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Handle: Aurora

Character name: Jodelle Belrose


Age: 25

Place of Origin: Cairhien maternally, Andor paternally.

Hair: thick, hip-length; ebony

Eye color: green

Height: 5’11


Weapon Score: 1


Other physical traits: a little on the unattractively scrawny side, but makes up for it with form-flattering clothing and accessories, and a general air of self-importance; high-arched eyebrows, lips the color of almost-red apples, and a slightly pointed, up-turned nose. Long feet, slender fingers, and perpetually smells of lily of the valley.


Personality traits: speaks abrasively, but is kind to those close to her; sometimes short tempered, likes giving orders, and is highly concerned with accumulating her personal fortune and cultivating her social status. Is sometimes whiny, loves clothes, jewelry, dogs, and birds.




Jodelle stood between two of her employees, forearms folded loosely on the gleaming cherry oak banister of the gallery above her tavern. She admired how thick and solid the banister was, proud of her foresight for how the surface was likely to be used. It was actually thick and wide enough to safely support the weight of almost the entire staff sitting – and moving violently – on it. The girls next to her sat either facing the upper floor, or with one leg curled under them so that they could twist around and flirt with the guests below. Their cancan skirts were so engulfing that they almost made the gallery look from below as if it was rimmed with colossal ruffle-y flowers bred in loud, obnoxious colors. Next to them, the forest-green velvet of Jodelle’s own gown was almost invisible.


She hadn’t always been disposed to wearing such dull, boring colors, but someone had advised her that the patron of an institution – whatever it may be – should dress differently from those who worked for her. Her money-making home was a long way from the mopey clutches of her kind, mourning mother, and, although she knew when to heed counsel, Jodelle reveled in being free of judgment and in a high enough position of authority to refuse it when she so chose. The abandonment of her mother was of little concern to her, since she never much liked her father in the first place; but it was the product of his abandonment that had had a powerful influence on her life – rather, it was the products of his abandonment that had changed her life.


Her mother had always been good to her. She had never complained when her drunken husband had taken up with the kitchen maid, and Jodelle suspected that it had to do with the fact that the woman had nothing in common with him, nor did she enjoy his company, nor did she respect his name. She made sure that Jodelle had the best tutors by her own income, and although she rarely had time to spend with her daughter, when she did have it, she made every effort to ensure that their time together was enjoyable. Jodelle’s main interest in such times as they had together was in learning her mother’s mercantile and interpersonal skills, for her mother was the greatest cloth weaver and dressmaker in the city. Bethesda Doveinya’s weaving houses and dress workshops were known throughout the Westlands, and hers was a business catered to nobles and royalty. It was on dreams of the finest riches and highest status of nobility that Jodelle was raised – until her father died.


For it was when he died that Bethesda had taken in her bastard step-children, and when Jodelle’s purpose in life was forced beyond any help to change utterly. Her new purpose was not just to be the queen of all the world’s finery, but also to be its keeper and distributor to those with whom she was in love. Those tiny, milk-colored infants with eyes and hair like the sapphires and woven gold on her mother’s dresses had torn their way out of what had no doubt been a womb as hideous and disease-trodden as the filthiest swamps there were. It was they, and her somewhat avaricious spirit, that had inspired her to invest her mother’s fortune the land and labor that would go into establishing The Haus of Three.

Edited by Quibby
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