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Twists and Turns [Attn: Denae]


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Saidar - power flowing from the female half of the One Source, with Saidin as its male counterpart, though tainted with the Dark One’s corruption since the time of the Breaking. An Aes Sedai manipulated saidar, surrendering to its river of strength then channeling that river to her own ends. What was surprising was how little these movers and shakers of the world understood about the very source of their power and control. It could be said that, even after centuries of use and study, the exact nature of the Power had not revealed itself, but slid enigmatically through the fingers of any scholar like so much sand.


Similarly with Carise Doraile; it vexed her to no end that all the time and energies she had devoted to the study of the Power, culminating in that last trip to Far Madding - that stifling city where the Power was mysteriously absent - had thus far produced naught. The furrow on her brow as she sat, deep in thought, with elbows resting on her rosewood table, was but a token of her frustration.


It was the sudden rude chirping of a sparrow on her window sill that drew the Red sister out of her reverie. With a sudden gesture she pushed aside her notebook and stood. On return from her already fruitless trip to Far Madding, Carise had been further upset to find that certain reports from her eyes & ears, sent in her absence, heralded a slightly stormy wind of change in matters in Altara under her observance that was not at all to her liking. Coupled with a long list of errands to run that greeted any returning sister, the next few days were likely to be busy. She might as well get started, and perhaps enlist some help on the way.


It was with this latter thought in mind that Carise strode down the hallway leading to the novice quarters in a flurry of red skirts. The sight that greeted her was not welcoming – not a girl in white was to be seen anywhere in the corridors, and silence but for her footsteps. It seemed as though this new generation of novices was more adept than her own in avoiding Aes Sedai and associated chores. For a moment she considered knocking on the identical plain wooden doors until she found a suitable child, but a better idea quickly formed. After all, there was much to be said about volunteering and self-sacrifice.


“I need a novice to run some errands,†she said firmly to herself. “One of you come out, and make it quick.†At this she released the amplifying weave she had prepared, and her voice reverberated in the corridor. Tapping a foot absently, she waited for her quarry to appear.


Carise Doraile

Of the Red Ajah


OOC: Welcome aboard, Denae! :)

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OOC: *repost* - I saved! :)


Life at the White Tower was as far from Denae's usual quiet existence as could be. Her days were filled from sun up until sun down with classes of every description, and what seemed an endless barrage of chores. That was why any moment she managed to find to herself was precious, like now. She did not have a class scheduled for the rest of the day, and had somehow avoided being issued with a chore on her walk from her morning's lesson on the old tongue back to her the room she now called home.


Thankfully Denae's roommate did not seem to have the same luxury, so she had been free to indulge in her passions, a sketch of one of the buildings she had seen in Tar Valon already completed and set aside for painting later. She was curled onto her narrow cot with a book open on her lap when she heard the voice booming in the corridor. There was no way it was anyone other than an Aes Sedai.


Denae could well have ignored the summons, but she had learned quickly that Aes Sedai did not take kindly to having their demands ignored. Not that she would ever take it upon herself to disrespect them in anyway, but she had seen others who had not jumped quickly enough for a sister's liking and found themselves swiftly punished. No, the only thing to do was obey, and quickly. Her book would have to wait until her next free moment, whenever that was.


Allowing herself only a tiny sigh, Denae placed a leather marker in the book and stood, quickly straightening her pristine white skirts before heeding the call and stepping out into the corridor. She did not recognise the woman, but she had not been at the Tower long enough to know many people anyway. Dropping into a deep curtsey, her eyes down cast, she addressed the sister in red. Red Ajah, perhaps? "How may I serve you, Aes Sedai?" She asked softly.




It was not long before a child stepped out into the white corridor. Even as she turned to address the girl, Carise saw several other doors open a crack and thought she heard relieved sighs. Despite her irritation, a bubble of amusement rose inside of her, and it was with a smile that she addressed the novice before her. A soft-spoken one, it seemed, and with her downcast eyes, clearly used to the rituals of the Tower and her place in them. How different from Carise and her counterparts, in earlier years! Knowing when to bend was a skill so few novices learnt.


“Good morning, novice. May I know your name?”


At the polite reply Carise nodded. A sweet name to suit a sweet face. “I am Carise Sedai. Thank you for coming with me. I hope to run a few errands in the city today, and will need you to help me with them.” She turned and gestured for Denae to follow. With quick strides, they walked past halls and gardens on the way to a side gate that would lead them into the city. At this time of day, the Tower’s corridors were bustling with white-skirted girls darting to and fro, servants briskly carrying trays and Aes Sedai gliding mysteriously to their destinations. Carise nodded to several of the latter as they passed.


