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Hello fellow WoT fandom!


I guess it's about time for me to pop in and shake hands! I've been reading through quite a chunk of the material around here and really enjoy what I read. Some nice writing and imaginations in the works around these parts. I've sent my "bio" to the required email address as per the BT website request.


When I started frequenting forums I adopted the forum title Bathemal. An alteration that I imagine does not go amiss around these parts. It's one I've been using on all my forum exploits for the last half decade and I found it quite suiting to bring here. I hope to receive approval and launch head on into some immersive RPing with you all.


The format here is a little more structured than I am used to but I guess that makes it all the more intriguing. If you have any questions for me, I'd be more than happy to answer! It is always nice to do a little show and tell when joining a new community.


Here's a brief personal synopsis. I am a English Literature grad, from Canada. I've been an avid WoT fan since my early teens and it's a love and interest that has stuck with me since I first picked up Eye of the World. I am an aspiring literary fiction writer, but use the forums and RP's to sate my embarrassingly passionate love for fantasy.




Embarrassed by your passionate love of fantasy? Say it not so, friend! Fear not the flame that dwells within thy heart, but instead let it out, let it free to burn the world to cinders with the power of your fantasy-love! *Manly pose*


Also, hi, I'm Grimm, welcome to the Black Tower. I'm not the Tower head, so we'll have to wait on getting you your embroidered pajamas, but I can still give you the grand tour of the grounds. If you get through the approval process quickly enough, I just started a welcome thread for another new member In-character. Again, welcome to the Tower, I'm curious to see what one can do with an English Lit degree in RP.


And don't forget. BURN THE WORLD TO CINDERS.


I've yet to find my degree useful for anything. Moment I was done school I moved out West to finish my Red Seal and work off student loans. If it brings a little warmth and excitement to the community, I guess it is not completely moot.

  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the tower, I plan on reviving my old attack leader Sereth, and will be availible for raising requirments.

  • 1 month later...

Hello there! I'm Skechid the terrifyingly absent ADL.


I'm not sure where Arath is. Things are a bit slow at the moment, but don't let that stop you from enjoying yourself. Get to know people, have some liquor, chew some frogs. It's all good.



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