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What could possibly go wrong?


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Barney and Bridget was out walking in the forest. It was a sunny day and they decided to rest in the shadow under a big oak. As they sat there they saw a white rabbit jumping towards them. It looked like it was holding something in it´s paw. A watch? No it looked more like some kind of remote control. The rabbit stopped in front of them. It´s eyes where wide open and it shivered. It looked around and then he gave the remote control to Bridget. Just as she grabbed it the rabbit pressed one of the buttons and disappeared. Bridget and Barney looked at each other, then looked at the remote control. It had several buttons in different colours. One of them, a red one, was glowing. Barney looked at Bridget. Bridget looked at Barney. With one voice they said "What could possibly go wrong?". They pressed the button...





Inspired by our motto in the adventure game. Keep on writing - each post should end "What could possibly go wrong?".


The ordinary sorroundings vanished, replaced by bright purple seaweed-like trees and dark, flowing earth. Barney and Bridget stood on a licorice walkway that stretched off into a thickly treed area. A large sign pointed in that direction. They followed the path throught the woods and eventually reached a small clearing at the base of a mountain. Cut into the rock was a large iron door with writing on it. Beside the door was a large, suspicious-looking lever. The door read-


Beneath this old, forgotten door

Lies halls of stone and walls of brass

You can pull the lever on the floor

Or say nothing, and you may pass


Barney and Bridget stepped forward, said, "what could possibly go wrong?", and...


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