“Just one rule when we enter the city,” she continued to Denae. “Stay close to me and you will not get lost.” Now the gate was before them, and as Carise pushed it open they emerged into the cobblestone streets of the city. An appreciative smile found its way onto the Red sister’s lips at the sight of the bustling street – it was good to be home.


People of all description thronged the streets. It was now late spring and traders from all parts of the known world had given up their winter hovels for Tar Valon, the city of riches; here and there one could see the distinctive dress of Tear and Mayene in the south, hear the salt-laden accents of Ebou Dari from the west and even the soft tinkling of Arafellin bells. Most were on foot at this time of day, but the river of people parted reluctantly at the chiding of wagon drivers and their whips at several junctions further up the street. The swell of the crowd was sometimes punctuated by the distinctive red cloaks of mounted Tower Guards. And beyond the frenzied activity of the streets, Ogier-crafted buildings stood magnificently in the clear light of day.


The Aes Sedai and novice stood silently before the entrance of the Tower for some moments, each lost in her own thoughts. Then Carise looked to her charge, and, seeing that the other was ready, headed briskly into the stream of people. Since this was Tar Valon, city of Aes Sedai, people knew an ageless face when they saw one, and a little bubble opened around Carise as she walked. Once ensconced in the crowd, she turned and spoke louder for her voice to carry. “It’s busy today, isn’t it? Did you come from a city Denae?”


Carise Doraile

Sister of the Red

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Ooh I could kiss you for saving! :D Sorry the reply has taken so long.




"My name is Denae Aethen, Aes Sedai." Responded Denae politely, including a quick curtsey. It never hurt to go over the top when it came to respecting an Aes Sedai. Not that Denae would dream of doing anything less. She knew her place, and willingly bent her neck without comment, be it Aes Sedai or servant. She was no greater, so why act as though she was?


Denae followed the silent gesture, somewhat pleased to hear they would be leaving the tower. Much as she wanted to return to the quiet and her book, an outing would be a pleasant respite from her day to day routine. Somewhat cheerier, Denae made certain to keep pace with Carise Sedai, not wanting to displease her by lagging and breaking her one rule. Besides, she had no desire to get lost, either. Not that it would be difficult to find her way back to the tower, there was no way anyone could miss the monstrosity towering above all other buildings.


A small smile played about Denae's lips as she looked about, the bustle of the city reminding her somewhat of home, briefly giving her a pang of homesickness. She should be at home, in the family store. Little she could do about it now, the Wheel seemed to have a sense of humour, and she was a victim. She was intelligent enough to know she would not be leaving the clutches of the White Tower for some time yet. Might as well do her best to enjoy the adventure she had always dreamed about, wanted or not.


“It’s busy today, isn’t it? Did you come from a city Denae?” More conversation? Not that Denae objected, she was always interested in a good exchange, but she was so terrified of saying the wrong thing. She had learnt quickly that many Aes Sedai were very impatient and intolerant of novices. But since the sister had asked, the only polite thing to do was to answer. "Indeed it is busy, Aes Sedai, though I am no stranger to the bustle. I was born and raised in Cairhien. My family own a small store specialising in flowers and herbs." Denae was forced to speak a little louder than she deemed appropriate to be heard over the bustle, and sincerely hoped that Carise Sedai did not think she was being disrespectful in doing so. Question answered, Denae once more fell silent, waiting to see what the sister would have her do.


Denae Aethen, Novice

Shy and polite to a fault :wink:

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So, the girl was from Cairhien. Carise had never been to Cairhien, and did not recognize the features and traits of its people, besides the common rumour that their lives were steeped in the Great Game. It must be rather uncomfortable to be mired constantly in the machinations of power play, she had once thought, but later as Aes Sedai and necessarily as aware of such things as the Cairhiennin, she realised that a person could get used to anything. Stories of Cairhien told of the political and other exploits of kings and nobles, but few of the common folk. So how had a shy girl from a flower shop found herself in the White Tower? She was about to ask, but the bustle of the crowd pushed them forward and they found themselves in new territory.


The rather narrow street they were on opened out into a crossroads with an Ogier-designed fountain in the middle of the junction; all sleek curves and regal stone lattices. Water trickled in its lively way into the base of the fountain, the babble of its fall rising slightly over the noise of the crowd. Carise stopped for a moment, taking her bearings, then turned down the street to the left, both sides of which were lined with small shop houses. Motioning for Denae to keep close, she shoved unceremoniously past a group of quarreling Andorans and ducked into the entrance of a shop with a low-hanging sign, now unintelligible with age.


