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Things to say to people to mess with their minds


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Someone says something like "Do I know you from somewhere?" - answer: "Well ... do you watch a lot of porn?"

Extra points if their significant other is with them :P


Someone addresses you in any way - you whisper back, eyes wide: "Can you actually see me?"

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Page yourself over the loud speaker. Do not disguise your voice.


Go to a restaurant and order a diet water with a straight face


Answer every question with a question


Ask your coworker mysterious questions an then scribble in a notebook, muttering something about "psychological profiles"


At a random moment, suddenly jerk your head as if noticing something interesting over the person you're talking to's shoulder, then point shouting "Oh look!!! A DISTRACTION!!!"

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Hand something to a stranger (anything, a coin, a rock, whatever's in your pocket), tell them to hold it for you and that you will find them when the time comes. Tell them not to look for you, you'll find them. And tell them keep it safe until you return. Tell them the fate of the world relies on it. Then run away from them as quickly as you can.

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Prove that you're really really smart. Become dependable for fact checking and knowing trivia. Learn how to recognize gullibility.


Then: Proceed to pick a fact that sounds somewhat realistic and introduce it into a conversation where they've already called you on two or three things that are true. Bonus points if you pull up the information yourself to show to them. Don't continually use the same thing, otherwise people will call you on it and it'll ruin the fun. Also, careful who else you do it around, as they may ruin the fun as well. Of course, they may join in.


"The moon causes people to grow shorter and Taller, just like with tides. That's why people get so upset with you, is because they're actually getting stressed by the pull of the moon. That's where we get the phrase "Are you being short with me" from, it is because when people are compressed they're much more irritable, whereas they get more generous when they're stretched out. You've never heard someone say "That was big of them?" Yeah, that's where that comes from too."


Proceed to add more facts on until you start making it obvious.


"Scientists are trying to figure out if babies born under certain moons end up being shorter or taller."


"It even affects basketball games, as people are trying to get used to being an inch shorter or taller."



If it's someone you'll see again, make sure you let them in on it before they head off, preferably by making it sound so absurd they finally call you on it. That way there's no hard feelings, and you'll be able to do it again. Don't do it to the same person more than once a month.

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Answer phone "This is Domino's pizza, may I take your order?"


My uncle ALWAYS does this


I've done something similar to this once when people were always calling back to the break room looking for such-and-such person that was trying to take their break and shouldn't have been being bothered anyway. I picked up the phone and introduced myself as the McDonald's restaurant across the street and the response I got from the person calling in was "Oh crap!" and then they hung up. :tongue:


Totally worth it for that response. Lol! :laugh:

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