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My Fortune for a bandage... (Attn: Kyn)


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Loraine forced herself upright, tossing balls of flame here and there as she tried to stay conscious getting out of Mardecin. Pain flared along her nerves, little flickering sparkles danced in her vision, and she was holding her breath tight in her chest as she made as much noise getting out of the city gates as she could. Kynwric was having as much fun as she was trying to keep his seat, apparently, but she was loathe to stop and fight their way out. She was willing to die for the Tower, but she wasn't ready to die if she didn't have to.


Once outside the gate, she leaned lower over the horse's neck and closed her eyes. The horse never stuttered in it's gait and, even half dead as she felt, she could appreciate a well-trained animal. She didn't question where Kynwric had nabbed these two, but she was sure they wouldn't be keeping them very long. These were the kinds of animals that people got attached to and searched for. That search was something they couldn't afford.


Not that they'd live long if they didn't get these wounds patched soon.


They raced along the narrow roads until they couldn't see the flames from Mardecin, anymore, and only then did they slow down. She felt weak and frail and knowing Kynwric was only just a bit stronger than she was didn't help. He hid it better than she did, of course, but she was in enough pain not to care.


"How far?" she whispered, not opening her eyes. "How far to the nearest city we can lose these horses and get some medical help...?"


She prayed it wasn't far. She could hold on to herself for a bit longer, still, but she doubted she'd make it out of Amadacia. Three days while healthy was quite a bit longer when you weren't. They'd plan getting out later. For now, it was all about survival...



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Every stride of the horse was jolting to Kyn, actually it was doubly jolting once for his own wound and smaller aftershock from when Loraine's horse took a step and her own wound flared. But he just gritted his teeth and bore the pain, there wasn't any other choice. They were speeding along a road which led them deeper into Amadacia, he knew that heading for the border is what the Whitecloaks would expect them to do and it was also what Olmena and the rest were doing. Since that was the case Kyn decided that it was better to head the opposite direction. It might be deeper into enemy territory, but it would buy them time and they needed all the time they could get right now. He glanced over at lor when he thought he heard her say something, but then turned his eyes back to the road and was glad he did. He'd spotted a small track that led off to their left, slowing his horse he knew Loraine would follow his lead as he guided his mount onto the narrower road. After a few strides he did turn back to look over his shoulder to make sure she was following him. he slowed a good bit to allow her to come up beside him, this road was barely wide enough for that and it was obvious wherever they ended up would be small and isolated, which to Kyn's mind was perfect. It was unlikely any random patrol would just show up there.

Edited by _Kynwric_
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Loraine focused on keeping her horse a standard distance from his, whether it was beside or behind and stopped focusing on where they were going. She was less than useless in navigating Amadacia, this having been the first trip she'd ever taken into it. Suicide, she muttered in her head, her horse lurching slightly as it stepped into a low spot in the road and jostling her side. She hissed her breath between her teeth and closed her eyes until the pain subsided a bit.


The road narrowed, but the only reason she even noticed was because her horse kept bumping his. She sighed and tried to find a rhythm to it so she could tense up and avoid the pain that would come if she wasn't prepared, but eventually she gave up on that, too. She was just short of losing consciousness when she spied a house up ahead. "Please tell me they're not the kill on sight type..." she whispered, adjusting her cloak and trying to think of a good reason why they both had battle wound if they were supposed to be farmers.



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When they pulled into the lane that led up to the house, which was very short, he heard the mutter from Loraine. He knew most farmers weren't, but they were taking a chance in any case. Amadacia was White Cloak territory. He let her horse come up beside his and when she was he looked over at her. "Bandits, we were attacked by bandits and left for dead." He knew there were gaping holes in that story, but it was the best he could come up with now. He had just enough energy to pull his horse to a stop in the farmhouse's yard and slump against his horse. He heard someone talking off to one side, but just didn't have the strength to do more than hold on to keep from falling off his horse. Then even that gave out and he felt himself falling, the only thing that kept the landing from hurting was that everything went black before he hit the ground.

