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Points for a sig maker


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  • Club Leader

Apparently, the BA has no sig makers. We have a need and I will give points for it. Lots of points. I'd prefer someone with no faction affiliation, so we can get you the points you need to join one. (That was thinly veiled, wasn't it?)


If I can't get a sig maker, I'll pay in points for images that I can use to make some. (My skills are nowhere near up to date, but I can manage if I must.)


Post here or PM me if you're interested.

  • Club Leader

The only ones without them are the BA. Are you sure you meant to just call your faction uncool, hon? :biggrin:


And Song, you are so right. We have other amazing talents, foremost of which is our edgy wit.

  • Club Leader

I'm still baffled. You think not showing your SG pride is cool? This is the best group in all of DM! I must be misunderstanding you.

  • Club Leader

If you show off your SG pride, then you are warning the enemy that you are coming!

Hmm... good point, although I would sub "victim" for "enemy."


No, I man the individuals that don't wear any shayol ghul sigs. Like myself.


I have a pretty butterfly siggy! :D


It's not that pretty :P







Darn, I wanted to experiment with making one but Photoshop has decided to break on me. I did think of a tagline though;


"Be shadowfast... there is no way back."


And Ithillian - Nice sig! *stabs in appreciation*

  • Club Leader

Thanks, Ithi. I love that one!


Yes, Player, I'm looking for level siggys, but I have specific things in mind.


No worries Lily,


Now ... if you could just keep the stabby people away. I am just visiting lol


Stabbing is a cordial greeting here in SG.


More formal than a slap, less formal than evisceration.


Im a little confused about your Rank system



Tai Shaidar Sedai

Shaidar Sedai

Shaidar Shaiel


you seem to have two levels of Shaidar Shaiel


-uses this thread to mooch off of Lily-


While you sig affectionadoes are at it... I'd really like a sig for my bondeds and i... (verb and me- cour souvra, barm and me- first siblings)


I have the pointses too.


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