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A Game of Thrones - Mafia by Darthe and Ithillian - Game Over, Mafia Wins!


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Mynd...I'm thinking you are a little off here. The series makes you pull for certain people. Danni, The starks, Tyrion and maybe the Dog. I would bet those factions from the book are all town here. If there is a cult it is the Red Goddess/Stannis faction with the evil lannisters as the scum.


I'm of the opinion you should place your vote back on Turin. That was the strangest train to evaporate ever. Gotta be a reason there.

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Mynd...I'm thinking you are a little off here. The series makes you pull for certain people. Danni, The starks, Tyrion and maybe the Dog. I would bet those factions from the book are all town here. If there is a cult it is the Red Goddess/Stannis faction with the evil lannisters as the scum.


I'm of the opinion you should place your vote back on Turin. That was the strangest train to evaporate ever. Gotta be a reason there.


Let's focus that we are in Book/Season 1. Therefore no Stannis/Red Priestess stuff.

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Mynd...I'm thinking you are a little off here. The series makes you pull for certain people. Danni, The starks, Tyrion and maybe the Dog. I would bet those factions from the book are all town here. If there is a cult it is the Red Goddess/Stannis faction with the evil lannisters as the scum.


I'm of the opinion you should place your vote back on Turin. That was the strangest train to evaporate ever. Gotta be a reason there.


Let's focus that we are in Book/Season 1. Therefore no Stannis/Red Priestess stuff.


Did I miss something that says this is only Book/Season 1?

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Official Vote Count:


Despothera (1): Turin


Basel Gill (1): RandA lThor


Blackhoof (1): Sakaea


Turin (2): Myndrunner, TinaHel


Jack (1): Razen


Myndrunner (2): Tinker, Turin


With 22 Alive it takes 12 to lynch.


Season and Book 1 @TinaHel.


Tina asked the timeframe the game was set in somewhere early on, this was Darthe's reply.

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BG - why are you wearing the Mafiasaurus siggy? I only just noticed. That was yonks ago lol. I have a lovely new siggy you can wear.




Maybe later. :)


Also, tomorrow I'll be somewhat absent, my wife is taking her citizenship oath.

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I'll vote Turin, Despo, Mynd, or Basel


Turin: his grossly overreacted post


Despo: his uber defense of the Turin fiasco


Mynd: saying he thought Basel and I were townie vs townie. I found that really scummy


Basel: previous back and forth

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Official Vote Count:


Arez Al'Loke (1): Razen


Basel Gill (3): RandA lThor, Jack, Nightstrike


BG (1): Mynd


Jack (3): Kudaran, Basel Gill, EP


Myndrunner (3): Blackhoof, bgrishinko


Tina (1): Despo


Tress (1): Tina


Turin (2): Peace, TMD



Not voting (8): Alanna, Arez Al'Loke, Kae, Kaylee, Lenlo, Tiinker, Tress, Turin



With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch.



A Time Has Been Selected: Night Begins on Wednesday, June 27th at 18:00. Here is a countdown timer:




Night Begins in 24 Hours!

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I'm a little short of time, but here are my thoughts:


- I don't like how Turin has turned to lurking after all the craziness earlier in the game. That makes him suspicious most in my eyes at the moment, but he hasn't been active much in many of the games I've seen him in, and that makes him more iffy to me.


- My reading all of this stuff too quickly made things run together. That and the breaks between my little bit of time I was able to read. But I'm still a little baffled on the crap you guys are pulling out of nowhere that because this, this, this, EP is this and Despo that, and yadda yadda. I'm a tad confused on how some of you are pushing people together: why can't things make simple sense? If it looks like you're reaching, you're probably reaching. If you don't believe the crap you're saying, how am I supposed to?


- Putting all of that aside, I think it's highly likely we're looking at factions in this game. Looking at season one, the scum would be the Lannisters, methinks.


On Hoof's PR: Okay. Does he have a PR in every. single. game. or is it just me?


Vote Turin because my mind keeps going back to the pressure from earlier in the game and nobody else other than those that ALWAYS ping me are pinging hard right now.

