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What is the most annoying part of your job?


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So, I had a particularly rough day at school, yesterday and it made me wonder...


What's the worst part of your job? And, yes, I do consider staying home with kids a job. Especially when you factor husbands in. LOL


I'm an elementary school teacher.

For me, dealing with the parents is the worst part. Some of them really don't know their kid, so when I call them, I am the one who gets yelled at for not doing stuff (even though I usually did...).


Stay at home mom here. And the worst part of it is when I have wonderful plans to do things I want to do, or had a special outing for the kids or something planned and then they kick up a fuss that's so bad or they don't listen to me when I tell them to do something. Then I have to cancel the bloody day and I know that I should be out taking them to so something I had looked forward to all week, but instead, I'm sitting at home missing it listening to them being brats!


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