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Posted (edited)

Character Info


Full Name: Jon Smythe

Age: 21


Role: Merchant/Peddler


Current Weapon Score: 2



Bio Link


Progress Report


Bio Approval: 4/2/2012


Weapon Score Progression: 1


RP History:


WS Advancement level 1 to level 2 - Merchant with a Quarterstaff - Retro






As a Freebooter you follow the general WS system.


To claim your WS points you need to RP situations that are in line with the requirements of that WS level (see WS system).


Once the RP is finished, post here with a link to the RP like this:


WS progression: A date with destiny - link


Replace the 'a date with destiny' with the title of your RP and 'link' with a link to your RP thread.



Note: should you encounter any difficulties finishing up your RP for whatever reason, post here and one of the Trainers will investigate and help you to get your RP finished.

Edited by Kathleen

Oh now, this looks like a fun RP. Arlow told me he's getting ready to join you in this RP, so you'll be up and going soon. I'm looking forward to reading this one. That kid is adorable! :biggrin:


I've given Arlow a little nudge. Sorry that it's taken this long, Delfon. If there's no reply by tomorrow, I'll see to finding you a replacement trainer to RP with.


Sounds good to me. I'm so used to being the guy people go to when they need something, that I started off by attempting to find a trainer myself. It's too bad there isn't more inter-board role playing. Any of the warders could have used this as a training role play.


I was told to repost this from somewhere else to here:


"I do have another question since we're all gathered here. Can I play in Retro time and Normal time at the same time? As in, training at 12 years old and chilling in a tavern as an adult?"


The reason I ask is because then I can develop my character as an adult, while building my weapon score as a child at the same time. Time lines wouldn't be messed up, since I don't intend on fighting in my adult post.


Ok, I'll answer your second post first.



Normally, you would need to RP in sequence of your raising score. This is to prevent people from jumping the gun and instantly beginning to RP their character at Blademaster level. Too much godmodding happened with that in the past and we really want to avoid it.


However, with Freebooters I tend to be more leniant than I would with other cultures. Because it's difficult enough finding inspiration for them without the added challenge of a rigid system on top of it. So I'm willing to compromise.


You can do so up to WS 4. Which means you can RP your character as though he has WS4 already while at the same time retro-RPing him as he moves from 1 to 4.


But you need to finish the retor-RPing up to level 4 before you can start raising him to level 5 or higher.



Does that sound fair?




As for your first post, I'm not opposed to the idea of a Freebooter/Warder training RP. If it's ok with them, I'm definately ok with it too. Just make sure the RP outline is realistic. You won't be training in the Tower Guard grounds of the White Tower, for instance. Nore will you be trained by a lower ranking Tower trainee himself. They wouldn't be allowed off Tower ground and definately wouldn't be allowed to train anyone themselves yet. So keep the realism in mind when you set it up.

--> For inter-Div RP's, get working on an RP outline with your chosen partner and then the two of you submit the outline to both the Warders and Freelanders GL. We'll each look at it from our side and when it's in line with our rules and such, you will be given the ok to proceed.



Also, I know Zander is interested in RPing with you with his Freebooter, so you should definately check him out as well as a potential RP Partner.


I understand god-moding well, and you will never have that trouble from me. I've been role playing way too long to find that fun. For me having two time lines, one to develop my characters weapon skill, and another to develop who my character is was me simply being efficient. Saving the waiting time in order to get to the more interesting stuff later. Although I must disagree with you on finding inspiration for freebooters. I have dozens of character ideas, all of whom would be freebooters. I understand where others have trouble wanting to play a 'normal' person however, so hopefully I can fill that niche role on the site.


Sounds more than fair. I was going to treat him as if he had no weapon score, since it wouldn't be relevant (No combat planned, until his weapon score is set.). I wanted to figure out who the adult Jon Smythe is through role play. It makes quite a bit of sense that a traveling merchant would be in a tavern/inn, and his interactions there would help develop who he is as a person. I know what he was when he was a DnD character named John Smith, but now he's in another world, with a new name. Who could he have become?