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I'm here! I'm here! Replacing Kaylee. I should have spoken up earlier, but I haven't even started the read through yet to catch up to the game. I wanted to this morning, but I woke up with a migraine that's at 14 on my 1 to 10 pain scale.


With a little luck and the best over the counter painkiller I've got in the cabinets, I should get to it tonight. But I AM active.

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I'm thinking a good culprit is Turin. He hasn't been seen for a while and was majorly being pressured at start of the game & tried to protect himself in a "mafia" sounding way.


Vote Turin

Translation: I don't have a case to make and will pick someone that was mentioned by some people earlier and make up a vague " reason" to make my absence less noticable so I don't get lumped in with the non-voters.

But can someone bloody explain why Turin is gone!? It DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!..

Turin works a ton of hours during the week. So from early Sunday night to Friday afternoon I am intermittent depending on actual schedule. supposed to be off tomorrow so here at the moment.

I'm a little short of time, but here are my thoughts:


- I don't like how Turin has turned to lurking after all the craziness earlier in the game. That makes him suspicious most in my eyes at the moment, but he hasn't been active much in many of the games I've seen him in, and that makes him more iffy to me.


- My reading all of this stuff too quickly made things run together. That and the breaks between my little bit of time I was able to read. But I'm still a little baffled on the crap you guys are pulling out of nowhere that because this, this, this, EP is this and Despo that, and yadda yadda. I'm a tad confused on how some of you are pushing people together: why can't things make simple sense? If it looks like you're reaching, you're probably reaching. If you don't believe the crap you're saying, how am I supposed to?


- Putting all of that aside, I think it's highly likely we're looking at factions in this game. Looking at season one, the scum would be the Lannisters, methinks.


On Hoof's PR: Okay. Does he have a PR in every. single. game. or is it just me?


Vote Turin because my mind keeps going back to the pressure from earlier in the game and nobody else other than those that ALWAYS ping me are pinging hard right now.

AJ, would you rather I had lurked the entire game and just hopped in to vote like TMD and Kudaran? I was playing, took a break for a reason that is not being discussed by me. Then got sucked up by work. I may have been in less than some but still have more posts than a few other people, including AJ :ohmy:.(I will be fair she did replace in after a day or two)

Bold: so you are voting me cause I was getting pressure the other day which makes me a safe place to put your vote. You can just say "well he looked like he was mafia, so and so thought so too"


This day has been going on for over 3 days now and Kudaran came in and voted Jack for no reason and has not been seen since as far as I can recall. To vote and vanish is prime lurking behavior as our own Mod Darthe could attest. Add that EP got vote controlled allegedly (not sure if I believe that but b.o.d. for the present) onto Jack too. If that is true then it seems that mafia are interested in seeing Jack lynched. So how about if a mafia already on the lynch just hides there to see if there is a chance for him to be able to help without having to justify his vote.


Vote Kudaran



Welcome Andrew. give us another post and you will have caught Kudaran.

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OK, I'm back in my house and trying to get it cooled down to semi-comfortable levels.


Nice to see that Turin's back. I'm not entirely comfortable with his reactions to being the subject of discussion again, though. Just because he was an early vote getter and his train evaporated doesn't mean it evaporated for legitimate reasons, and he shouldn't still be under scrutiny.


Mynd's play this game has struck me as being extra-aggressive, to the point of being insulting in some cases. And I can say that some of his assumptions about this game's setup are very much incorrect. If he's telling the truth about being a Stark, then we are presumably on the same side.


This post actually pinged me quite a bit when re-reading the most recent events...


I'm also kinda wondering where Turin has gone. I thought after he cooled himself down he'd be participating more, but alas this is not the case so far.


He's laying low like his scum buddies have told him to do.


Did anyone else react on this one?

Lets say Peace is scum. His team noticed Turin got alot of heat, but managed to survive.

When it all got quite, the used something like a silence or w/e so Turin couldn't post.

Now Peace tries to discredit Turin by the silence or w/e as an opportunity.


