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The taint has cought us a new member!


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Welcome to the Black Tower, Razen. This is the home of the cool mafia players. *nods* I´m the M´Hael, Faction Leader of the Shadow. If you have any questions just ask. You will notice that there is a lot of crazy but helpful people in here.


Now tell us all about yourself. How long have you been reading WoT? Do you have a favourite character? What is it about the BT that you like? Do you consider yourself crazy, nuts or insane?


I´m sure someone will come along with some brownies for you.


Aww yeah! Welcome, Razen, to the best social group on DM... And I say this solely because it's the only one I'm in :biggrin:


Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!


Well, let's see here. My memory of years past may have been affected by the taint, as I don't remember how long ago it was that I first started reading WoT. I just know it was a while ago - and I'm currently rereading the series. I have no favorite characters yet. I like them all for what they all bring to the story.


What do I like about the Black Tower? I can be myself here without having to worry about what those normal people out there might think about the taint. And I'm going crazy, I'll take those brownies with a little bit of nuts, and a glass of insanity for dessert!


@Darthe - I see what you did there. LOL!


Welcome to the BT Razen. You know, I never thought of you being a Raisin before, more a Raazen. Is it my English Accent before.


At least I hope that thing was a raisin ...


Maybe it was ear wax ...


I don't think so - my roommate here in the States did the same thing. Unless he's secretly English and I don't know it. I've heard it said both ways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.


I thought you were from NZ Nya?


yeah i've lived here since i was four. But we still speak German at home so a lot of my pronounciation is very 'correct' XD meaning, i havent got the heavy kiwi slang. Except from when i'm with kiwi mates. My accent changes to match whoever i'm talking to :laugh:


yeah, and Twinnyosmosis is turning my nocturnal behaviour and speech patterns around too XD


Welcome Razen! And btw I pronounced it ruh-ZEN, so no worries I'm the one who actually got it right. :biggrin:


Any other book series you favor? What event are you most looking forward to in the last book?


They're called Ozzies now? What is Zoe Bell, the world needs more of whatever she is


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