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Words cannot express how much I appreciate not only the multiple hats you wear so graciously, but also the amazing amount of RPs you do! I will say a very simple "Thank you!!!" and then hope these few pictures speak for themselves. I tried to make them as close as possible to the descriptions in the bios:


Name: Kathleen Vandiar

Ajah: Green

Age: (Elgee can't remember)

Nationality: I don't know

Hair: Long Brown

Eyes: Light blue

Skin: Caucasian


That wasn't much to go off, but I got the sense that she was a plain and grounded person. I was trying all kinds of fancy green patterns, anyway, but none of them worked; then I hit upon this combination, and it seemed right to me.




Name: Seheria Mori

Ajah: Yellow / Black

Age: 100

Nationality: Andoran

Hair: Waist length, dirty blonde, more dirty than blonde.

Eyes: Deep brown

Skin: Fair


I imagined her with a sulky mouth, and made the under-garments black, with the top-garments yellow (although again with a hint of black ... lol).





I also made the 2 NSWs you play with.


Name: Alia Mariadoon

Ajah: Blue / NSW Black Head

Age: 128

Origin: Arafel

Ajah: Blue

Physical Description: Alia has pale skin and deep brown eyes. Her long dark brown hair falls below her waist and is accented with the traditional Arafellian silver bells. Her high sculpted cheek bones and thin lips give her a haughty stare, though she is well regarded in the Tower. She is not tall, and not short, her body is near perfect in proportion and her face has often been described as sweet. She falls short of beautiful, and while always impeccably dressed Alia is really quite plain.


I couldn't silver bells, but I put some silver in her hair. Again, the under-garments and accents are black :)





And then my favourite, as far as making the pictures went ... lol ...


Name: Desandre Casban (NSW)

Ajah: NSW Yellow Head

Place of Birth/Raising: A small town by the western border of Amadicia (on the Amadicia side), and then a small village on the Tarabon side from the age of 16.

Age: 210

Physical Description: Desandre is an imposing woman ... has a graceful quality to her movements ... stands poised, with her shoulders back and her body straight ... ears are pierced, and she is fond of elaborate earrings ... neck is long and swan-like ... face is finely boned, has high cheekbones and a fine jaw that make her look delicate. A small, slightly upturned nose sits in the center of an oval face, unobtrusively there. High arched eyebrows are thin and rest above cool blue eyes. Her lashes, the same dark brown as her hair, are a deep contrast to the pale, creamy colour of her skin. Her lips are thin and slightly down-turned, giving her a superior look. She rarely smiles, but when she does it looks forced. She has dark chestnut hair that falls in thick waves to the middle of her back, when it is loose. However, Desandre wears it, more often than not, in some elaborate hairstyle or another; she loves nothing better than to sit around for an afternoon and experiment. She rarely leaves her room without beads, gems, or flowers at least braided into her hair, though usually she does something more elaborate than that.

Desandre favors fancy, attention-drawing dresses in pale colours such as pastels. Light silks and meshes make up most of her wardrobe, the dresses all cut appropriately and fashionably – though she has dresses in fashions from her days as a Novice, Accepted, and a young Aes Sedai as well, tucked at the back. They are mostly made up of light, impractical fabrics that do not last very long or stand up under rough handling. However, these are her ‘public’ dresses; when she is working in the infirmary or travelling she has a more practical set of sturdy clothes, still fashionable. Most of her dresses are pale pink, green, blue, and yellow, but there are the occasional bright red and blues thrown in for when she is feeling adventurous.


Those are just some excerpts from the bio! Whoever wrote that originally certainly made a thorough job of it *grins*


Anyhoo, this is what I came up with for her - completely impractical nett under-garment / sleeves, with a dashing little nett collar, completely pointless cuffs to the "sleeves" and utterly frivolous gloves. I made the gloves black, even though the character isn't, just to pay homage to Kat's evil side hehehe:




Kat, your RP's are so entertaining, I could never write a DF, but you do it with such ease... hmm, should that be a warning? Lol, j/k.


Hope to have the opportunity to RP with you sometime!


They are all so pretty! I think Seheria fits her exactly! And Alia's is really great too. I don't know the others IC, but I am sure they are close *g*.


So, this is what you were looking at the BA Head bio for! *snuggles Elgee*


Those are all perfect for the characters!


Kat was my first bio and I wasn't even sure I was gonna stick with it. She the character that is closest to my heart, though she is one of the ones I don't play much.


You hit the nail on the head with the rest of them too. Its soo cool to actually see them out of my head for once.


I honestly thought that playing a black was going to be impossible for me. I am sooo not evil minded and it was hard at first. I think I had to send in my bio for Seheria at least 4 times, and it took elgee giving me two pep talks and instruction on how to make her 'evil' enough to join the BA. But it grows on you and now I find her the easiest to write.


*Firmly denies knowing anything about being evil* ... hehehe


Glad you like them, sweetheart *snuggles The Evil One* :biggrin:

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