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Loraine felt his strength leaving him and wished they didn't have an audience. She could lend him what little bit she had. One of them should be conscious for this. He leaned low over his horse and she pushed herself up, reaching for him. The jingling of the reigns on the horses was drawing attention and people appeared on the front porch of the small farmhouse. "Help!" she cried, pushing herself to shout. Her side screamed in agony, but the horse pulled up short in front of the house and the men on the porch moved towards them. "Please," she whispered, reaching her free hand for one of the men who reached for the reins of her horse. "Help him," she lost her grip on Kynwric and he slipped off his horse. She gasped, feeling him slipping out of consciousness and cursed him for wasting so much energy pushing them onward. She pulled her leg over the saddle and fell off the horse. A pair of arms caught her before she hit the ground and she looked up, fighting to remain conscious. "Please... bandits... he's injured..."


She felt herself slipping, but fought it. She'd brought two children into this world with no Yellow to make it easier. She wasn't going to let a lucky poke from a White Cloak to force her out of consciousness. Someone needed to be somewhat coherent.


She watched them lift Kynwric, saw men shouting without hearing them, and felt someone picking her up, too. She turned her head away from Kynwric and leaned her head on the shoulder of the man picking her up. For the first time, she was glad she'd sustained a wound, too. How else would she explain the drain her warder had on her energy?


Women appeared, tables were cleared and she fought to keep her eyes focused on Kynwric as they laid him out on the table and started cutting his clothes away. She protested softly as they carried her to a bed stashed against the wall, not trusting these people if she couldn't keep her eye on them. They seemed willing enough to help, but it wouldn't take much for them to let him bleed to death on that table. Hands pulled on her, but she didn't pay them any attention. She gasped as fingers brushed her wound, but she didn't look away from Kynwric. As if keeping her eyes on him would protect him where her sword could not. She was too weak to weave anything to protect either of them, so it was a rather futile thought, but keeping her eyes on him felt like the only thing she could do. So she did it.


She held her breath as her own wounds were cleaned and stitched, only relaxing when she watched the soft rise and fall of Kynwric's chest after his own wounds were stitched up.


"He is resting," a voice said at her shoulder. "And you should, too."


Loraine rolled her head towards the sound of the woman's voice. She seemed kind enough, and Loraine felt the blackness swallowing her. "Take care of him?" she whispered, closing her eyes and drawing a slow breath. "He's the only husband I have..."



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When Kynwric woke he found himself laying in a bed, he instinctively reached for his sword and stopped short wincing in pain. After a few moments of laying there he forced himself to move again, this time a bit more prepared for the stroke of agony shooting through his abdomen. Once he had made it to sitting he reached down and examined the wound with his hand, not being able to bend enough to see it for the bandaging wrapped around him. Having ensured that he was still in one piece and not in danger of dying immediately he looked around at his surroundings, It looked all the world to him like the attic room of a farmhouse, the ceiling was rough hewn board, with thatch over the top, the floor was smooth board with a homespun rug across it. The window set into the gable was closed and the curtains drawn closed, but he could see the movement of tree bracnhes outside.


He could feel the knot of Loraine in the back of his head, she was nearby and she was asleep, he could tell that much from here. The only question now was, where were they?


Kyn tried to push himself to his feet, and after a couple of attempts managed to succeed in getting upright. That was the point he realized he was left only in his undershorts, but he couldn't locate his clothes to put them on and so instead made his way to the door and in the direction of his wife.

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Loraine slept fitfully until just before dawn when she finally fell into a deep sleep. In her dream, she felt the tingle of awareness that warned her that Kynwric was awake and began looking for him. Her search turned up empty and she started to panic. He was nowhere, not in the Two Rivers, not in their rooms in the Tower, not in her house in Cairhien, and not even in the inn they'd stayed in while in Mardecin. She felt her pulse racing and searched still more, a rational part of her mind throwing out that it was impossible to check all of those places at once, so she must be dreaming. Still she rushed, dashing through the empty corridors of the Tower and out into the garden where she'd planted the beautiful lillies she'd found so long ago, out across the Yard where normally there were dozens of trainees working on sword forms and beating on pells. She panted for breath, her hand clutching her chest until she heard a creak that pulled her out of the dream and forced her upright, her hand reaching for a sword that wasn't there as she embraced saidar and searched for a target.


