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Why I pledged my soul to the Dark


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I used to be a simple minstel, and I was quite happy with it. What was not to like? I could sit for hours playing my harp, travelling from town to town... until one day I met a fortune teller. I asked her if there were any other kinds of music in the world, other ways of playing yet to be discovered. What a fool I was.


At first what she showed me was wonderful, the instruments grand and the harmonies powerful beyond anything I could have imagined... but it would not last. Someone would write a piece of silence and call it music. She then showed me something called 'Serialism', and I cringed in fear. What dissonance! What horrific disjointment of melody! It was too much for my simple folk-trained ears.


Then she told me that in an alternate reality, I would not only be forced to endure such 'musics' but also study, write essays and even compose in that style...


Then she played me this...


That was when I knew - if the Light could allow such things to happen to music, then the Shadow was the only way forward. *Bows to the Great Lord*


So, I was recently reading over some of the Forsaken's reasons for pledging themselves to the Shadow, and I can highly relate with Asmodean's decision, and I was wondering if anyone here had any of their own 'interesting' reasons for joining the Dark.


*note, the above is based purely on the view of a simple harpist who had been exposed to nothing but simple folk tunes, and not meant to offend anyone who may have an appreciation for the 'music' mentioned. Just thought I'd check my back with this!


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