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Sympathy for the Dark One


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So... I was doing the dishes torturing some unsuspecting orthodontists, when a little ditty entitled 'Sympathy for the Devil' came on my MP3. Before I knew it, I was altering correcting the lyrics where the fools had obviously made some mistakes. Now I think I'll share the result for those of you who are interested. *Twirls a very large knife* You will be interested!


Sympathy for the Dark One (Guns 'n' Roses Blood 'n' Ashes version)


Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around since the Wheel first spun,

Stolen many man's soul and faith

I was around when Lews Therin had his moment of madness and shame,

Made damn sure that Saidin

Took my mark and filled with Taint,


Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

But what's puzzling you is the nature of my Taint


I stuck around Manetheren,

When I saw it was a time for a change

I killed Thorin and his Red Eagles

Machin Shin screamed in vain


I rode a draghkar

Built the Black Ajah,

When the trollocs raged

And their cookpots stank


Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Oh, what's puzzling you is the nature of my Taint


I watched with glee as your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades to claim Hawkwing’s throne.

I shouted out, "Lews Therin, I win again!"

All is mine, what was and what’ll be!


So let me please introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I lay traps for Shienarans,

Who get killed before they reach the Blight,


Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my Taint x3


Just as every Child’s a myrddraal,

And all the trollocs, men,

As flame is fang, just call me Dark One,

'Cause I'm in need of some restraint


So when you meet me, have some courtesy

Have some sympathy and some taste

Use all your well-learned Power,

Or I'll lay your soul to waste


Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my Taint, oh yeah


Tell me Sedai, tell my name? Tell me Amyrlin, Warder, guess my name?

Tell me Dragon, what's my name?

What's my name? Tell me Rand, tell me what's my name?


200 points! Amazing! I'm gonna share this with Jen and the staff if you don't mind? Might be something fun to put in the festivities planned for the final book release?

:biggrin: Thank you, oh Great Lord! *Bows* Feel free to share it! I didn't realise it was that good. (I actually debated attempting to do a recording of it, but alas my guitar is currently 174 miles away, and somehow I don't think it would have the same effect on a harp! (Though that could be an interesting experiment...))



And I take back what I said before... I just spent an hour trying to figure out how to play it on my harp! I think I issued myself a challenge.


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