She sighed, seeing Kynwric outlined in the light from the fireplace. Easing herself down wasn't as easy and jerking upright had been and she was paying for her haste as her newly stitched side pulled and pinched. She held her breath and laid down slowly, closing her eyes until the pain subsided. She turned her head and eyed Kynwric a moment. "Don't over do it," she said softly, patting the side of the bed. "You're stitches are as fresh as mine."



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Kyn relaxed as he heard her voice, even though he knew she was the one laying in the bed, it always reassured him more to hear as well as see his wife. He lifted his shirt, while the wound was not healed completely but it did not look less than a couple weeks healed. It was pink and not an open wound like it should have been., "I've been healed, partly anyway." He noticed the quizzical look on her face and continued, "I'll assume it isn't your doing then." He turned to look back out the door he'd just entered, and then back to Loraine. "I don't feel that great pit in my stomach like I usually do after being healed. Nor did that shock of cold wake me, whenever it happened." He came to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, gently laying a hand on hers as she lay there, "As for you, it looks like you'll be a bit of time a bed before we travel and I need to have a look around and see how secure we are here."

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Loraine snorted at his suggestion that she'd healed him, but didn't comment. She'd never been able to Heal a scratch and they both knew it. "I don't remember anything for a while," she murmured softly, her thumb stroking the back of his where his hand laid on top of hers. "Just the dreams," she sighed, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face. Someone had braided it while she'd been out, a kindness she appreciated quite a bit, since she'd had it loose in Mardecin. "How long have we been here, then?" If he didn't remember the wash of cold that accompanied a Healing and wasn't starving, then it was possible they'd both been unconscious for some time.


It was difficult to tell, as her few waking moments had all been in this room and all while the lamps were blazing. It was strange that no one was around now, though. "And you should probably put some clothes on before you frighten the very people who have helped us..." she smiled, tilting her head back and sighing as her wound ached.



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Kyn shook his head in response, "I have no idea, I've just woken myself and made it out of the room. All I can tell you is that its daytime, since there's light in the windows and that we're likely on a farm of some sort, from the noises outside." He then turned his head, looking at the door and back to Loraine. "Someone's coming." And then the door opened to let in a young woman dressed in the regular dress of peasants with the few differences particular to Amadacia.

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Loraine sighed and the movement drew her side up tight, pushing a cough out that threw her into a wracking cough. She rolled onto her side and wrapped and arm around her middle, tears streaking out of the corner of her eyes. Hands brushed her hand away from her side and a soft hand pounded on her back for a moment until she stopped coughing.


"You have to be careful," the owner of those hands said. "Your stitches aren't healing as cleanly as your husband's."


Loraine opened her eyes slowly and nodded, forcing her muscles to relax.


"I'm not sure what kind of farmer's wife you are with so many scars," she tsk'd, throwing in a worry that Loraine hadn't even considered. Light save them, why would a farmer's wife have sword wounds? She chose not to address it, knowing the fewer half-truths that were out there, the better off they were. Besides, it's not like she could lie.


"I am Lori," she said, instead, rolling gently onto her back and looking the woman in the eye. "I didn't get a chance to introduce myself earlier..."



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"Ever been to Ebou Dar goodwife? It is common to have scars there when your husband is desirable." Kyn spoke up to allay those fears, not that Ebou Dar had anything to do with the truth of why Lor had all those scars, but everyone knew the reputation of the Ebou Dari women and their knives. The woman just nodded and went about a further examination of Loraine. "Tell me, where are we? In the rush to get away I lost track of which way was up... and when can she travel, we need to get back home soon. Children, you know."

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Loraine didn't listen to the woman answer, just let her voice soothe her into sleep again. Kynwric would pay attention. He'd let her know what he'd learned when she woke up. She felt the hazy tease of unconsciousness tempting her into oblivion.


At least, until the woman clicked her tongue on a mutter, "You expect me to believe that you're Ebu Dari, now? A farmer's wife I may be, but ignorant I most certainly am not."


Loraine felt the snort of laughter bubble up inside her and fought to hold it off. She lost the fight and a stab of pain shot through her side. "Blessed be, ma'am," she coughed, curling around her stomach as she fought between laughter and pain. The tears were real, either way. "Don't make me laugh, please..."


