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If I were a Forsaken


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If you were one of the Forsaken posing as an Asha'man (gender withstanding) which would you be and who would you be posing as? *EDIT* also, why?


I would be Demandred and posing as Narishma because Rand set my character up to succeed.


shakes head at roo




By the way Dice, I tried to join the Band of the Red Hand a while back, but nothing's happened, not even an acknowledgement, what should I do?


Twaps darthe!!



Bloody buttered Onions!! Damn Sanderson and his stuff ups... Its TOSS the dice!!! TOSS!!!!!!!!!!! Raises hands and head to the sky and screams



let me look into it roo


I'd probably be Semirhage posing as Bela.



What Bela isnt ashaman? Daaang.


Damer Flinn, cos no one would suspect p-poor st-stuttering Professor Quirrell the lovable old Grandpa.

Also, his healing abilities could allow S. to blend in a bit? Granted that her mightehness in the Power was unrecognizable.


Haha good call =p and I could totally see Moridin pretending to be all of the Forsaken, completely baffling Rand as each was reported in a couple places at the same time.


I'd be Graendel posing as Bela. Best disguise in regards to staying in the loop, less likely to be discovered, most likely to make it to the last battle and I get to interact with main members on a more intimate level :P What more can you ask for?







What would you do during your tainty filled days pretending to be a forsaken baddie? I think I would probably skip around and mess with bloody Mazrim Taim all day long, taunting his general dimwittedness.


What would you do during your tainty filled days pretending to be a forsaken baddie? I think I would probably skip around and mess with bloody Mazrim Taim all day long, taunting his general dimwittedness.


You would mess with the M`Hael! I think we need to have a talk...


Mazrim Taim is dimwitted? And yeah ... erm the Faction Leader of the Shadow is Tina, who is the M'Hael. If you are planning on being evil rather than crazy it's probably a good idea to stay on her good side.



:rolleyes: " point made, but seriously, have you seen any of his plans even halfway work? The 13 x 13 thing is about all he has got.


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