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[Ghoulies] Most likely to take over the world and DM


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So we all know that taking over the world is no small thing. And theres no denieing we have all thought about trying it ourselves atleast once.


*looks over the crowd*


Well maybe more then once, there are some who i'm sure think about it all the time but would they really be able to do it.


This year you all decided that the three most likely to take over not just the world but dm as well were Lily, Ama and then Oh My Ed & Ama together.


After any long struggle for power there can only be one winner, but which would it be. Seeing who the most likely competitors are i'm more then glad that i'm not in the running as this would be a most bloody of battles.


So umm yes i better get on with annoucing the results.


This years winner Heavens forbid if they actually did take over the world and dm we are all doomed is. .







































umm where was i, oh yes the winner is











































*stabs them both*

Congratulations and good luck with your evil plans.




I don't mind it.


If they don't listen, kill them.

Not enough food? Kill some people.

Someone ate the last slice of pizza? Kill em.


Two countries are fighting? Nuke em.

Verb is still alive? Kill him.

Alabama is still inbreeding? Gas the state.


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