That seemed to distract the woman from the source of her comment and the woman's lips twitched. For the first time in a really long time, she could connect with someone on a level that Kynwric could not; she was a farmer's wife, after all, and a mother to boot. "Giving birth didn't hurt this much," she hissed as she rolled back onto her back and laid her head back on the pillow. "How far awat from Amador are we?"


Was she hoping that she could misdirect the woman? Absolutely. She just prayed she'd made it sound like they were heading closer to the heart of Amadacia, instead of exactly the opposite. Why couldn't she remember where Kynwric's family farm had been? Light, she'd done a good job ignoring his past until it was slapping her in the face. After this, she was cornering him and squeezing every detail out of him...



edited so there's SOMETHING there besides crap! :)

Edited by U4ea
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  • 2 weeks later...

Kyn was about to reply when he heard the muffled snort of laughter and the sharp stab of pain that went along with it. He turned in a jerk to look back at Lor, worried, but her comments made him relax a little bit. He let her carry the conversation though, this was women's talk, and he knew enough to stay out of it. As a matter of fact he was thinking he should just slip back out of the room while they did talk, but then, he also didn't want to leave Lor now that they were back together. So instead he sank into the chair that sat near the door and watched listening to the conversation that mostly seemed to involve how Lor was healing as well as children, herbs and other farm-wife chatter. It reminded him of their time at home with the kids, that had been a peaceful time. He found himself leaning his head back and closing his eyes, right up to the point that he heard his name. Opening his eyes, he looked over at his wife and silently waited for her to repeat what had been said. When the other woman spoke he processed the information slowly, "Huh? Oh, near Abila on the River Eldar. As far as I know my parents farm is still there, it has been a while though wife."

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Loraine winced inwardly, knowing this woman was not a fool. Her next line of questioning was going to include where their farm was. Loraine's only answer was going to take them far from Amadacia and out into the far reaches of Amador, which wouldn't explain why they were here.


Lor turned the attention back to her husband for a moment. He was settled into the chair, mostly nude, as if he were in his own living room. The little knot that was him in her head told her he was starting to fall into a bit of a trance with their chatter. Now that he'd found her and was healing enough to be mobile, he was going to stand guard until his body told him otherwise. It was a bit amusing, actually. Her lips twitching, she returned her attention to the woman settled on the edge of the bed. "I don't suppose my husband's clothes survived his ordeal? Is there something he can wear so he's not restricted to staying in here hiding with me?"


The woman blushed slightly and laughed, pushing herself to her feet. "I do apologize. I had completely forgotten," she said, running her hands down the length of her apron. "I shall go see if my sons have anything that would do," she murmured, leaving them alone again.


Loraine leaned her head back against the pillow and sighed. "We really need an alibi," she said softly. "Something I can repeat without being choked to death would be nice..."



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At the mention of clothes Kyn felt a little more self conscious, but he did still have the bed sheet he'd brought with him. He pulled it a bit closer around him until the farm woman left. "An alibi?. We're going to visit my parents farm near Abila and were set upon by bandits." He thoguht it over, "Because we are, as soon as we leave here we're headed for my parents farm. Its still there and we need a place to stay for a bit Will that work?" He stood up and crossed to the bed where Loraine still lay and sat beside her again. "As soon as you can travel anyway." He said, giving her a critical eye and examining through their connection how strong she felt.

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Loraine nodded at his alibi. He was right, they did need a place to lay low until they were well enough to get out of Amadacia. That might include fighting their way out and if his family farmhouse was still standing it was as good as anywhere else.


She closed her eyes, tempted to sink into sleep again. "I will be well, soon, Kynwric. I am no healer, but the work they're doing is good. I'm not up to standing, just yet, but I'm sure it won't be long before I am." She turned her head and looked at him a moment. "How is it that you're wound healed so much faster than mine?" she wondered aloud. They'd been equally injured, if the pain she felt radiating from him was any indication. How was it possible that he was up and walking and she was still weak from blood loss? Even stubbornness only got you so far.



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  • 3 weeks later...

