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Posted (edited)

Please post your reports here! Please have your reports posted by the 8th so Elgee can get hers in by the 10th. Thanks everyone


Please read this thread for further info on how (and why) we would prefer you do your monthly report: http://www.dragonmou...needed-and-why/



1) Total: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (also add them to Active, or Inactive if they've not yet RPed as full AS)

full handle - full character name


Active: [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character, ie Oct 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


3) Problems, ideas, etc



Example of 1:


(let’s say it's for June)


1) Total: 8 Members, 9 Characters (that would be Active + Inactive)


New: 2 Members, 2 characters

Phelix - Elin Hawes

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel


Active: 4 Members, 5 characters

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva (April 2010)

Phelix - Elin Hawes (June 2010)

Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (June 2010)

U4ea - Loraine Kilaine (June 2010)

U4ea - Peggy Smith (May 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 4 Members, 4 characters

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel (not yet RPed)

Elgee (Sitter - active OOC) - Larindhra Reyne (Jan 2010)

Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen (July 2009)

Miya- Miya Kiyoshi (March 2010)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 12 Members, 17 characters

Jaydena - Jaydena MacAntur (June 2009)

Jaydena - Peggy Sue Parker (2007)

WhiteWolf (Bio Checker - active OOC) - Cara Ramsey (2008)



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


Elgee - Larindhra Reyne – Red Sitter


Your presence is required - http://www.dragonmou...ce-is-required/

Timeline: 995 NE

Two Old Biddies plot and plan – Salidar novices are born. Darkfriend shenanigans included.

Sisterly Love - http://www.dragonmou...-sisterly-love/

Timeline: N&A Retro

With Accepted Miahna “Mimi” Telonne (Keyholder21)


Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head


Putting Two and Two together - http://www.dragonmou...d-two-together/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

More Ajah Heads find each other.


Reports to be done by:


MoN -


Blue - Done

Brown- Done

Gray - Done

Green -Done

Red -Done

White -Done

Yellow -Done

Edited by Rasheta Ardashir

Blue Ajah Report April 2012


1) Total: 4 Members, 5 Characters

  • MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 3 Members, 3 characters

2) RP's done by Ajah characters during April


3. Ideas & News:


  • I'm errrr... back?
  • Kat and I are working on a Yellow/Blue RP. Its got something along the lines of them both going after the same info, perhaps crossing paths in it but not knowing then maybe meeting up in the end or perhaps not, we just think it would be fun.
  • Working with Elgee on the Ajah Heads string. Hoping to tie in the Black Ajah hunt with the end of this.

4. Problems:

  • Activity *laughs*. Also, FINDING TIME FOR EVERYTHING!


Gray Ajah Report - April 2012


1) Total: 2 Members, 2 Characters (that would be Active + Inactive)

  • Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 0 Members, 0 character

2) RPs done in April 2012





3) Ideas & News:


  • I know I still need to update stickies and stuff. Hope to get a chance to do this now that I'm back into writing heh.
  • I really am excited for the Ajah head string :). I plan to make an sort of intro post with Freja soon....since her bio has been submitted... >.>

4) Problems:


  • Activity. Including myself!


April Report for the Black Ajah



1)Members Info:


Total: 3/4


Members: 3

Characters: 4


New: 0


Members: 0

New Characters: 0



Active: 3/4

Members: 3

Characters: 4


Kathleen - Seherai Mori (Yellow Ajah) Last Active - April 2012


Kathleen - Alia Mariadoon (Blue) NSW BA HEAD Last Active: April 2012


Liitha - Cemarillinin Adoa (Green Ajah) Last Active - April 2012


Eqwina -

Eqwina al'Caupthn (Yellow) Last Active - February 2012


Inactive: 0

Members: 0

Characters: 0


2) RPs done in April 2012 *Expected to post in RP, but hasn't yet.


1) Pursuit of a Prospect - Seheria Mori (Kathleen), Kaylynn (Kaylynn)

A new novice makes an awkward exit from the Intro to Saidar class so Seheria hunts her down afterward. The girl seems interested enough in the Yellow Ajah, but perhaps that may not be the only Ajah they may have in common.

2) Dinner Stories - because even Aes Sedai Gossip - Alia Mariadoon, Sitters and Heads and other Aes Sedai.

Who in their right mind wouldn't join a conversation with such high ups who are just mingling in the dining hall?

3) A Bit of Tea on the Darkside - Cemarillinin Adoa (Liitha), Seheria Mori (Kathleen)

Two Blacks are traveling to have some tea with some fine friends, if they don't get eaten by the darkhounds first.


3) Problems, ideas, etc


OOC News

We do still have some new interdivision Rps to start up when Visar is ready. We've been in contact about this, he does plan to go forward with it, but RP is taking a backseat to RL right now.