Onto Freebooter/Warder training. I tried to find my own trainer from the warder ranks when I first was approved, and was sent back here. My thought was that a warder in the area might owe my family a favour, or perhaps that warder's charge. Either way, they offer to train little Jonny as payment. The details would be discussed with the warder in question. It doesn't matter any more since Arlow will be making a trainer anyway. I will submit a training proposal in the future to both divisions so that I can train with a warder. (After Arlow is done with me, so that I can once again raise my weapon skill.)


Sounds like a plan and I really like the sound of you wanting to fill in the freebooter niche. We are desperate for more people to interact and RP with each other and especially new arrivals. It becomes quite a chore on the staff to cover all the RP's with everyone that needs one, especially since there aren't that many staff to begin with. So the more people that want to help out with that, the better it is for all of us.


Oh yeah, before I forget. If either of you need help with knowing what kinds of RP's you can do to increase your WS, follow the link to the WS system in the first post of your training threads. And check out the links in there as well, there's plenty of tips and information that could be usefull to you.


I'm interested in your training Zander, but I would like to give Arlow his shot. You could say he called dibs :D


I've read just about every sticked post, and a goodly amount of the links within them. I've had a lot of time to kill while waiting for this and that. I'm not complaining, I know well how long things can take, and how much real life gets in the way of quality role playing.

Posted (edited)

I'm afraid I directed Zander to you, Delfon, since I was under the impression you wanted to do quite a few RP's and even RP your character in two different timezones. And since Zander is looking for people to RP with, I thought you two could also hook up for an RP (alongside your RP with Arlow).


My post about the link to the weapon system was for Zander's benefit, as he's asked what he could do to get raised.

Edited by Mystica
  • 1 month later...

Somehow I missed your response Mystica. Better late than never?


I've begun a thread with Zander to help buff up Jon's Weapon Score further. I think my first thread linked above has already met the 10 paragraph requirement to go from WS1 to WS2. It's not completed, but I don't see how further posting will hurt the chances of a WS bump. :-D


Link to Second Thread


I'll be taking a look at your stats in the coming week, Delfon. Good to see you're going strong and steady!

  • 4 months later...

So after much waiting, and otherwise being incredibly busy in the real world, I'm making a come back here on Dragon Mount. Did I end up getting that second bump to my Weapon Score Mystica?


Myst is on a sudden LOA so I'll tell you what I can/think and leave the rest for her to decide when she gets back (cause you may have been talking elsewhere and I don't know)


I would say from your first rp you would definietly go up one, but honestly I didn't see enough in the second one, and with it being unfinished and only just begun really I wouldn't personally go up another WS from just what you have posted. If you had done the spar perhaps, but just the foot work in an unfinished rp doesn't seem like enough to me.


I'm happy to bump you up the one to a WS of 2 and your still allowed to play up to a 4. I'd be willing to RP with you in anyway you want to get you higher up.


And agian, because you have been doing this with Myst she may come back and bump you up higher, which she is free to do if she feels its fair.


Welcome back!


actually I agree with Kathleen. So go with what she says on this.


(not back yet, im peeking in from work real quick so you can move forward and start your new RP with Kathleen if you like).


Actually, I totally agree with both of you upon re-reading the second thread. I mis-remembered how far along in that thread things had progressed before Zander stopped responding. Is he still active on site? If not, is it possible to have someone plot related finish the spar that we all know is coming?


After I settle this thread, I'll be more than happy to figure out another thread to bump Weapon Score up with you Kathleen. Thanks guys, glad to be back.


You can try to pm Zander to see if he will pick that rp up with you. If he doesn't reply in a timely manner post here or PM me and I'll figure out a way to either carry on that rp or we can start a new one like it. I can't play his character like I did with Gaman to finish up your last rp, but i'll find a way if Zander is not around.

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