"I can't explain that love, it just is. There's only one way to heal this fast and the only one here who can do that is you." Kyn subconsciously ran his hand over the spot where he'd been stabbed, peeling back the sheet to look at pink skin covering the freshly healed wound. He let Lor see for her own information and then wrapped back up. "Either which way dear, we'll move on to the house when you're able to move. We can't stay here forever though, those men's friends will be looking for us sooner or later and I wouldn't want to put our hosts hospitality to that much of a test. They have to live here, we don't." Kyn glanced at the door, listening for the footsteps he knew would be returning soon. "We can't let them find us here, it would be a massacre."

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Loraine lifted her hand and traced the Healed skin on his side. Only another Aes Sedai could do that. Her hand dropped back to the bed and her brow furrowed tighter. An Aes Sedai who Healed Kynwric, but not her? Had she Healed him before she'd realized what he was? Was it more than that? Perhaps not an Aes Sedai, at all? 


She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. No matter how it happened, he was right. They needed to move on and do it quickly before these people paid for their hospitality with their lives. "Look at it, would you?" she whispered, shifting the blankets covering her side to bare the wound. "Tell me how long we've got." 


She closed her eyes and bit the inside of her lip. "Light, this hurts. I'm very glad you've been spared this pain, love. I don't think I could handle it from both of us." She laughed softly and shook her head. "Men are big babies with their boo-boo's, anyway..."



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Kyn looked at the wound as she showed it. As he examined the wound he kept his face impassive, the wound was still bad and Loraine wouldn't be travelling pain free for a while yet. When he looked back to her face he could merely tell her the truth though, "We don't have long enough, you won't be fully healed before we have to travel again." He kept to himself about how much of the pain she was feeling he felt, he knew she knew but reminding her of it wouldn't help anything and he at least wasn't adding to her pain anymore. "We can likely spare a day or two, three at most. The Children will come looking for those who've killed their own and we don't want to look anything like those people when they do come."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two days. It rolled around in her head. It took with it a random thought that she tinkered with. He had said, "we don't want to look anything like those people when they do come." Her wound had drained her, but she could probably manage to change enough about one of them so as not to be easily recognizable to someone else. How long she could keep it up would be the question. 


She nearly tested her ability to control saidar, but stopped herself just short. Until they learned whether they had a wilder or an Aes Sedai in hiding on their hands, she couldn't afford to give herself away. Perhaps she could avoid it long enough to appear a wilder herself if pushed. At least, until someone asked her outright if she were Aes Sedai.


Well, they'd just have to avoid that. "What do we do until then?" she whispered. "You know how well I sit still, healing or not. You're not any better." She sighed inwardly. They'd give themselves away faster than a blink that way. "There's no one around, is there? A working farm would have few people inside the house during the day. Perhaps we can make ourselves useful? I can sew a decent stitch. You know your way around the fields. If nothing else, it will further entrench the idea that we are simple farmers. Not to mention keep us from driving each other crazy..."  



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Kyn looked at his wife and shook his head, "Loraine, while yes you can sew and I can work the fields anyone who knows what they are looking at will mistake us for a farm-wife or a farmer. They only way that ruse works is if the Children sent here are nearly blind, or at the very least do not actually expect to find their quarry here. in my experience they are more than happy to root out their darkfriends wherever they find them. Which is usually everywhere." Kyn shifted, and sighed deeply as he tried to think. "Also, at least our host would have to be complicit in our hoax. Since it would require very little questioning of you without me present to answer the things you cannot. For you know they will ask if you have any connection to the Tower of every woman they meet."

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Sometimes, she really hated it when he had a point. Especially when that point was accompanied by others. Lor sighed inwardly, her fingertips rubbing her forehead as she tried, in vain, to think of a way out of this. Dead Children rarely ended without more dead people, in her experience. "So, you stay with me for the next two days, we pray there are no children wandering by and we move on as soon as the risk of me not bleeding to death is a hair above a certain thing?" 


She hated that plan, but he'd probably know that. Keeping her mouth shut for two days was virtually impossible, too. "It doesn't change the fact that we need to find the person who Healed you and decipher whether they are friend or foe. Friend, likely, or they wouldn't be sitting here in enemy territory blithely Healing random passersby. However, that's not to say that wouldn't push a White Cloak through the door and parade me around wearing these sheets if only to save their own hide..." She opened her eyes slowly, focusing on the beams of the ceiling overhead. "Setting up a weave to find them would make me a sitting duck. Which means I am rather useless until I can get up from here."