Is that a bit far-fetched?


Arez looks very much to be defending Turin here in a roundabout way, by pushing an out-there scenario with Peace as the bad guy. I think we could learn a good bit from more pressure on Arez.


Vote Arez.

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I laughed like crazy when I read that theory. It might even be more out there than my goblin king ravings in the Labyrinth game. That it was so incredibly out there led me to think it was hurting me more than it helped. Arez thinks up some wild things. Hr is very creative. He did buddy up pretty good with Mynd earlier and was on my train earlier which makes his change of position odd.

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Official Vote Count:


Arez Al'Loke (2): Razen, Songstress


Basel Gill (3): RandA lThor, Jack, Nightstrike


BG (1): Mynd


Jack (3): Kudaran, Basel Gill, EP


Kudaran Dragon Blooded (1): Turin


Myndrunner (3): Blackhoof, bgrishinko


Tina (1): Despo


Tress (1): Tina


Turin (3): Peace, TMD, alannalynn



Not voting (5): Arez Al'Loke, Kae, Kaylee, Lenlo, Tiinker



With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch.



A Time Has Been Selected: Night Begins on Wednesday, June 27th at 18:00. Here is a countdown timer:





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Many knelt before the Iron Throne, bending knee for the first time to their new King even as they planned how to redecorate the room when they were Ruler. Stifling heat beat down into the throne room, perhaps once used to remind supplicants of who their rulers were, and cast the throne into eternal shadow. The living Wardens knelt from the forefront of the crowd, their own processions in a line behind them. Though each Lord held dislike for the other each was a man of duty and each held the other in a grudging level of esteem. The same could not be said for those behind them. Though the room remained utterly silent glares separated each line as neatly as a sword separated limb from body. The only exception to this rested in the back of the line, where two lesser individuals chatted somewhat amiably as they knelt...



**edited by CP to change to Italics for clarity**

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Might I suggest for these that they be italicised? Just looked better imo.


Question, will there be game pertinint information in these scenes or are they just flavor? I ask because some people like to put hints and things in scenes.

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I unvoted because I understood your hint. And I have ideas as to what role that character could be.


Okay, good. However, you are probably way off about what ideas you might have about my role.


Pretty sure I've narrowed it down to 2 (assuming you are telling the truth), one specifically serves the Lord of Winterfell, the other is the Captain of the men Stark takes to King's landing. Do you know who Eddard Stark is?++++++


Mynd...I'm thinking you are a little off here. The series makes you pull for certain people. Danni, The starks, Tyrion and maybe the Dog. I would bet those factions from the book are all town here. If there is a cult it is the Red Goddess/Stannis faction with the evil lannisters as the scum.


I'm of the opinion you should place your vote back on Turin. That was the strangest train to evaporate ever. Gotta be a reason there.


Let's focus that we are in Book/Season 1. Therefore no Stannis/Red Priestess stuff.


Did I miss something that says this is only Book/Season 1?


I had figured that out before the question from Tina.

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Turin: Thanks for the dig at my activity, but last time I checked (yesterday actually) I had more posts that some that have been in the game the fulll time. I understand taking a break, but it also feels like you were given a free pass for disappearing because of said break. I wont go any further into that though, but that's what makes me suspicious.


OK, I'm back in my house and trying to get it cooled down to semi-comfortable levels.


Nice to see that Turin's back. I'm not entirely comfortable with his reactions to being the subject of discussion again, though. Just because he was an early vote getter and his train evaporated doesn't mean it evaporated for legitimate reasons, and he shouldn't still be under scrutiny.


Mynd's play this game has struck me as being extra-aggressive, to the point of being insulting in some cases. And I can say that some of his assumptions about this game's setup are very much incorrect. If he's telling the truth about being a Stark, then we are presumably on the same side.


This post actually pinged me quite a bit when re-reading the most recent events...


I'm also kinda wondering where Turin has gone. I thought after he cooled himself down he'd be participating more, but alas this is not the case so far.


