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Tëh Tåïñtëd Tîmës ~ Official August Edition!

Nyanna al'Meara

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All you llamas and bananas and bloody bacon -lovers to the latest edition of the monthly Taaaaaaaiiiiiinted Timeeeeeees!

This is reporter Nya Skeeter and her fearsome hootehowly QuickQuotesQuill, back to fill you in on the freshest goss and happenings from the one and only Blaaaaaack Toweeerrrr!

*drrrumroll so we get some moooooaaar ridiculously over-repeated vooooooowels and consonantsssss*





So…I don’t know what to say honestly, we are being FLOODED with new members, more every month! This is so awesome, cos now we get to welcome these fantastic new Crazies:


Millon, Trakand, flash_fire, John Snow, randomh3r0, Jonas, lolguy26, Darki’n, llama trolls, Captain Jani, Kate, wheeloftime13, Tamerya and El Barto 227! :biggrin:


We’re so happy to have y’all with us, I see many of you are already partaking in teh Taintiness with GUSTO ~ superb work guys’n’gals, you are glory to the BT already! *steals Matty’s hat and sweeps a bow with it then throws it down into the llama dungpit* :baalzamon:


Also another very warm Welcome Back for our returnee LedZepMan, who is now – SWOOSHY – chopped back down from the Deserter’s Tree. We only just narrowly missed his vitals. :myrddraal:









And following up on our newest arrivals – SO MANY PROMOTIONS TOO!!! I scarcely know where to begin…

HOLD ON TO YOUR BLACKCOATS BECAUSE HERE COME OUR NEW literally REGIMENT OF SOLDIERS!!!! (Black are the most recent Shadowies and new Lighties are in gold!)


RandA lThor, to Soldier! THEN to Dedicated in the same month!

Basel Gill, to Soldier! And he was promnoted immediately to Dedicated too!

Razen, to Soldier!

Blackhoof, also to Soldier!

John Snow, nextest great mafiaprodigy shadow Soldier!

Kaylahn is a Soldier too!

Leala, woot another Soldier!

Randomh3ro, a further Soldier!

Kaylee, one more Lightie Soldier!

Nicana, MOAR Soldier!

Niel joins the rank of Soldier!

Ishy I’mrunningoutofsynonymsforMORE Soldier!

Cyan to lucky last Soldier for this month, and dudadumm, dudadummmm, the one we’re all waiting for to choose her faction!!! *unstopping drumroll till then* Scratch that she ONLY JUST chose the Shadoooooooh! :happy:


Promoted Dedicated this month aaaaarre:

Niel, Arez, Pankhuri, aaaand Roo! *clap clap clap* :biggrin:


And we have FOUR new Asha’men this month!

Lenlo, Tress, Smiley aaaand Matty are our newest FULL CHANNELERS! Last step fulfilled!

Aaaand the Light are blessed once more as they have another new Storm Leader – big hand to Tress for stepping up to this duty, you’ll surely be (already are) a great asset to the Staff! :biggrin:


Congratulations all, these promotions were well earned and they do well become you too :D







WELL. BT in July 2012 was certainly a huuuuuge spamfest and hopefully will continue being so active! Big kudos to everyone for keeping activity so high and nigh impossible to catch up on! :tongue:


Check out a LOT of fun things happening in the Arena. In honor of the real Olympics happening, we’ve got our very own Black Tower Olympics hosted by the Light faction! If you haven’t already, go hop by and even compete (it may not be too late yet!), such as making your own Spamathon thread in a Village to compete, or at least turn up to party at the ceremonies!


Nice to see so many BTers duelling it out in the Arena and Battle Grounds, the competitiveness is roaring and remember – no ambition is too high :P


The July discussion about video and other RPG games seems to have been a great success as well, you had fun discussing that! Can’t wait till the next debate! :D


I can’t remember the main board being so active and ninja’y and unofficially official – we have games and randomly crazy threads and everything really…but it’s spammy and confuzzling and for that I give it a big thumbs up for the tainty spammage its causing. Glad to see everyone’s having so much fun…! :laugh:










Well hidey-ho, if this month is anything to go by then August will just continue to blow our socks right off and onto the Lightie’s fresh laundry :baalzamon:


In other words, all the new peoples – finish settling in and keep enjoying yourselves! This goes to the other members as well of course, amazing spamminess going on here.



Randomh3r0, one of our newest and most active newbies here, has expressed an interest in actually RECORDING a taintified song for the BT! So head along here peoples and submit your BT version of a song you like:


Who knows, your songwriting skillz could be the Black Tower's next (and first!) MEGAHIT! :biggrin:



Speaking of so much spammage…!!! Here’s your monthly update on our EPIC CHALLENGE!


As you may remember, after reaching the milestone record of 100,000 posts in one thread in June, our new goal (as well as getting 200,000 posts in that thread too now), is to TOP the other two really active boards, in OVERALL REPLIES!


~ Since the challenge was made 2 months ago, General Discussion has made 11,188 posts, bringing their overall reply rate to: 578,748

~ The White Tower has gotten 16,772 replies, bringing its total to: 388,138

~ And the BT, since then, has had a whopping 59,356 replies, and right now, today we've hit about 372,633 replies, which is going to have us beat the WT SOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!! :biggrin:







Great spammage work. Mind-blowing stuff there folks. Right there.






Which is why I am heading off to bed now after all those numbers. Stay tainty and stay tuned! There's something very entertaining to look forward to in the next month’s edition also, but we ain’t telling you yet! :wink: Mucho crazy saa and brownies to you all, signin' off,








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aaaaand I get to play wiv teh pin again!! Hahahaheheeee! This is the thing I take most delight in after finishing the text XD :myrddraal:


*puts a pin in it and dances and cackles like a happy little witch*


Outstanding work yet again moi 'prentice :myrddraal:


They really couldn't have picked anyone better to do these newsletters, they really are fantastic :biggrin:


Fantastic work Nya! :biggrin:


We have had so many new members it really is wonderful and all the activity just makes me smile my head off. Only 15,505 posts behind the WT. This time next month perhaps >.>


Thank you to everyone who posted so much in the WoTopoly game and helped bring us even closer to our target.


Go BT!!


you do a great job with these... best on the boards, Nya...


and we are kicking butt and taking no prisoners!


there is no other tower.


and soon no other forum.


there is only the black tower of tainted spammy madmen and women and children and companion animals and other stuffs!


Excellent job Nya on the news. Excellent job to everyone in the BT, old, New, returned from hanging, on the crazy levels of activity. We are destined to rule DM.


Muahahaha... Ahem, well carry on.


fankoo everybuddy :blush:


Fantastic work Nya! :biggrin:


We have had so many new members it really is wonderful and all the activity just makes me smile my head off. Only 15,505 posts behind the WT. This time next month perhaps >.>


Thank you to everyone who posted so much in the WoTopoly game and helped bring us even closer to our target.


Go BT!!


:blush: :blush: Raaaargh! I knew I'd forgotten something important!! Sorry Ithi, I'll put teh WoTopoly in teh résumé too when I get on teh puter again :)





Fankoo m'Lady Dragon :)


I think I just spontaneously imploded into twinkling dust particles and zoomed off to wherever people go whose heads are swollen to impossible proportions. Stop wiv teh praisies y'all I've seen many of you do awesomer things lol.






Lol ... don't be daft. Your Master probably doesn't want reminding that he came almost first anyways - thanks to the Evil Red Baron!!




ok, we stop tempting the evil eye....


um.... it could have included us each by name with each of our post counts and many accomplishments in the world of science...


er... otherwise.... really good stuff.


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