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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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Well, if she doesn't go along with it, I had a second deal in mind that might help.


250 marks, and we get 3 free landings on Dream Ring's properties. As in, if they catch us on their property before we roll, then we'll have three opportunities to "mulligan" and skip the tab. This way you just have to cancel that house purchase, and use some of your money. You'll be about to pass go, so if you want you can put it back there in a sec


Ok, We accept if Ithi goes along with it...


We accept this, that other deal with have us crawling in the dust on all fours, like a beast!

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Well, if she doesn't go along with it, I had a second deal in mind that might help.


250 marks, and we get 3 free landings on Dream Ring's properties. As in, if they catch us on their property before we roll, then we'll have three opportunities to "mulligan" and skip the tab. This way you just have to cancel that house purchase, and use some of your money. You'll be about to pass go, so if you want you can put it back there in a sec


Ok, We accept if Ithi goes along with it...


We accept this, that other deal with have us crawling in the dust on all fours, like a beast!


Is the rest of team Callandor fine with this deal?

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Sure, sounds good :)


Hey Team - I'm away Monday to Thursday, hiking and doing family stuffs so I probably won't have internet. Might sneak on to spam if we get reception up there...3500m up... O.O


...but yeah I can't be sure and just wanted to give y'all a heads up. Keep going like this, GO TEAM SMURF!! :biggrin:

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Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre (Red) - 743 Marks: You have rolled a 2 and 4 and have landed on The Tinkers : awaiting Command


Oath Rod (Green) - 660 Marks: You rolled a 4 and 2 and have landed on The Sea of Storms : awaiting command


Fox Head Medallion (Purple) - 1256 Marks: You rolled a 2 and 1 have landed on the Stone of Tear : Awaiting command.


Horn of Valere (Orange) - 648 Marks: You are on the Spine of the World: Awaiting command *please Roll the Dice unless you are wishing to do business with the Bank - 2nd request.*


Callandor - (Blue) 252 Marks: You have claimed Rent from Dream Rings for The Farmhouse which they cannot afford. Please agree terms with them. You rolled a 1 and a 5 and have landed on Four Kings : awaiting command


Dream Ring (Pink) - 162 Marks: You have rolled a 2 and 1 and have landed on the Farmhouse. You owe Rent to Callandor which you cannot afford to pay. Please agree terms with them.

You wish to purchase 1 house for South Harbour at 200 Marks. Please provide the Password: Who are the only Aiels to have Chairs? Do you still wish to purchase this House?



Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document


The Bank will allow Reduced Rent to be paid and a maximum of 3 Free Parkings on any 1 Colour Group only. If a team offers this option to one, they must offer it to all. Other Teams do NOT have to recipricate this agreement if this team then lands on one of their properties after the free parking has run out, or if it is not covered by the agreement.


Otherwise Houses will need to be sold and properties Traded/Sold back to the bank. Any Team requiring rent MUST accept any properties offered in lieu of rent, provided they cover the full value of Rent Owed. You can not refuse to accept properties at their full market value in lieu of Rent.


Also ... stop making me have to think so hard about this game. I hate dealing with rules and stuff. Vive la revolution!!


Game on!


Anything discussed or posted during the commercial break has been thoroughly ignored by the Bank.

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@Cindy: Did you want to make if official yourself? Our teams might have to get that cleared up before we continue, and I'd rather get to Go to get 200 marks again.


Also, I think that to pay us the 250 marks we've agreed on, you pretty much can't buy that house yall are trying to. But if you ask nicely, I'm sure Ithimod would be happy to give you an i.o.u on a password question in the future :smile:

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sigs by taltos :).


I no sig.


I also not the black kitteh of the light faction of the black tower.


there another :).


thank you for noticing, there are a few, I'll switch them out so all the pretty kittehs can be seened.


and... ya, more caffeine will stop the LOLspeak for a smidge...

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We're still alive?!! Yes! Go DRAGON SCEPTRE!!!!


Sorry for my vacancy. Busy weekend..............ah who the ehll am I kiddin. I got a lil too tipsy and then a lil too hung over to try to participate. I mean, I know my team would have failed miserably without me and all without my tireless efforts of doing nothing. I am very glad we're still in the game lol

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We're still alive?!! Yes! Go DRAGON SCEPTRE!!!!


Sorry for my vacancy. Busy weekend..............ah who the ehll am I kiddin. I got a lil too tipsy and then a lil too hung over to try to participate. I mean, I know my team would have failed miserably without me and all without my tireless efforts of doing nothing. I am very glad we're still in the game lol



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