Activity is up from last month. Not flying off the charts but its something. We found out that a new novice, Kaylynn is thinking about possibly going Black in the future. Hopefully she will and the new blood will bring some more activity.


I'm actively prodding members to get them posting. Hopefully I'll hear from Eqwina soon.


IC News





1. Member and Character Count


Total members: 7 members, 8 characters

Active: 5 members, 6 characters


Desandre CasbanNSW Head, played by Kathleen. Last RPed Februrary 2012.


Amadine al'Varine (Amadine) - last RPed February 2012


Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_Fool) - last RPed Feb 2012


Eqwina al'Caupthn(Eqwina) - last RPed February 2012


Seharia Mori (Kathleen) - last RPed April 2012


Carys Demot (KeyHolder21) - last RPed March 2012



New: 0 member, 0 character


Inactive: 2 members, 2 characters


Nynaeve Maryim (Nynaeve) - Active IC in Decemeber Last RPed 2011 November

Celestine Erebruz (Jagen Sedai) – last RPed 2010 December


Purge Request: 1

Please purge Jagen Sedai, who hasn't Rped in over 12 months, and who has not replied to multiple PM attempts to bring her back. - Not sure if this was done <.<



2. RP's in April 2012:


1) Introduction to Saidar - Lesson 3 - Seheria Mori (Kathleen) *assorted Novices

Seheria teaches the Novices more of the basics.


2) Introduction to Saidar - Lesson 4 - Seheria Mori (Kathleen) *assorted Novices

Final lesson for this batch of new ones.


3) Pursuit of a Prospect - Seheria Mori (Kathleen) Kaylynn (Kaylynn)


Novice Kaylynn makes an awkward exit after fumbling over her words in a class taught by Seheria. The Yellow tracks her down, and finds out that the girl has interest in the Yellow Ajah, and therefore the Yellow has an interest in her.



3. Ideas & News:


IC News



OOC News


Em's been super busy so I've not bothered her about the idea we had about our Yellow/Blue RP.


I've poked the members in OOC boards, PMs and MSN but it seems motivation/free time is lacking. Trying to figure out how to finish off the many ongoing RPs we have going still.


I'm still keeping up with Novice Kaylynn who may have an interest in the YA.


4. Problems:

Slight dip in activity this month, we'll pick up.




3. Ideas & News:

  • I'm errrr... back?






4. Problems:

  • Activity *laughs*. Also, FINDING TIME FOR EVERYTHING!

Lord yes ... baby steps seem to be working for me, though.


Also, I wish I could get my reports to look as pretty as yours!




Kat, I like the way you're doing yours - is this new, or have I just been looking at the back of my eyelids? I'm referring to just mentioning the RP threads once, then listing who all RPed in it - much less cluttered!


You're inspiring me to try something new ... *goes off to play around*


Report for the RED AJAH – April 2012


1) Total: 3 Members, 4 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


0 Members, 0 characters


1 Members (2 Characters)

Elgee -
- Red Sitter - April 2012 - posts: 1

Elgee -
- Red Ajah Head - April 2012- posts: 5


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months):
2 Members (2 Characters)

Arath Faringal -
- Red Aes Sedai - Jan 2011 (military LoA)

Phelix - Elin Hawes (temp link) - Red Aes Sedai - April 2011


MiA - not RPed in 12 months
: 4 members (4 Characters)

Jagen Sedai -
– Red Sitter – Nov 2010

Kara_J -
- Feb 2010

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 -
– Nov 2009

Minisamus -
– Red Aes Sedai - Oct 2010

Removed from Usergroup:
0 new

Character Retired / Deceased

Aubrey -
– 28-12-2009 – RETIRED August 2010


Purged for MiA

Carise (Carise Doraile - Aes Sedai

Faile? (Faile al´Rahien - Aes Sedai (MIA Left the Site.)

Lyanna (Lauren Arrel - Aes Sedai

Rayne -
- Aes Sedai

Tigara -
– Jan 2010
(he has given us permission to NSW his character should we need to, as long as we stay true to her character and email him the links to any RPs done)

Zania -
- Aes Sedai



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during April 2012


Total amount of posts: 6


Larindhra Reyne
(Elgee), Sitters and Heads and other Aes Sedai.

Timeline: 1000 NE (Current-ish)

Some Aes Sedai (of different Ajahs!) sit together at Dinner.


Zarinen Rafaliva
(Elgee), Arath Faringall

Timeline: 1000 NE (Current-ish)

Zarinen and Arath go out for Chinese


3) Problems, ideas, etc

Working with Key on the Heads RP


I have nothing to report for the Browns.




(Elgee said this would be enough, since posting the same report month after month is a bit pointless).



Also, I wish I could get my reports to look as pretty as yours!


I use the [list ] function Elgs *g*. I like the bulleting. I think it makes it easier to read.


