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Hey, all!! ^^ I'm not sure how many of you would actually remember me though.

I've had two characters in the white tower div during seven years. haha


I use to play a novice by the name Liana Saeth back in 2005 but then I went MIA and came back in 2007 I think it was..

And created a new character named Jaylin Mandra. :)


I was wondering if it would be possible to bring back Liana Saeth eventhough I don't have her bio anymore.

Or if I could maybe create an accepted or something.


Let me know, what might be plausible :=)


And I welcome all the new novices here with a *colour blast of all the ajahs* >_<


Hello and welcome back to the tower!


If you don't have her bio it would be rough to bring back a character, but we'll see what we can do to get you all set. I'm sending your thread to Ama our Mistress of Novices, expect to hear from her soon. :)


Okay, I got your pm today :) I'm reading throuhg it at the moment..and it brings back some memories. hehe

I'm still a bit hazy about some stuff..but I'm sure it'll come back to me :9


Thank you for all your help and advice :=)

I truly appreciate it.


I'm glad there are many novices around..At first glance Dm looked a bit gloomy.

To say the least, but I guess I was wrong :)


Hey there Jozan, and welcome back! Sorry I haven't greeted you before, but I've been on sick leave. You getting helped ok by my lovely sis here?


Hey, Elgee :) Nice to meet you. Yeah, she's been doing a great job, indeed sh has. :)

Hope you're feeling better now.

I only need to write my character's history then I'm ready to send my new bio in. :)


Actually..one thing..I was going to make her a minor noble lady from Saldaea but not just about their last name thingy..

Is it something with Liana t'alore?


Yeah, I noticed why..I forgot to add a word to the sentence. -_-

I was wondering about if I created a noble lady from Saldaea what her last name would be like.


As in, would I add a t' to her last name or something else? Hope that question make more sense.


Aaah! Now it makes perfect sense ... hehehe.


Ok I would say no T, unless she's married. Faile is just Faile Bashere till she gets married, then the T & N gets added in. I would suggest you speak to the people over at the Freelanders, as they're in charge of all nobility and are keeping a register of noble names - maybe they can give you some tips or more info. *Goes to pester Kat*


*is pestered into the thread*


Were you wanting to make the noble to play her as a character, or are you just mentioning it in a bio?


Ahhh, I see. So not unless I was married. I don't have much information at my fingertips.

And I haven't read the books for a long time. -_- My memory is slippery. *laughs*


I was thinking that her mother decided to get her tested to see if she can channel.

And then send her to the tower if tested positive.


I could create her mother as a noble npc if you want..but I'm probably just going to mention it in her history.

Unless you have any other idea I can use :)


Elgee covered the married 't' aspect.


As far as mentioning the mother's nobility, that seems fine at this point. We'll review your bio when its done to be sure, but it shouldn't be a problem.


The reason we're keeping an eye on the nobility across the PSW is to ensure continuity within the major noble houses in each nation and also to keep track of who does what within the main storyline, which is being worked on at the moment to get it up to date. We hope you can understand and know that we're not doing this to make things unnecessarily difficult. Should you have any plans in the future to play out the nobility more, please let us know of your plans so we can work it in if need be. Not minor things, but like, should you want to raise the family to greater levels of nobility, that is something we would need to know and discuss with you.


Oh, yeah. I totally understand that. :) No worries.

If I want to do that later on I will of course let you know first hand..that's a promise *blinks*


Anyhow, thanks for the head-up and information. I wasn't sure about that but am now.


I'll get cracking at the history a bit later today. :)


I was thinking that her mother decided to get her tested to see if she can channel.

And then send her to the tower if tested positive.


That's perfect :)


I could create her mother as a noble npc if you want..but I'm probably just going to mention it in her history.

Unless you have any other idea I can use :)


Probably best to just mention her in the history, after checking the family name you've decided on with the FL folks (aka Kathleen).


Okay, coolness :) I'm home now so I can finally start writing her history. *grins*

Yeah, her last name would alore, Liana Alore is her full name.


I'll send her a pm then ;)


PS. I'm reading the prologue 'new spring' it's a good book since I am going to play a novice.

It does give me some idea of the tower and the aes sedai and such stuff. :)


Yep!! And as I need to refresh my slippery memory, it's a great book to start with :D

And I also have the wheel of time guide book at home too :)


Hehehe well go you! I'm currently ending yet another reread, so it's all still fresh in my mind.


Ah, that's cool. Hopefully I can actually finish reading all the books this time around. hehe

I'm going to finish my updated tower guard bio today..when it gets approved..would you be to a rp?


I surely need to refresh my writing skills again..haha *shakes head*


What kind of RP would you have in mind? I have 2 Reds (both bonded to Asha'man) and one rather unusual (and clumsy) Gray (unbonded).


You have a gray aes sedai? I've rped with one before..just green hehe.

Hm..that would be an interesting meeting...Does your gray aes sedai travel outside tar valon?


Perhaps they could meet during my return thread?


She's currently out of the Tower somewhere, in an RP that stalled ... lol


She's very young - just about 30 years old, if I recall correctly.

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