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The Ultimate Showdown - A Mafia Event


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Hello everyone, I intend to host a mafia game in the future (pending) called The Ultimate Showdown. At the moment I intend to to be a kitchen sink game that has some of our favorite characters in it, but before I pitch the game to the mods I need your help!


The issue is that, though I have a fair bit of pop trivia knowledge knocking around in my head, I don't know enough characters to put into a match like this without drawing too much from a series. So, I am asking for your input and suggestions :). It seems a fun way to get everyone involved and hyped for a future game.


So far I intend for Shai'Tan, The Prince of Persia, Chuck Norris, Bambi, and Richard Rahl among others to be characters in this event. Please comment with others that you would like to see, feel free to list as many as you want and any potential wild or wacky roles that could go with them. Thank you!

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Ooooh Bambi :wub:


Erm...Gollum! (tLotR)


Or teh Nyan cat :P (internet meme)


Zazu...Rafiki? (Lion King)


Mr Darcy. :laugh: (Pride&Prejudice)


Davy Jones. Or Commodore Norrington. (Pirates of the Caribbean)


Wait a minute .. What exactly is the theme of your game O_O

If I understand it correctly, this is going to be awesome xD


Mr T (The A-Team)


Al Bundy (Married with Children


A Man (Game of Thrones ofc xP)


Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory)


Barney (How I met your mother)


Sooo Many xD


Tip, Saying what characters will be in the game kinda ruins it as it is a common tactic to role claim and so on (Unless you forbid it ofcourse).


I lie :) and it is more to give people an idea. Theyll probably be changed 10 times anyways lol. Any suggestions panda?


Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)

I hope that's how you spell his name.


Timon and Pumbaa (The Lion King)

Hakuna Matata!


:) more potentials here, and I want hundreds and roles etc, anything you all want to add! Here are more that I am considering:


Dr. Gregory House






Darren Shan


Brandon Sanderson :D






Ian Rider


Carmen Electra


Shaggy and Scooby


Darth Maul


The Three Blind Mice




Brom The Storyteller


The Pheonix (X-Men)








I want to be Richard Rahl .. Please add him in the game.. PLEASE!!! I have every single SoT book at home =(((


please not Richard Rahl, you might get a PR that you have to whine about Kahlan at the start of every post :dry:


I'm putting rand al'thor in the game with an instawin if he can drag the game out to jan 8th and live :p. and giving the role to ishy.


Jk :D


More suggestions:


Jack Bauer


Daniel Tosh


Isaac Clark




Tom Cruise


John Petrucci (Dream Theater)


Pyramid Head




Severus Snape




KBD (Runescape)


Steve Wosniak


Master Chief Spartan 117


Dante (Divine Comedy)


King Lear






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