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I realize that we need to have a talk here about the RP reports. You are all adults and I shouldn't have to come after you EVERY month to get them done. I know some of you are better at it then others, but you know when the reports are due, and this month took far longer then usual for them to go up, which only seemed to happen AFTER I posted around my FB and the RP account on FB to get them done. I don't know for sure if that had anything to do with the postings, but it seemed too. Now before we fight over the fact that you guys have lives I know you do, I know how busy things can get. I get it I really really do. However, you need to realize how frustrating it is to have to come after you every month for the reports. We need to figure out another way to get them up, make them easier, a reminder system for everyone or something. Something has to give before I lose my mind and start yelling at people.


I wish I had ideas on how to help. I don't think its a matter of people not knowing when its due, its been the same day of the month for a long time and most heads have been doing it for long enough to remember.


The only thing I can think of would be that if a head can't remember to do it to delegate it to another ajah member who's sole staff job is to do the report on time, but then I realize most of the ajahs don't have active members.


I know for me I dont even check your 'get it done' messages, but then I have 4 reports every month, so I can't really forget about them.


I didn't see the "get them done" messages either - I just knew that they had to be done so I got to them when I could. I figured if it was up by the 8th, that's okay. Is it not? Do we need to change the due date?


Maybe we can try something different? Instead of a monthly report, just update the old one, instead? I know that leaves room for slacking, but the "edited by" date is stamped on it when it posts, so you can see that it's been updated.


Another idea, do we have to keep them in a "report board"? separate from the Ajah forums? It's nice to see everyone else's activity levels, but I rarely get time to read someone else's report. Perhaps if everyone just kept a "XX report" pinned in their home forums, the information could be pulled from there? I know, it means you have to go to 8 or 9 different places for the report, but we could link them in a single thread in the report forum or the staff forum...?


I post the coming month's report thread in my Ajah after I post this month's report in the thread, so it could be a quick "add a link" from there.


This way, too, the specific thread activity could be reported and edited by the people doing the posting instead of the Head or designee writing the report.

Posted (edited)

I know that this happens every months and i know how frustrating it is to wait on other people and then have to do it yourself last minute when they don't turn it in, but i just want to say the timing of this post did kinda erk me. It just seemed like you were coming down on us prematurely.


You posted the call for reports, which clearly states we have till the 8th. Then you go around your various media telling us to basically get our butts in gear (which I just want to say doesn't serve as a helpful reminder to me, but more of an uppity 'your not late, but you're in trouble already' sort of thing. I get that its probably meant to remind people who did forget and its trying to avoid problems, so I ignore it) but now this message just days after posting that reports are due, before the due date has even come just really erked me.


I was ready to rip into you over it when it was first posted, but I walked away. Its days later and it still kinda bothers me so I just wanted to let you know that it did bug me and it still does and this is why:


I get that not getting the reports in is an issue. I get that its stressful and means more work in less time for you. To be honest I feel like the reports that don't get handed in on time are the ones that don't get done at all. Granted I don't see all the Ajah boards so maybe they are there, but I would think that if they were getting updated somewhere every month they would get here too.


It just seems like the problem is that there are Ajahs who don't have active members and we aren't getting reports from them and it seems like you're coming down on the people who actually are active and doing the things they are supposed to do when they're supposed to do it. And it seems like you're saying you have till the 8th, but I'm gonna call you out on the 4th for not having it done yet.


I do get that it is a real problem. I get that its a stressor. I get that this isn't the first month we've had this problem, and if it was you would have probably waited till after they were due and not handed in. But I just have to say it seems like your coming down on the people before they have a chance to do it, and the only ones who will see this are the ones who do the reports every month and do them on time.




Ok, so solutions. Again, I think the problem is inactivity, if there's no one around to do the report its not getting done. We've already got some of us doing more than one report (which I don't mind at all) but really the only solution coming to me is give the ones that others aren't doing to people who are here. I don't want to pile more work on people who already have loads though.


Other than that, if the trouble is, like Lor is suggestion, getting the info from their Ajah board to the report board at the start of the next month. Then I would suggest having people post their reports in a thread on their Ajah board, linking that thread to the report board and then just editing the report in the same thread every month. That way you can just click the link that stays the same every month to go to the new report that gets updated in the same thread every month. That way the person who does the report doesn't have to worry about c/p it to the report board on a certain date, they just have to make sure its up to date by the 8th in that one spot.


Really though, I don't think where it gets posted is the major problem, its lack of people actively around and doing it. I mean, the trouble is the due date comes and goes without the reports being done. Whether its posted in the Ajah board or the Report board isn't gonna make a lick of difference on if they are gonna be done, in my opinion.

Edited by Kathleen

I like the linking idea to a degree actually it might be easier for the heads and Elgee to get the reports.


If you don't have anything to report like Myst's Browns are totally inactive, maybe instead of writing up a huge report just post that you have nothing this month and maybe if you have any plans. Thoughts??


Do you guys have any idea about activity?


I like the idea of just updating the report for the current month. That way if there is nothing different, you don't have to post the entire report again - I feel like it's kinda silly to do all that extra work when nothing has happened.


Just gave my thoughts on activity on the other thread. I'm as much at a loss as everyone on that.


I'd love to dream up something to spur some activity, but my last RP plan has taken two years to blow up in my face. LOL


Being a part of the problem probably isn't helping too much, either... *coughs*

  • 2 weeks later...

What you've done is amazing already Poet, I've just lost track of it :P RL is silleh. Hey tellya what I'll PM you and we can maybe start working on it a bit more whenever we have some time? :)

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