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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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Not if you buy that house you just did. If you get the 200 marks for that back, plus 100 each for the other two houses you own, you'd have enough, but with like 62 marks left. And no houses either :sad:


It's an option I suppose, if yall don't wanna make any kind of deal with us and instead mortgage your way out of danger, but it seems like yall would still be two steps from bankruptcy afterwards.


I want yall to keep playing! :smile:

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With my deal, you keep your marks, keep your houses, and get to pass go next turn most likely so you can continue to build if you want to. All it would take is one team landing on The White Tower with two houses on it and yall'd be right back in the game! (450 marks)

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They haven't bought the House yet. They haven't completed the transaction.


do I need to post anything else to cancel that transaction, or is it just not done if we leave it?


if its up to me I'll sell the houses, but I'm hoping someone else shows up before the end of the break who can deal better.


sorry, des, I'm not it for negotiating.

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I never said I was cut throat in this game. Competitive, yes, but not cut throat. It would be different if we were talking about singular players here, but this is whole teams of people. And I suspect that the game will not go until just about every team has been eliminated, it's prob on more of a time limit, so there's nothing wrong with trying to keep all of the teams playing for as long as possible so everyone can get as much enjoyment from the game as possible

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I never said I was cut throat in this game. Competitive, yes, but not cut throat. It would be different if we were talking about singular players here, but this is whole teams of people. And I suspect that the game will not go until just about every team has been eliminated, it's prob on more of a time limit, so there's nothing wrong with trying to keep all of the teams playing for as long as possible so everyone can get as much enjoyment from the game as possible

all true
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Don't get me wrong, if we were playing a real game of monopoly amongst friends or something, I'd prob be the most cutthroat person playing and would love seeing another player have to liquidate his assets just to pay rent to me.


This game just feels like a diff kind of atmosphere, and I don't want to lose Cindy, Tress, Matty, and all the other players on that team. They've been part of what has made this game so fun for me.


Man and am I sounding emo right now. Oh well, I'll just Compulse all of you to make you forget Despo was ever this soft


*seizes saidin and prepares weaves*

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I think Ithi made a statement talking about which team will be richest in the end, which wouldn't matter if it was more of an elimination game. Not to mention playing an elimination type game would take quite a long time indeed

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Sowwy this is a bit late the wifi was turned off again just as I was about to post :glaresatacertainsomeone:


Hmm so if Dreamring agreeeland teh mod confirms, I'm fine with what you've proposed as a solution Despo...


Another way, which I don't know if it's allowed, but maybe take a chance and have them in our debt, paying the marks back when they get them? :unsure:

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