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April Hot Threads


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Ithillian: 20 15

Crimson_Ayla: 5

Locke: 15

Darthe: 5

Smiley73: 10

Aiel Heart: 30

Tinahel: 20 15 or 10.

Nyanna al'Meara: 5


+10 to Aiel Heart for winning




To help everyone keep track of what they received points for and to help figure out if I missed anything I will be including the following in my next Hot Thread posts.





Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Official Sign Up Thread - Urgent!! Back Up Required!!



This thread is currently at 118 replies. Five were posted in May, so it would have been at 113 at the end of April, reaching 10 points.



SL Ithillian's Office: Report here to be given stuffs to do - Especially you Asha'man Turin



This thread had 66 replies at by the end of April. This thread may have been overlooked in my original counting since it looks like a staff thread, but looking closer I can see that even though it is work related you started it somewhat randomly for fun. 5 points.


This brings you to an actual total of 15 points :( Sorry about that, I'd been unsure about counting Mafia Threads or not so I just gave you 5 for it, then other people got points for Mafia Threads on accident cause I wasn't careful about it with the unpinned ones and forgot to check what they all were. Sorry about the confusion, Hopefully it has all been corrected below. If anyone spots further mistakes please let me know.









Past 50 replies, 5 points.





I had counted his mafia thread for 15 points.





Exactly 50 Unconventional Uses for a Llama




Thread is past 50 replies. 5 points.





Picture Spam for the Glorious Upliftment of the Shadow (No other spam yet)




Past 50 replies, 5 points.



I've got an essay and YOU can help




Past 50 replies, 5 points.


Total: 10 points


Aiel Heart:



The Return of the King (Part 2)




Has reached over 150 replies, 15 points.



WoT lol catz




Has reached over 150 replies, 15 points.


Total: 30 points.





[sign up]: Search for the Holy Angreal




Past 50 replies, 5 points



[LIGHT VS SHADOW]: What faction does your soul belong to?




Past 100 replies, 10 points







Past 50 replies, 5 points. Is a staff thread.



GAME ON - The search for the Holy Angreal




past 100 replies now, But had been past 50 by the end of April. I had awarded 5 points, but I am still unsure about whether it should count or not since it is a staff run game.


Total: 15 or 10 points.


Nyanna al'Meara:



Talk to me!!!!!




Past 50 replies, 5 points.


I gave points the the threads that were started in April or still active in April. You should have received 5 points for every thread past 50 replies, 10 points for every thread past 100 replies and 15 points for every thread past 150 replies. I did this at 3 am and it's my first time doing it so if you notice any mistakes please let me know.


I had my Fake Stormleader's Office Thread which had over 50 posts, My Mafia Game sign up Thread which went over 100 posts and my Mafia Game Thread which has over a bazillion posts. Did you find any other Threads?


5 + 10 + 15 = 30.


That might make me Joint Winner also.


It just says this:


"Hot thread Points – Start a thread on the main board and when it reaches certain lengths you earn points."


I definitely started that Thread.




Well ... not Froggy. This is all new and she has been very good and fair about me asking about this. I have earned Points for Tasks and still got Hot Thread points for them as well. For example, the Rhapsody Thread and The Thread where I turned Kudaran, so earning other points does not exclude you from earning Hot Threads points too.


Hot Threads are Hot Threads. That is all there is to it really.


Hahaha - that was so funny that you thought my Office Thread was a real staff announcement. As if anyone would ever let me be staff for real. Imagine the carnage lol.Thanks for sorting all this out Froggy :)



Now - everybody drop and give me 20 :wink:




Not that this is the way it necessarily has to be done, but when I did it, I counted the sign ups, but not the actual game. (since you get 30 points for modding it anyway)


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