She grumbled, resisting the urge to throw something in a little fit of frustration. She hadn't expected this trip to go smoothly, but Light! "I hate being useless..."



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  • 2 weeks later...

"I haven't seen the girl who I first woke up to again. I would assume it was her, she's about the right age to be a wilder who could still be trained. As for the rest of it, yes. We wait and you heal and then we leave provided that no Children make their way here." Kyn heard his stomach rumble and about that time the farm-wife returned bearing some clothes for him to try on. 


"You sir, also need to go back to bed and rest, I don't know how you healed so well and so quickly, but you still need your own rest to make sure its healing right." The woman had her hands on her hips as he held the bundle of clothes and he recongized the fact that there would be no arguing with her.


He glanced to Lor and smiled. "Be back to see you after my nap, it seems." Kyn regained his feet and pressed a kiss to his wife's lips before heading back to the room he had been in previously. He also knew Lor needed more rest to heal, he only wished the woman who had healed him would also make a visit to her room... so they could both be away from here a quickly as possible. He was laready making mental preperations for going out to have a look around later this afternoon, he needed to know what was going on around them and if any of their pursuers were closing in.

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Loraine watched Kyn leave with a hint of fear. As long as he was here, she wouldn't get caught being unable to lie and to be honest, she was just too tired for Aes Sedai answers. She turned her smile on the old woman, her eyelids drooping. "He's a bear, but every now and then, it's a cuddly one rather than a grizzly one." Perhaps sleep would fix her inability to lie?


She lifted an eyelid and watched the old woman as she moved things around in the room and adjusted the bed linens around her. She smiled, laying her hand on top of the woman's. "Thank you again, dear lady. My name is Rain..." her chest constricted and she left it there. It wasn't completely wrong. Indeed, it was a true half-truth. "Is there a name I can call you?" 


"Adelene," the woman said quietly. "You can call me Adelene." She pulled away and continued bustling around the room. The regular movements lulled Loraine into sleep and she smiled, glad to have gleaned at least something out of the woman. Tomorrow, she'd try something else. Perhaps a more exact location? She sighed and drifted into her dreams, a sight she hadn't seen in years... "It's a pleasure to meet you, Adelene," she murmured.


Just before she fell asleep, she thought she heard the woman grumble. "What kind of name is Rain, anyway?"


What kind of name, indeed...


Throughout the following day, Adelene was the only person who came into her room other than Kynwric. When they were alone, she would ask seemingly innocuous questions about sounds she'd heard or make a comment about how long it took them to get crops to the nearest town during harvest season. She and Kynwric had taken enough of their extra crops into town during their escape in the Two Rivers that she could have that conversation without her oaths choking the breath out of her. Adelene seemed to be on guard with these questions and answered them bluntly with little to no details that would help Loraine locate them. She sighed inwardly and kept working on the woman. As the day wore on, it came ever more clear that the woman knew exactly what Loraine was and had no intention of giving her information about anything. 


Her thoughts spun in her head and she exhausted herself trying to puzzle out what was going on here. As far as she could tell, the woman was using really good medicinal habits, so she wasn't trying to kill her. She was purposefully withholding information, though. That could either mean she didn't want Loraine to be able to find them again or she didn't want to take the chance that she'd tell the Children who helped her once she was healed and eventually caught. That was more likely, she supposed. Questioning was something to be feared and while she'd die before she told anyone details about who helped her, she didn't want to think about what methods of extraction the Children might use. She also noted that every time the door opened, there was no one in her line of sight outside the door. The only people she saw for two days were Adelene and Kynwric. Was this further reinforcing their fear of being caught helping an Aes Sedai, or worse, harboring a fugitive murderer and murderess Aes Sedai in their homes? Or was this more about protecting whoever had Healed Kynwric? 


She usually fell asleep before coming to any serious conclusions, but she couldn't take the chance that she was wrong and blow their cover until she knew for certain what was going on. 


She sighed in relief as Kynwric walked through the door, the evening of their second night in the house. "Please tell me you learned something today. I need some good news..." 



cabin fever~~~ 

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