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Because it's been awhile


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So.. if Rand was born on an Iowa field, would he be the Car'A'Corn?


If he worked at the fair, would he be the Car'A'Carny?



Been awhile, hasn't it

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Wow! Welcome back, Ireond! It's great to see you again!


I take it a fair amount has changed since I went into hibernation?


Well, I'm a Brown now, Rand is in love with a trolloc girl, Perrin wants to take up the guitar and form a power trio, and Mat's in a WoT cover band in Vegas.


or his new health plan? Car'a'Care

His new Bar-B-Que restaurant? Car'a'Char


New carpenter workshop - Carve'a'carn

Then the furniture shop that he sells his masterpieces in - Carve'a'chair

Taxi service - Car'a'cart


There are too many of these! *debates about whether to stop*


I was trying to get one for the Car'a'Cart.


So if he was Grilled with beef, would he be the Car'a'Carne?


If he came sealed for freshness would he be the Car'a'Canned?


If he hosted an international film festival would he be the Car'a'Cannes?


*Double Groans ... and flyingtacklesnugglebites Ire* Welcome back you fruitcake! :biggrin:


ps: don't stop, Melanas - you seem to be bringing the "best" out of him :wink:


I don't know who this guy is, but I like him.


But all of the good ones have been taken..... Hmmm....


New dating show: Charm'a'carn


Dessert: Car'a'Cake


Popcorn: Car'mal'Corn


*Is hungry*


If he was a song by the Beach Boys he'd be "Car'cara'Ann"


If he was a 'live and let live' type Spanish person, he'd be "Que'sara'sara'Carn"



Yeah, I may be stretching a bit, but still.


Speaking of Beach Boys, how about Rand, Perrin, and Matrim doing musical trios. Their greatest hits include


"Ta'veren Tavern Travels"

"Wool Headed Shepard Blues"

"I wish I knew what these women were thinking"

and many more...


Haha, let the punning continue then!


Either a trouser shop or a music shop - Car'a'cord/Car'a'chord

Airline - Car'con'cord!


Ahh, but then you get the more classical side of music:


'Caemlyn Concerti', 'Moiraine Minuet'


Or just go all the way and have a 'Two River's Twist'


And now for something completely slightly different: Sai-darn - the moment when you realise you can't quite touch the Source.


Now on sale for Evil Chocolate lovers everywhere "Nea-Bliss" A deep dark chocolate bar with an even darker core.


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