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Brother- sister fights


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I know these fights go on forever. What happens when you fight with your brother/sister?


Yesterday, my brother showed me a joker and said that I look like one. I replied that at least I am not one unlike him.


Hear, hear. :rolleyes:


We usually engage in lengthy duels of (we think) wit...


Then are great buddies again.


Then try to override each other with shoutings and THE TRUTH.


And then actually fight >.>


In teh extreme cases. I'm glad we can take it to DM now and OP battle it out :P


Hear, hear. :rolleyes:


We usually engage in lengthy duels of (we think) wit...


Then are great buddies again.


Then try to override each other with shoutings and THE TRUTH.


And then actually fight >.>


In teh extreme cases. I'm glad we can take it to DM now and OP battle it out :P


If you accept... as I am always more powerful! :baalzamon:


Wish my brother was a WoT fan


We once had a Pokemon vs WoT duel. It ended when I balefired and I said that he couldn't be live, so no attacks and I win.


Hear, hear. :rolleyes:


We usually engage in lengthy duels of (we think) wit...


Then are great buddies again.


Then try to override each other with shoutings and THE TRUTH.


And then actually fight >.>


In teh extreme cases. I'm glad we can take it to DM now and OP battle it out :P


If you accept... as I am always more powerful! :baalzamon:

Says He Who Got Mattyflattyburntwhackitywhopped in our last one :myrddraal:


Hear, hear. :rolleyes:


We usually engage in lengthy duels of (we think) wit...


Then are great buddies again.


Then try to override each other with shoutings and THE TRUTH.


And then actually fight >.>


In teh extreme cases. I'm glad we can take it to DM now and OP battle it out :P


If you accept... as I am always more powerful! :baalzamon:

Says He Who Got Mattyflattyburntwhackitywhopped in our last one :myrddraal:


Which was? 1 year ago? :dry:


Never thought I would say it but then Lighties always win in the end like in Lord of the Rings

Who said they're Lighties? Pippin is eeeeeeeevil really and will be plotting to take over teh silly mankinds once those other hobbitses are out of the way..



He never told them WHERE the boat will take them :baalzamon:


When I get in a fight with one of my brothers, we usually pummel each other until one of us is knocked senseless. Pretty violent :biggrin:. Hehe but we do not fight often, only once in awhile. If I get in a fight with my sister, though, it is only a very vicious verbal argument because I would not dare hit her, even if she starts whacking me if she is very mad - I will just remove myself from the situation quickly :tongue: ,


my sister is 20 years younger than me.


so she would cry and i would feel really bad. so i don;tfight with her of course. for god's sake, i potty trained her.


my step brother is also a lot younger than me, tho the mafs escape me atm... and i wouldn't fight with him a) cause i feel guilty for the way mom treated him and b) it would give him the moral high ground to borrow money from me and.... he'd spend it on bad things.


this is why i have caller ID.


me and my brother tend to get violent he has a temper problem is whenever he tries to hit me it either has no power or he misses i havent hit him yet


he used to have a glove gun made out of a really think steel pipe he could kill birds at 200 feet with that thing and it hurt when he fired it was unloaded or he could hit you with it one day i was in the kitchen cutting a tomato and he called me out into the hallway and shot me with it my nice sharp knife was promptly buried in the wall right next to his ear. Like i said it gets nasty BUT when youve REALLY gotta watch out is if youre an outsider and you do something to one of us cause that just brings us ALL down on you




yes yes i know the above story is horrible tho it is true but in asll these years we have never really hurt each other and are closer then i am with my youngest bro who i never fight with


I used to 'fight' with my half-sister all the time. Though it wasn't really fighting, it was more like us trying to see who could annoy the other one the most, but at the same time making sure everyone around was none the wiser. Like I would shut down the internet while she was gaming so that her game would freeze and she would die and get mountains of debt. Though in my defense, she would steal my clothes first and then lie about it when I found them in her stuff. I'm not a violent person, I prefer to snip a few wires and...misplace...a few important things without anyone seeing than direct confrontation. I argued with one of my younger sisters all the time but then our mom got really mad at us and made us work it out. We've been fine since then.


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