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Let us all give praise and offer services to the new Lord of Chaos!!!


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The M'Hael has spoken and decreed that a new Lord of Chaos has arisen from the ranks of the Shadow, and her name is...


























It would behoove everyone to come forth and pay your respects to our new Lord of Chaos, for her wrath is swift and unending and she shall use me to crack down upon any who displease her with righteous and furious retribution! Plus, she's very deserving of this new title and it would be nice to let her know that :biggrin:


Gifts would also be appropriate, and being that I have set out to let everyone know about this fantastic proclamation I shall bestow my meek gifts first.


To start off with, I'd like to present Leelou with some evil cake:




Next, to help create a festive air to the proceedings, I will add some spirits and drinks to help slake the thirst of those who would come revel in her awesomeness:








She will need some tools to help ensure her minions do her bidding promptly






I dearly hope you shall accept these modest tokens with amusement, your Lord of Chaosness


Your offerings suit me well, Despothera. You have pleased the Lord of Chaos.


I love my new tools toys! *whips a random lightie* These will come in very handy.




Muahahahaha :baalzamon:DevilSmiley.gif





Leelou is a girl.


Oh mighty LADY of Chaos - I bring you the awesome Cloak of Shadows - that will instantly corrupt any who dare to come to close to you and accidently brush up against it.




It's also made from 100% organic cashmere so it is extra soft and warm, and swishes lovely when you move.


*wires the lightbulb socket and switch to the mains, in a bad way, so that when the Lighties eventually get round to giving the answer to their no doubt hilarious joke - and demonstrate their 'humour' they will die horribly'


Why would we even want to put a lightbulb in, we like it dark.


Silly Lighties. Feel free to turn the light on if it makes you feel more comfortable though.




So how many shadowies does it take to screw in a light bulb?




*weaves air around Paet binding him there and takes out her whip*


You were saying...*raises eyebrow*


*bows deeply to the newly appointed Contessa of Chaos(hope that is a good enough title)* Oh Great One I have no presents at present. Is there a service I could perform that would please you?


As you Wish...


*send a weave to make a loud BANG overhead* HEARKEN UNTO ME!!! THE COUNTESSA OF CHAOS HAS SPOKEN!!! THE GREAT LEELOU has requested the services of this humble herald. Which shall be given. She further has expressed her pleasure at the numerous (and functional) gifts bestowed upon her by Despo, and then the beautiful cloak given by Ithi. Finally she has wrapped Paet up with air and is presently contemplating trying out her new whip.









I am going to be run ragged trying to keep up with you.


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