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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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And I'm finishing on time today ... I have to go buy socks for small people, because the sock box is two thirds full of non matching socks and no matter how many times we play 'match the socks' it never gets any better.


Until a little later :smile:

Hehe laters Ithi!


Yeah I always has to go buy socks for my little brothers...but they never fit them :lousysockbuyer: so I wear them instead!! XD


It sucks when younger brothers feet get bigger than you :mellow:

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XD true one can do that :P I myself have become so fast at ipodtyping :totallymodest: that I prefer to type out the codes...


And Niel, Ithi's already posted the codes on page 1 or so but here tis again... :smile:




Put in the color you want it to be of course.


And silly 'merican spellings of COLOUR!!! :darkone:

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