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RULES: Your post must sound like it is in reply to the previous post, but cannot make any logical sense.


Points if I feel like it ;)




Logically, I find no way to back up the parenthetical citations that the greater majority of the world uses to enclose their cheese custard spiders. If you look at it from my Pythagorean theorem, only the west side of the pixie farm is in use creating chalk to be used in the great Shakespearean mines of the Moon.


Yeah, but we know pixie farms are covered in spam :rolleyes: Therefore, their chalk would be immediately danced on by moon buggies. BUT - in a perfectly true hypothetical case of haggises running loose in Turkey, dog biscuits should be restricted to the insides of flying submarines, imho.


I disagree Tina, I think that if indeed the cows would eat, it would be papayas, and only then could the galactic swarm of hedgehogs make peace.


I think concerns over the Lithuanian Pyramids are overstated. After all cows make milk, which makes cheese…and cheese is biodegradeable.


I do however think there might be an environmental impact on the monkeys of Argentina. After all, they do eat custard.


Exactly my point! Thanks AH. You describe the jabberwocky situation so much better than I ever could.


I think that if things don’t start improving soon, all of Egypt will be wearing pink polka dotted bikinis. Something needs to be done about that.


Well of course the pharaoh needs to told about his birthday party! Negative Pi is a very important cake recipe.

My only question is what are we going to do about the missing DoDo?


I think the best solution is stop associating birds and bees. I really do think it screws up kids nowadays. It makes them run away screaming whenever they see a bird or a bee in their proximity.


Can't we think of a better analogy?







Kids now days! They all believe that eating tacos without spilling is a virtue. A better analogy might get them new ideas or maybe books with big green letters could be a solution?


Maybe if we all tried walking around the Eiffel Tower 42 times in quick succession, our problem would be less about Mad Cow Disease and more about instability in the hierarchy of the maple trees of Yam.


I think you are failing to consider the possibility that the snipe would have its intellect inverted. This would cause it to look like a hot dog instead.


Well I just happened to see an intellectually inverted snipe and it looked nothing like a hotdog. It was definitely a burrito. therefore the hero sandwich to wafflecone ratio would have to be 5 to 1. *nods*


It has everything to do with Polka Dot Tulips, if it didn't why would the North Pole be slave to the impulses of the Lunar Society?


The Lunar Society? You must stop believing what all those moon-cheese representatives tell you, everyone knows that the real power behind them are the star elves


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