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RIP Davy Jones you little monkee!!


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A legend has fallen!



today the world found out that davey Jones lead singer of the Monkees died of a heart attack in his sleep aged 66



Considered a heart throb by many young women in the late 60's he was lead singer of a band that gave us great songs like Daydream Believer, Im a believer and last train to clarksville.



and then theres the theme song!!!




As a person that always writes the wrong words I don´t blame you. I just realised that I have written seams instead on seems for month without anyone telling me. :biggrin: Want me to fix the title? It looks a little bit like Dobby, and we all know that he is dead. :biggrin:


You can edit the title yourself. Just press edit on the first post, select 'Full Editor' and it will bring up the Title and Sub Title boxes again.




But English is supposed to be his first language Tina.





How CAN you be happy about poor Dobby!!! grabs a lamp and dobby punishes Tina by hitting her with it.


and i speak AUSTRALIAN thanks ith! i dont have one of those funny pommy accents...


I just want to say, that when I have my own Shadowy Apprentice, they surely won't go around posting typo-filled threads like this :myrddraal:


Jking Dice lol :tongue:


Oh, I´m not happy that Dobby died. Actually I cried like a baby when he died, both when I read the book and saw the film. :sad:


yef ithi u ned to tech me ta spelt!



is loving the fact that ive even got DESPO picking on you ith lol



yeah dobby dieing suxed my ex dont read but saw the movies and she was listening to it on CD with my daughter and she rang me up spewing!!





Hopefully this unfortunate death will get a Monkee revival happening Sonstress!


Did you manage to correct the spelling of this title ... Or did Tina have to do it for you.


Bye bye Davy




Daydream Believer was always a popular tune for late night drunken singing.


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