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How far are you in WOT?


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Guest PiotrekS

I've read them all. I sometimes re-read my fauvorite scenes.


The book I most often go back to is The Shadow Rising.


The book I wasn't able to read more than once was TGS.

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I've read them all. I sometimes re-read my fauvorite scenes.


The book I most often go back to is The Shadow Rising.


The book I wasn't able to read more than once was TGS.


That's a big book too.

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I hate to say it, but I haven't fully caught up on the series. I just started reading it and am on Book 7. I WILL finish all 13 before A memory of Light comes out. This series is the best.


For me book 7 - 11 are just horrible.


yeah people say that. eotw will always be my favorite. the first half of the series is like a different author from the second half to me.


but... no spoilers


EOTW to me is good except for the ending. I still get the feeling every time I read it that EOTW was book 1 of a trilogy.


I think Sanderson will do justice with AMoL. Considering that it is the real meat and potatoes of what RJ left behind, and that he's a half decent writer, I don't think that there's much he could do to screw it up.


That's waht scares me the most though. How much of what Sanderson will use is like the drivel that RJ put out in the end?

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Guest PiotrekS

I got attached to some of the characters and like sometimes to get back to them.


But I'm not overly excited about the ending. The greatness of the book or series does not really lie in the ending, so whatever was the best in WOT has probably already happened.


And Ms E. has ruined a large part of late books for me :tongue:



Although I hope the Aiel will be alright and won't go back to the bloody Way of the Leaf. And I would like to see Rand, Aviendha, Nynaeve and Siuan get the happiness they deserve


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