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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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473 Marks in Bank


Dream Ring buy one house on South Harbour for 200 Marks


273 Marks left...


Watch you land on one of Callandor's spots... that'd be highly unfortunate.


Matty its hereby sentenced to sit at the computer obsessively refreshing the game and ready to paste the properly formatted "roll" command the second Ithi posts an update that has us landing on one of Callendor's spaces.

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Callandor, are you guys willing to trade "The four kings" for "Saidar + 150 Marks"?


Dragon Sceptre, are you willing to trade "The two Rivers" for "Shayoul Ghul"? You'd get a monopoly.


Arez, you are talking a property with a base price of 260 for one worth 60. Even if it is a monopoly it is the smallest one on the board, you'll need to definitly sweeten that pot a bit more. Throw in another property or a bunch of marks and we have a deal.

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Callandor, are you guys willing to trade "The four kings" for "Saidar + 150 Marks"?


Dragon Sceptre, are you willing to trade "The two Rivers" for "Shayoul Ghul"? You'd get a monopoly.


Arez, you are talking a property with a base price of 260 for one worth 60. Even if it is a monopoly it is the smallest one on the board, you'll need to definitly sweeten that pot a bit more. Throw in another property or a bunch of marks and we have a deal.


Not sure about this one Arez.

Wait, how do you know how much to rent?


2nd page of the Doc shows rent prices.

Thanks BG.

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Because I'm super busy and you were going to pay and it is just easier to take payment if funds are available.




Fair enough. Sorry if that seemed critical. I was simply confused.

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I did manage to do a few vote counts also. And it is quite funny that some of you have been anxiously waiting for an update when I have been having a lovely walk and eating an ice lolly


You've created a monter of a game where I can't sleep and I wake up at 4:00 am just to see if I landed on M'Hael's Palace or The Farmhouse so I can roll off of it w/o rent, but only to find Despo already charged rent. *shakes fist as Despo*

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