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So when did you start with gemcraft? I remember playing it back when TD games were super popular, it went a little beyond that, i would play it in class in High School using proxy sites to slip by the blockers lol....and then when proxy sites were banned i'd copy the file into swf and put it on a usb so i didnt need internet at all

gemcraft was/is a wonderful game


I played it when the first one was out. Surprisingly, at my school the creators site isn't blocked, so I play it there. It is the BEST tower defense game ever. I've followed it since the beginning and will follow it to the end, which will hopefully be a while aways still.


I'm kinda all around that lol.. i can get there in a level or two.

I see now, they are all positioned symmetrically it was obvious g7 was in the center, but i didnt notice how the other two were set.


Sorry for the long responses, i can't read the books anymore so i'm trying to study WoT lore and trying to remember as much as i can =/ I haven't been very helpful to my team in Trivia.


Anyways yeah i saw that

I just won field L3 , im omw to the third pylon


Seriously gaiz. You must charge additional pylons.


one thing i read on your wikia that has me happy for GC 2 is 9X speed. This game seems so slow at time even at X3 speed, and i set the game to reg speed for a while just so 3x seems fun again. It's too slow =/ I also recently found out lol that you can pause the game and do all your micromanagement there....But there's really never a need to because it's SO SLOW >.< i suppose if you had a laptop w/o a mouse and ya had to use the little nub.


Currently on epic battle 3, going pretty easy after a few mix ups on how i would set it up.




Wow no real problems there, Waited until the enemies got to the point that they each had a tough bosses amount of health and then let all my towers smash the pylon and it was over. Kinda dissapointing. The epic levels are easier than some of the regular levels


What would you need help on?

I'm kinda not in the crowd of people who spends much time with books or games so not really sure anyone would be interested, but i can help if it's simple things.


You fight the Shadow in the next crafting pylon, and it is HARD. I didn't mean I wanted you to help with the wiki, just to tell other people that there is a wiki if they like the game too.


0/20 i haven't started looking for those yet.

The corner missions, i know 2 need challenge amulets, and 2 need something else....what is the something else?


i try to max the journey amulets when i play, IE spamming walls or doing only swarm, when im done with that ill do challenges


I think Field M1 is available after killing 200,000 monsters throughout your journey. You'll get an amulet for this. It may not be Field M1, but I know its one of them. The other, I think Field A13 is available after killing 12 Apparations, which you will also get an Amulet for.


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