Light from the street filtered in through clean windows, illuminating the otherwise gloomy room. A curious assortment of knick-knacks filled the shelves; woodcarvings from foreign parts, quaint musical instruments and dusty books and a bookstand in the corner, to name a few. Carise had started instinctively towards the bookstand when she remembered her companion and turned to look at Denae. The girl was gazing about the shop, entranced by the queer collection despite herself and the earlier nervousness she had shown towards Carise. The older woman smiled.


“Denae,” she called, and the girl started, “I hope to find a small gift for a girl of about seventeen years; a name day present. If you would, please look at the displays and pick out one you think I could purchase.” Carise thought of Nemelle with her sweet face and doe eyes. The child was quite unlike Denae in personality, with quicksilver tongue and moods. Even at her young age she had, following the tradition of women in her family, become a helpful agent for the Red Ajah, and recently for Carise herself. That tenacity and good sense she and Denae had in common, from what Carise had seen of the latter so far. Nevertheless, despite their apparent dissimilarities, a pretty carving or the like chosen by a girl of similar age would probably find favor with another.


While her companion browsed through the displays, Carise flipped through the new additions to the bookstand. The shop owner, a Master Goodman, added regularly to his collection, and Carise thought his tastes discerning, especially concerning books on history and commentary. She picked one out – intriguingly titled “Far from the Madding Power” – with a new resolve not to let the apparent nil returns of her recent trip disrupt her studies. As she did, Denae came over to the shelves beside her, and she talked lightly to the novice as she glanced through the same shelves.


“My father was a shopkeeper like your parents. But his specialty was books; books from all over.” Her brow creased lightly at talk of her family. The thought of her father beaming proudly at a new-found acquisition would have brought a smile to her face, but it now brought with it thoughts of her mother who should be beside him, but she was no longer among the living, and perhaps Carise’s father was dead too. It had been a long time since her last visit to that yellow-painted house in Ebou Dar. She did not like to remember.


“I left home at sixteen to have a life of adventure.” She smiled amusedly at her own naivete. “How did you find yourself here?”


Carise Doraile

Sister of the Red Ajah

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  • 4 weeks later...

Denae was looking about fascinatedly as Carise led the way to the store she sought, being careful to stay close lest she be left behind in the throng. It seemed that the atmosphere of Tar Valon was not much different to Cairhein, though it looked vastly different. The streets were cleaner, and lined with beautifully sculpted buildings and fountains, the work of Ogier Stone Masons. Denae tried hard to not gawk until suddenly Carise showed her the greatest site in all Tar Valon.


A treasure trove of objects adorned every spare space, curious artifacts and statuettes, musical instruments, charms, all sorts of rare and unusual trinkets. Denae could have easily spent hours poking through them, her mind already drifting away on a whimsical fantasy filled with finding mysterious treasure and reliving legend, until the sound of her name brought her abruptly back to the present.


Embarassed at losing herself in her imaginings Denae hastily set about the task, a smile of delight playing about her lips as she looked more closely at the objects, lifting some and touching them reverently in her search. She herself would be well pleased with anything from this curious shop, but not all girls were like Denae. A small marble figurine caught her eye and she picked it up, fingers smoothing over the cool, rounded surface. Someone had cleverly shaped it so at first it looked nothing more than a round piece of rock, but as you turned it you saw that intricate petals had been carved into the surface, turning it into the plump bloom of a rose. Surely any girl would enjoy such a pretty artifact?


Holding it in her palm, Denae joined Carise by a stand of books that very nearly had Denae dancing in her desire to explore through them. The best thing about the White Tower was its wonderful library, though Denae rarely had time to indulge herself and peruse it. Owning a book store would have been a dream come true for Denae. “How did you find yourself here?”


Denae wondered how to answer the question without seeming bitter. She had accepted her fate now, even if she still wasn't thrilled with leaving her home and family. "An Aes Sedai visited our store a short time ago." She said as she lifted a book from the shelf, smoothing loving fingers over the leather binding before replacing it. "My sisters and I were tested, though only I was found to have the ability to channel. It was only a few days after that I was brought her by the sister to become an initiate, Aes Sedai." That was the thruth, without embelleshing on how she had not wanted to leave, had no desire to channel or seek adventure. But it had found her.


"I believe this could make a fine gift for a girl of my years, Aes Sedai." Denae passed the carving to Carise, watching as she turned it over in her hands, hoping she had chosen well. She herself would be thrilled to receive any gift, but not all girls were so easy to please as she.



Denae Aethen

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