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Hey there everyone! I have a quick question. Who remembers me? I played Toram Eldin here back in '08, maybe as late as '09. He made it to Dedicated of the Black Tower (by the skin of his teeth lol). But really, is Tai and Arath still around? I also remember Covai but didn't interact with him that much. So..... other than do people remember me I want to ask, who are now the powers that be? Say for example I wanted to "kill" Toram, could I possibly start as another Dedicated or what? You guys (I mean that in a general sense ladies XD), would not believe how much I missed rp'ing here. At one time I thought that 250+ words per post was difficult for me. Lately I have been dying to have a comprehensible rp. Also, I would say that my rp'ing skills have improved somewhat. At least as far as little piddly ass rp's count lol.


Hey! I remember you. And I AM the powers that be!


As far as your cannibalizing your old Dedicated for his sword pin ... it's possible. I'd just need a reeeeeeeeally good bio for the new character. Shoot me a PM with your ideas for the new guy and we'll see what we can do.


I think I remember the name too - though have been away quite a while and only just come back myself so I might be fooling myself into thinking it's familiar!


In any case - welcome back :) Look forward to seeing the new you



  • 2 weeks later...

Tell you what Arath, when I have a chance to write it up I'll post it. Where are we in terms of the books? I mean like Saidin being cleansed, Rand going "dark" and all those good things.


And Jask, I don't particularily remember the sn. Who is/was your character?

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