He's laying low like his scum buddies have told him to do.


Did anyone else react on this one?

Lets say Peace is scum. His team noticed Turin got alot of heat, but managed to survive.

When it all got quite, the used something like a silence or w/e so Turin couldn't post.

Now Peace tries to discredit Turin by the silence or w/e as an opportunity.


Is that a bit far-fetched?


Arez looks very much to be defending Turin here in a roundabout way, by pushing an out-there scenario with Peace as the bad guy. I think we could learn a good bit from more pressure on Arez.


Vote Arez.

As far as this post goes (and all the quotes within) -- Despo said exactly what I was thinking. But Peace dropping that crap about "his scum buddies told him to do so" sounds like he's putting poison in everyone's ear. I don't care what Turin's alignment is at the mo, but Peace blatantly calling someone scum like that reeks. And it's too much in line with Mynd's opinion, and he's a believed Stark at the moment. 'Hello buddy, I'll agree with you!'


As for Arez: not really as far fetched as Tress makes it out to be. I think there is something in Turin's silence, yes, and I'm getting a minor ping from him, but Peace's post (which I totally forgot about) pings me more than the rest of it.


I don't think I explained my thoughts as well as I think I did...


Turin: suspicious b/c of the silence.

Arez: kinda far fetched, but it's a more extended form of what I was thinking

Peace: planting scum ideas reeks.


Yeah that's it.

Unvote, Vote Peace

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Hmm. Okay these are all kind of out of order, but I'm lazy, and staring at this screen isn't doing my migraine any good, so deal with it. At least I managed a read through. I'll prolly do it again sometime I /don't/ feel like I'm dying.


By the way, I hate whoever posted that little GoT youtube game thing. It made me laugh. Hard. That+Migraine is NOT GOOD.


I really think that Basel and Jack are town, and this whole vote change business is a red herring.


What do you think about EP?


I think he really was vote controlled. He went out of his way to hint at it. It is interesting that Peacesells figured his cryptic message out so quickly while I'm still trying to decode it.

Eh. I was all for the Basel vote until his claim. That list at the beginning was what got me. Still suspicious, but not willing to vote. I'll just be watching his future posts.


Mynd...I'm thinking you are a little off here. The series makes you pull for certain people. Danni, The starks, Tyrion and maybe the Dog. I would bet those factions from the book are all town here. If there is a cult it is the Red Goddess/Stannis faction with the evil lannisters as the scum.


I'm of the opinion you should place your vote back on Turin. That was the strangest train to evaporate ever. Gotta be a reason there.

I'm also kinda wondering where Turin has gone. I thought after he cooled himself down he'd be participating more, but alas this is not the case so far.


He's laying low like his scum buddies have told him to do.


But then there's Peace, who seems too focused on Turin. That's not to say I don't also have suspicions, as I'm sure others do as well, but these attempts to return attention to Turin and his dying train pings me, when most others have moved on considering the understandable reasons for his quiet. At least, understandable to ME, but I don't know Turin like others do.

I M U S T V O T E J A C K.


Are you you saying your vote is being controlled DAY 1?


Also didn't like this. You got this REALLY fast Peace. I mean, maybe you just do a lot of word puzzles or something, but how many people immediately started to eye the first letter of all the words like you did here?


VOTE PEACE ~ Hmm. How often do we agree in Mafia Alanna?

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Official Vote Count:


Arez Al'Loke (2): Razen, Songstress


Basel Gill (3): RandA lThor, Jack, Nightstrike


BG (1): Mynd


Jack (3): Kudaran, Basel Gill, EP


Kudaran Dragon Blooded (1): Turin


Myndrunner (3): Blackhoof, bgrishinko


Peace (2): Alanna, Andrew


Tina (1): Despo


Tress (1): Tina


Turin (2): Peace, TMD



Not voting (4): Arez Al'Loke, Kae, Lenlo, Tiinker



With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch.



A Time Has Been Selected: Night Begins on Wednesday, June 27th at 18:00. Here is a countdown timer:




Night is coming. 14 hours till night

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