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Now that I have your attention, I have an RP idea for my Freelander character. He is being subjected to incredibly vivid nightmares courtesy of a Dreadlord Dreamwalker who has taken a special interest in him. So, the plan is for him to come to the Tower and ask about the dreams. Any Dreamwalkers, dream specialists, or Brown Ajah interested in this one?


Ugh ... the last person who had the dreamwalking talent went awol. If anyone would like to try it, I'm sure we can speed up the application process. If not, we can always play around with an NSW.


Actually, I came back. xD I need to bring my character back, though. She never did get the chance to play int he main timeline.


It think it was me and also Phelix. But the reason I haven't brought her back is that I'm kind of foggy on the general plot line of the rp on DM. Is there somewhere I can read that or could someone explain it to me? Because I've tried to understand. >.> But there is information everywhere and I don't know what is what.


I mean, I'll definitely bring her back for this, but it would make me feel better to have a better idea of what's going on around her. >.>


We've almost completed the updated Story Line - it should be posted up soon. If there's anything specific you want to check with me, feel free to ask.


Another option for Quibby's character is to come across a Wise One Dreamwalker within Ter'aranrhiod. Are you talking about Mehrin here, Q?


I'm currently working with Elgee on the possibility to have Aes Sedai train with Wise One on dreamwalking. This will need to be incorporated in to the main storyline somehow but given the limited number of DW's allowed at the WT that shouldn't be that much of a hassle. We just need to find a realistic way of doing it IC.


Yes, but Mehrin isn't a Dreamwalker, so coming across a Dreamwalker really isn't an option. Mehrin does not know much about dreams and such, so his first idea would be to go to the White Tower anyway.


*nods* I'm just trying to make the link in my head of how he would make the connection with the WT. He's an ex Band Leader, not that fond of channelers from what I've observed, wouldn't know of the existance of dreamwalking even if he was raised and trained by nobility (the whole concept of Dreaming is very puzzling to the Tower itself still).


a plan is forming....... and it involves a Wise One Dreamwalker, a White Sister DW and a Brown Head :wink:


If you're up for it, Q and Leala (and with Elgee's ok as well obviously), we might use your idea to launch the whole AS/WO training in dreamwalking using Mehrin as a study subject.


I would agree as long as Quibby goes 'splody ...


*angel face*


But seriously, this sounds very intriguing!


I'm up for it.


And to answer the why, Mysti, Mehrin would go to the Tower because, while he doesn't care for Aes Sedai or channelers in general, he knows enough to know that the Tower is his best bet for answers. He is unaware of Aiel Dreamwalkers or anything having to do with dreams. All he knows is that he is having serious nightmares and that the aforementioned Dreadlord has something to do with it.


Mehrin is aware that a Dreadlord is involved in his dreaming? How would that happen?


(trying to get the info needed to come up with a storyline)


It hasn't happened yet, but in the RP we're doing with Rodan, the dreams have already begun. The next dream sequence I write is going to have the Dreadlord in question actually gloating for a moment, which will tip off Mehrin that something is seriously wrong.


So he won't know there's a dreadlord involved by the time he asks the WT for help? He'll just feel something's wrong because a guy is gloating at him in the dream?


Not trying to give you a hard time, Q. Just trying to understand where you're going with this so I can match up the storyline as best as possible with your story and intentions.


The Dreadlord in question is Mehrin's brother, who has decided to try to drive Mehrin insane through his dreams. On a regular basis, he goes in and starts throwing Mehrin's past at him, lingering specifically on his failed relationships and the loss of his daughter. However, the Dreadlord is not a very skilled Dreamwalker, so the dreams are not seamless with Mehrin's consciousness. Couple that with the Dreadlord's rather arrogant nature, and there's going to be a pretty good hint that these are more than regular dreams.


wow, Mehrin is full of surprises lol I didn't know he had a brother!


Alright, I have an idea for an outline for this and will post it tonight after work.


I'm going to refer to a thread in the Aiel boards to which I've posted the following answer.


The below also holds the outline I had in mind for this RP (we may need to do several RP's for this even).


Yeah, I understand. But I'm guessing Elgee suggested that before I got involved in the thread Quibby started and offered to combine the two events of A. getting Wise Ones to train WT dreamwalkers and B. Quibby's character going to the Tower for help on his dreams.


So basically, I would like to use your character Leala as the start of getting Wise Ones to train Aes Sedai.


The problem with doing this retroactively is that Leala is 94 in the main timelline and Edora is 63. This provides a few problems:


1. At most with Edora the timejump could be 40 years to where Edora was 23 and fully raised as Wise One.

2. This would mess up the Aiel storyline because they didn't have any friendly contact with wetlanders before their search for the car'a'carn begins, which is aproximately 2 years ago IC.

3. Aes Sedai wouldn't have known anything about the Aiel Wise Ones back then yet, let alone that they could channel and even less that they had an established talent as Dreamwalkers. This only becomes known after the Dragon Reborn has gone to Rhuidean and the first friendly contact is made between the WT and the Aiel.


What I therefore propose is that Leala spends her years trying to master her Talent from the knowledge she can find in the Tower library and from talking the situation over with a Brown Sister (which is why I've offered to include my Carina, she's 215 years old in the main storyline). This would be a slow and incomplete process as life and other duties would occupy Leala's time as well. But it also allows for her to learn the rudimentary basics of the dreamworld on her own through careful trial and error.


As you know we're working on finalising the revised timeline and storyline for the Main Storyline PSW. In there the DR gets kidnapped just like in the books and there are Aes Sedai involved in the rescueing of the DR. We could (with Elgee's permission) assume that Leala was part of that rescue group and therefore in contact range of the Wise Ones with the Aiel who were also involved in that rescue. This could lead to a friendly contact between Leala and Edora and establish a first relationship between them.


Meanwhile, Carina is at the Tower when Mehrin (Quibby's character) arrives with his troubling dreams. Being the known authority on dreams from years of studying, he's brought to Carina and she travels to where Leala is at taking Mehrin with her (shielding his dreams as Moiraine did with the Two River folks during their first travels). They arrive at the camp of the DR and Leala sets to work trying to help Mehrin. During one of those sessions, Edora comes across Leala in the Dreamworld and offers to teach her because she instantly notices that Leala only has a rudimentary knowledge of Ter'aran'rhiod and that could be very dangerous. Having established a prior friendship (not too close, but still amiable), the Aes Sedai agrees.


Mehrin is being used as a study object while the Aes Sedai and the Wise One try to help him. And through this Leala learns the intricacies of dreamwalking from the Wise One and learns to use her Talent fully.


Carina meanwhile continues to shield Mehrin's dreams when he's not being studied and is busy researching everything that Leala discloses of dreamwalking. Writing her own book about the subject to be added to the Tower's library.


Plus there's the opportunity to kick the snot out of an arrogant Dreadlord while we're at it; Ayrik's not one to give up on something just because there's a little problem.


Not even the Forsaken can punch through a shielded dream, so one puny little dreadlord will not be able to do so either. The Light will prevail! *pumps up fist* :tongue:


Is Ayrik a PC or an NPC?


PC, one of mine. Wrote him up a few years ago, RPed him some, then everybody with whom I used to write disappeared on me.


ah ok, so you would include him as an actual character in this storyline, not just refer to him?

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