I can't get it to work for love or money, now. It's also inserting random lines and then removing them at will too.

Posted (edited)

April Report for the Green Ajah


1) Total:

Members, 5

characters 7



Members 0

characters 0




Members, 5

characters 7

Ajah Head- Amena Linoram- November 2011

Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- February 2012

Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- April 2012

Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir-December 2011

Rasheta Ardashir-Taia Misna- April 2012

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- March 2012

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- February 2012


New/on the Way (date joined/notified):*These aren't counted on my member list #'s, yet

Members, 2

characters 2

Markietta- Markieta (8/1/11)

Leala Gymorraine-Seraph Byar (10/20/11)

Quibby- Janine Alastarn (4/26/12)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3-11 months):

Members 0

characters 0



MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval):

Members 1

Characters 1


Jaydena- Jaydena Mckanthur- October 2010


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during April





And all for a Book (Greenie Troop)

And all for a Book

The end is nigh and the book must be recovered! Will they make it out?






And all for a Book (Greenie Field Trip)







Taia Misna

Run to Trouble (Atten Reki)


Taia and Reki bond




A bit of Tea on the dark side


Cermarillinin teachs a new comer about the dark one.



And all for a Book (Greenie Field Trip)



3) Problems, ideas, etc

Need more hours in the day!

Edited by Rasheta Ardashir

Pst rashi: that report still says I was last active in feb, though it does have my post in our ft thread last month counted.


I can't get it to work for love or money, now. It's also inserting random lines and then removing them at will too.


Really? How odd! If you edit my report, does the code still show up? If not, I think I have a version saved in google docs. I can share it with you so you can see what I mean if you want.


I'm way too scared to try and edit yours - it mangles it beyond repair when I just open it up (from my experience over at the Cookie Mines).


Oh and Liitha was active with Cema in the A bit of tea on the Darkside rp. Though I know she didn't report it. Blast I need to reply to that!

Posted (edited)

I'm way too scared to try and edit yours - it mangles it beyond repair when I just open it up (from my experience over at the Cookie Mines).


Oh. Odd again! It just shows up like well, like it looks like now when I go to edit it. Is that why you're wanting me to change how I do it over in the Mines? I only changed it because that's how someone else was doing it (who has been AS longer than me heh) and though that's how I was supposed to do it!

Edited by keyholder21
Posted (edited)

I fixed the months and I'll get the other thread up for Liitha.


Okay got her's, lemme know what the description should be Kat and I'll change it tonight hopefully or early tomorrow so LG doesn't have to wait around TOO long to post the report on the Staff board.

Edited by Rasheta Ardashir

This is what i have fir it in the black ajah report: Two Blacks are traveling to have some tea with some fine friends, if they don't get eaten by the darkhounds first.


I guess from a green perspective you could say: just because she said she had a meeting to attend doesn't mean it's for the greens. Cema goes to meet with a few darkfriends and meets a new friend along the way.


Elgee, you can 'quote' Em's post then remove the quote tags and then click on the 'editting mode' button on top of your reply window (next to the font drop down menu, the first button all the way to the left).


It will show you all the coding, including font style and everything else, but it also will give you an idea of how to use the list code. And unlike the 'code' button, it will show the preview in it's normal state while the work window where you type and edit keeps the coding itself.

Posted (edited)




1) Total: 6 Members, 5 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: 0 Members (0 Characters)



Active: 2 Members, 1 Characters

Nyanna al’Meara – Thanelle Kelgwar (NSW). January 2012.

poetstorm - Lissandra Trelaine. November 2011.


Inactive: 1 Members (1 Characters)

Leala Gymorraine - Leala Gymorraine (March 2011)


MiA: 3 Members (3 Characters)

Liitha - Sherrhiana Thymus (September 2010)

perine - Carelia Noradien (May 2010)

Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (October 2010)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during March 2012

*digs a hole and jumps in* I cant see them, they can't see me... >.>


3) Problems, ideas, etc

Poet’s mystery RP idea in the making?

Edited by Nyanna al'Meara

Mistress of Novices Report – April 2012


Total Members: 59 Members / 62 Characters

Total Active Members: 6 Members / 6 Characters

Total Inactive Members: 10 Members /10 Characters

Total MIA Members: 34 Members / 37 Characters

Characters Never Roleplayed: 9 Members / 9 Characters

New Members since last report: (2) jozan - Liana Alore; Leala Gymorraine - Ay’Lira Sonoran


Active Members - RPed in the past 3 months (7 members/7 characters)

DM Handle - Character - Last RPed


Traditional Novices

jozan - Liana Alore - April 2012

Kaylynn - Kaylynn Tasil Saeed -April 2012

Leala Gymorraine - Ay’Lira Sonoran - April 2012

Ledinna Sedai - Sagneia Kathen - April 2012

Nyanna al’Meara - Nyanna al’Dyn - February 2012

Seleevan Khar - Dora Farlee - April 2012


Salidar Novices



Traditional Accepted



Salidar Accepted



Inactive Members - RPed in last 3 -12 months (10 members/10 characters)


