat she put on her specks and listened. She almost resembled a bird with her intent look and cocked ears. The undercurrents were fascinating to observe. Listening to everything that was said, she looked at her sister sitters; she noticed that Sarita was thinking deeply. Probably thinking the same things as she herself. A grey keeper would be wise; it would bring balance and stability to the tower. Now who would be a good Grey sister to fill the spot?? Shuffling through names she knew she thought of a few possible candidates. Silence was wisdom at this point. As agreed upon before arriving she was going to enjoy making Sirayn wash her feet. Continuing to listen and observe, she waited.


OOC: ok hope thats alright, if i need to edit please let me know. :wink:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Estel

Despite being no more than average in size, Corrine’dei Susten made an awful lot of noise for being the only one in the corridor. Her footsteps and the clacking of beads echoed of the walls, reverberating so it seemed as if an entire host of Taraboners walked the halls of the Blue Quarters instead of just her. The sound transported her back to a time long passed and half-forgotten. Back when she was still just the daughter of a poor fisherman and the noise of her beads joined in harmony with the sounds from those of her sisters’. Simple had described the house, their dress and their family. How Corrine wished things could be that simple once more.


However she could not afford to lose herself to nostalgia, wish as she might for simplicity, it would not happen without wading through the Tower’s complex politics that she now found herself struggle to keep afloat in. Returning from Chachin- the lost city struck a painful chord in her heart- to find the Tower and her own Ajah in the midst of political civil war hadn’t been the homecoming she had envisioned. She hadn’t expected to end up as First Selector either, but here she was and she’d be damned if she followed Sariene out the door so soon after being Raised.


With a sigh bordering on a whimper, she resumed her march towards the Hall.


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~




The name was not unexpected but it vexed her none the less. ‘Bloody Greens.’ She might have been in Chachin when Lanfir was raised but the now-former Amyrlin’s slight at the Blues’ expense scraped Corrine’s pride no less than any other Blue’s. Mind you, she respected what Lanfir and Lyanna had done for the Tower and she was not so calloused as to feel any sort of self-righteousness at their fates.


One by one, representatives stood for Ajahs. The Whites stood, the Greys, the Reds, all supporting Jaydena’s nomination. One, two, three, four. Corrine internalized a sigh. She had not quite made up her mind as to whether she would support the one-handed Green but now it did not matter. Only thing to do was go on, but damn her if she would go down as meekly as the Browns in their silence!


“I would not be so quick to avoid discussion, Aramina Sedai.” her tone was cool, but just a hair’s breath from insulting. “Let us not forget that Lanfir, bless her, also agreed to a Keeper chosen by the Hall. Only, the next morning we awoke to Lyanna in the stole and the Blues were left to keep their heels in frustration. I will stand for Sirayn, but I’d like to hear assurances to comply with the Hall’s will from her.”



ooc: bleh...but it's up

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aleanda liked to believe that Aramina and she were friends. At least she considered Aramina as such and altough she knew that Aramina would never be really close to other Aes Sedai, they at least were more than just two Aes Sedai from two Ajahs. Reliving the discussions she had had Aleanda felt the urge to smile, which she surpressed since she didn't want to show any kind of emotion in the room she was seated right now.


The hall was like a cage full of lions. One wrong move and you could be eaten. Not literally perhaps but still it was best to over think every move well. Yet there wasn't always time to do so since the discussion could become pretty heavy from time to time. This time however Aleanda had though many hours over what she expected from this meeting since she knew it had been coming closer. It wasn't going exactly as she had though and hoped, yet Aleanda liked how the conversation moved along.


When Aramina spoke, she could do nothing than agree. This was not a subject that could be thought about lightly yet a long, tiresome and endless discussion wasn't something they nor the Tower was waiting for. A hasty decision was neither what anyone was waiting for, but somewhere in the middle was what Aleanda looked for. Aleanda looked at Aramina while she spoke and realised she saw power in her face. She stood for what she said and wanted Sirayn as Amyrlin, whether or not that this Amyrlin would be supported by a Keeper of the Chronicles from a different Ajah. An idea which had made Aleanda come even closer to a smile than remembering the conversation with Aramina so vividly. It had been a thought that came to Lea's mind only then with an Aes Sedai from the White Ajah as Amyrlin and someone from the Brown Ajah as Keeper.


Corrine'dei Susten spoke after Aramina, marking something about which Aleanda could understand why she was marking it. It had been as Estel said and although Aleanda had not been in the Hall when that arrangement had been made, Aleanda had heard about it. The Blues were not amused with what had happened, obviously. This time, however, Aleanda believed it would not happen. Sirayn Simeone was not Lanfir Leah Marithsen and times were different now.


Aleanda stood and spoke again, probably to amaze people again. "Corrine Aes Sedai's right. This agreement has been made before, yet it was not followed by the then recently chosen Amyrlin. This time we can't have such a thing happen again and although I do not believe it would happen again it can't hurt to make sure it won't happen. I believe the Green Ajah, and especially Jaydena Sedai can stand for Sirayn and assure Sirayn won't pick any other Aes Sedai as Keeper other than the one we will pick for her. Yet, since we're not all convinced Sirayn will choose the Keeper we will have chosen for her, we must hear assurance from her, considering we agree to choose a Keeper from the Gray Ajah." Aleanda did speak on one tone yet she decreased the volume of her voice nearing the end of her little speech. She had learned that was the best way to have everyone listen carefully.


Aleanda, as much as everyone, as a White Sitter, wasn't used to speak so quick in sessions like this but since she had thoroughly thought over her reasons and arguments about this and since moving quickly reduced time others could think about what was happening and by amazing everyone with her appearance Aleanda hoped they would move along soon and raise the new Amyrlin and Keeper as quick as possible. Leaderless the Tower was just a large building full of quarrelling women.


Times were different.


Aleanda Antori

Sitter for the White Ajah



OOC. If anything needs to be changed I'll hear from you.

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