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Welcome Gustaiv!


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Another one that sees shadows everywhere. Excellent! Welcome to the Black Tower, Gustaiv. I´m the M´Hael. If you have any questions please ask. I will see to it that you get added to our private boards.


Tell us all about yourself. What do the the shadows look like? Do you have any favourite WoT books or characters? Why did you choose that name?


What's up Gus!


Just so you know before hand, I am the Mighty Shadow Panda (Disciple)!!

Now that you know, I can ask you some questions!


If you could ask Brandon Sanderson to put in a new weave, what would that weave do?


Welcome to the tower of madness! Don't forget to have some brownies. :smile:


Psst... you forgot something...





*snags one*



Mmm, good! Extra tainty!




Welcome Gustiav, enjoy your stay in the rubber room Black Tower! Always good to have another inmate member!


welcome to the taintiest tainted tain around!!!


Dig in to the brownies and become even crazier!!!



looks at Panda? Disciple?? since when? u arnt even a apprentice yet furry!


Man if 90% of the people who sign up would actually stick around, the Black Tower would be huge hehe. Welcome, Gustaiv, if you are there!


Wow! quite a warm welcome. I must say i didn't expect to meet a female M'Hael, but that's weird enough for me.


I'm a WoT superfan recently dragged into DM from facebook by an Aiel Wise One.


The shadows are from my kitchen in the shape of giant noodles. Which doesn't make sense as i only eat noodles 5 times a week. How have i become their enemy?


Gustaiv - a name passed to me by a late friend.


@ Crimson, thanks. @ MS Panda, A new weave...a tough one. I've always wondered what a flying, fire-wielding Aes Sedai would look like. It would be a new flying weave for 'the witches of Tarvalon.


@Leelou, Songstress, Dicetosser1, Nyanna al'Meara and Locke, THANKS!


@ Aiel Heart, :D


WildTaltos, they don't stick around coz nobody told them a warm welcome awaits them, should they return. THANKS




My favourite character has been and will always be 'Lord' Matrim Cauthon.


Hope i can still change my name to something from Wot.


"Have a grand bloody day!"


Wow! quite a warm welcome. I must say i didn't expect to meet a female M'Hael, but that's weird enough for me.


I'm a WoT superfan recently dragged into DM from facebook by an Aiel Wise One.


The shadows are from my kitchen in the shape of giant noodles. Which doesn't make sense as i only eat noodles 5 times a week. How have i become their enemy?


Gustaiv - a name passed to me by a late friend.


Female M´Haels are the best. *nods* I´m the only female M`Hael so far. :laugh:


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