Traditional Novices

Charis Delphi - Charis Delphi - December 2011

Kilivia - Kilivia Tralendora - December 2011

Kelitor - Ykoria Eranyame - August 2011

Little Miss - Lyra de la Courcel - February 2011

Otpelk Cainam - Sora Mantolias - November 2011

poetstorm - Caillean Windham - November 2011

Serick Kerani - Mylane Dadric - May 2011

Shiva - Fiona Ashlyn - January 2012

Taluka - Falain Asien - December 2011

Yahna - Venka Barashti - August 2011


Salidar Novices



Traditional Accepted



Salidar Accepted




Members MiA – have not RPed in over 12 months (31 members/34 characters)


Traditional Novices

Allisia Sedai - Allisia Mirobell - August 2010

Chikara - Fianna Bashalde - October 2010

Christine - Aliena Halinor - March 2011

Craftyreader - Elody Yates - April 2010

DarthRand - Dyrum Alede - July 2010

Elliara - Iraleia Surevin (Temarelin) - January 2010

Far Dareis Mai - Daraniea Rysted - December 2009

Jehaine - Aeryn Shainrahien - August 2009

Kenny - Venca Konora - October 2009

Knytiri - Knytiri Sari'drea - March 2010

Lavinya - Evaline Perry - November 2009

LT.Nolan0347 - Eiren Saga - March 2010

Marta Sedai - Marta Alcair - April 2010

Maryam - Maryam Aldevwin - March 2010

Minisamus - Rydia Burgess - November 2010

Perine - Kalinde Yarrah - March 2010

Pookie - Yovela Umika - July 2010

Questor - Rosalia Meneril - January 2010

SerenaMorrigan - N'Daye Kishar - December 2009

Serey - Serey Dorrin - December 2009

TaiDashan - Evanen Phaedrein - December 2009

Taren - Alianor Tarawindred - March 2011

Tigara - Allrianne Viventi - January 2009

Visar Falmaien - Rytali Basim - August 2010

Wintrow - Patience Tilly - March 2010


Salidar Novices



Traditional Accepted

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nenen Kailadel - April 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Nesyer Yoshan - March 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai - Wilemi Kailadel - October 2010 (bio link unavailable)

Jehaine - Jerinia Zaralyn - February 2010

Kara_J - Deanne Heillan - March 2010

Moseley - Salandrian Faerhind - April 2010

Myrenna - Auriane Feidwyn - March 2011

Raeyn - Milandra Basene - October 2010

Taei - Kasi Duvan - July 2010

Taymist - Kiyissalle Chevra - October 2010

Tigara - Melianna Hollmen - December 2009


Salidar Accepted

Grimm - Nanna Tarquin - February 2011



Characters Never Roleplayed (9 members/9 characters)


Traditional Novices

Aishra - Aishra Lihnshaw - Joined January 2012

Faun - Faun Freegard - Joined October 2011

Kathryna - Gatlin Chanse - Joined October 2009

Meirgan - Meirgan Tawin - Joined June 2011

MoonLily - Aierelyn Tasriande - Joined April 2011

Myriam Finnash - Myriam Finnash - Joined May 2010

nibor-905 - Heldah Dovna- Joined April 2011

Pankhuri - Pankhuri Xena - Joined March 2011

Zhoaya - Zhoaya Faidhul - Joined January 2011




Role Plays for March/April


jozan - Liana Alore

*The start of a new life -


*Introduction to Saidar - Lessons 1 through 4





*Sharing a room -



Kaylynn - Kaylynn Tasil Saeed

*Meeting the Mistress of Novices and ready to start the journey - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/66698-meeting-the-mistress-of-novices-and-ready-to-start-the-journey/

*Introduction to Saidar - Lessons 1 through 3




*Pursuit of a Prospect



Leala Gymorraine - Ay’Lira Sonoran

*A name for the Novice Book -


*Is this a trick questions -


*Sharing a room -


*Introduction to Saidar - Lessons 1 through 4






Ledinna Sedai - Sagneia Kathen

*Introduction to Saidar - Lessons 1 through 3






Seleevan Khar - Dora Farlee

*Blue + Green = Pranks?




From the desk of the Mistress of Novices...

Unfortunately i am working 50 to 60 hours a week at the moment which leaves little time to look after my awesome Novices and Accepteds, hopefully in the next 6 to 8 weeks things will go back to normal.


Raised to Accepted



Raised to the Shawl



Thank you, Nyanna and Ama :)


Seems to be a bit of a revival amongst the novices!

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