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I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. I am sorry I disappeared, but I had a very special reason for it!! I got surprised with a mini vacation! Last year in December I lost my grandpa, who was more like a father to me. He had raised me since I was 3, and his loss was devistating. The year only got worse from there, and so I was much in need of some R&R. The trip was a complete surprise, I got a spa day complete with couples massage. I got to unplug and relax. I got to read a whole book, and sleep in and I feel SOO much better. Anyways, I am back and will get my butt off to posting.


Yea, I have been away, traveling to Texas to retrive my wife and baby from their visit to my inlaws, and then trturning to Idaho, and starting another semester of school. I will get to my posts shortly too! Got one done today, will work on the rest as soon as I can!

  • 4 weeks later...
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Alrighty! Back again! With some news.


I got back from Phoenix and came home to a big surprise. Not only had my boyfriend bought me flowers, a new comfortor for the bed, and created me a reading nook in one of the alcoves in our bedroom, but he also proposed!!! Apparently when he took me on the short weekend away he had intended to propose then, but he said I seemed too relaxed and happy and he didn't want to add any stress. :-) I am so happy! Its been a crazy couple weeks of get togethers and parties as we told all of our friends.


In addition I have had a sick puppy. He is only 7 months old (75lbs) and he has been having trouble getting up from a sitting position. He has had to have constant care to keep him calm, and he has been back to the vet several times for x-rays and check ups.


As far as the vet can tell he is okay, but we still have to be careful with him. Since we have gotten him cleared and he can go back to puppy day care, and all of our friends know the news I can start writing during the week again.

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For any TOwer Guards who would like to join an RP. The Rumors RP is just leaving the Tower. It is in the South Boards. We would love to have you!


Well, that IS exciting! When is the big day(if you know yet)?? No worries on anything! I responded to the City training, and as far as I know, Torvus and I will be joining as soon as out raising threads are completed.

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No exact date yet. It will be a desination wedding, in Mexico. We are planning for around next May.


I will reply asap :-)

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