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Never Thought I'd be Doing This (Joc, Dash and Rion)


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Jocelyn could not deny she was amused at the way Rion fidgeted after he finished his meal, obviously he didn't want to break off their contact, or he would, but at the same time it was affecting him greatly. She could not deny that she wasn't feeling the effects either, her temperature had definitely risen, though apparantly she hid it better.


"It's rather hot in here I think."The smile that had been playing about her face turned into a slow grin, knowing he hadn't intended it to sound as it had, but finding it humerous all the same, especially with his cheeks flushed to match his words.


"Oh Light why is it that I can't seem to think straight when I'm around you."Jocelyn couldn't help the small giggle, finding the words a most wonderful compliment, even if poor Rion was frazzled out of his mind. She lifted her hand and patted his cheek gently, smiling at him. "You might find it hard to believe, but you do a similar thing to me." She said softly, brushing at a lock of hair fallen across his forehead.


On a whim she shifted her position, seating herself on his knee, one arm behind his neck. Heat flooded through her, partially the warmth ebbing from Rion and partially her reaction to the contact. Light alone knew just what she was doing to him, but she just couldn't help herself, bending to leave a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Thankyou again for a wonderful day." She said softly, her mouth only inches from his. "Perhaps it's a sign that you think to much." She mused quietly, gently pressing her lips against his, closing her eyes and ignoring the voice that warned caution.

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"You might find it hard to believe, but you do a similar thing to me." Rion smiled softly as his skin tingled across his forehead, Jocelyn pushing a strand of hair from his forehead. He didn't really beleive a single word of hwat she had said, and even if she did she was very good at hiding it.


Rion's breath caught as Jocelyn shifted and her light body slowly seated itself on her knee, and her arm twined around his neck. His hand's were shaking but they slowly encircled her waist all the smae, clasping together to hold her in place. He smiled and shivered lightly as Jocelyn's lips pressed against his cheek. The ghost of her touch still there even after they left. "Thankyou again for a wonderful day." Rion breath was shaky and his mind was shoruded in a rather thick fog as Jocelyn's breath played across his lips. His body was shaking, and he felt as if he was burning everywhere Jocelyn was touching. His pulse raster faster than he thought was possible.


"Perhaps it's a sign that you think to much." Rion's eyes widened slightly as Jocelyn's lips moved foreward to gently press against his. All rational thought fled as he was prone to do whe Jocelyn did this to him. His lips parted slowly and he shivered lightly as Jocelyn's tounge touched his own


Light how could anything feel this good. Nothing could make Rion feel better than he did right now. It wasn't possible to feel more alive, even Saidin paled in comparison to this. Rion's mouth worked in silent protest as Jocelyn's lips left his, thoughthe breath that came in rather raggedly through his lungs was welcome.


"I ahh..I ummm. Well.." Rion chuckled light as he looked into Jocelyn's eyes. "I'm thinking to much again. You are very welcome." Rion smiled once and then took the initiative as he suddenly felt bolder, leaning in to kiss Jocelyn as thoroughly as his limited, albeit growing, expirience allowed, his arms tightned around Jocelnyn's waist to hold her tighter. He didn't want her to leave, nor did he want to let her go. Not ever.




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Jocelyn felt her pulse quicken as she kissed Rion, his lips parting to give her questing tongue access, his unique taste boiling her bood, along with the warmth of his arms about her waist. She could easily lose herself in his innocent passion, unexperienced but eager, all the more endearing for it's genuiness.


Finally she lifted her head though, even if it was reluctantly, and all she wanted to do was lose herself in the sweetness of his kiss once more. But she had to think of Rion, heaven forbid he thought she was just taking advantage of him.


"I'm thinking to much again. You are very welcome." Jocelyn grinned at him, before her eyes widened slightly as his lips sought out her own. She met them eagerly, his obvious enthusiasm and passion for the act inspiring a similar feeling in herself, heat suffusing her being as his arms tightened in an almost possessive manner. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close as the kiss continued, her chest heaving as she struggled to breathe. Light but it would be easy to stay in his arms, to forget everything else but him.


An image of a lifetime of such sweet embraces filled her mind, terrifying her along with thrilling her. Where the picture came from, she had no idea, but something inside her knew that Rion was the kind of man she could happily spend the rest of her life with. He was sweet, and kind, and terribly attractive, even if he didn't see it that way. But who was she kidding, he was a channeller, and she was a mere prisoner here. Obviously someone LIKE Rion would be perfect, that was all.


Still, it was hard to banish the image as the kiss deepened, Jocelyn's hand cupping his shaven jaw as she caressed his lips with her own. She should stop, pull away and stop tormenting them both with what could never be, but Rion's enticing embrace befuddled her brain, his intoxicating taste tugging at her, urging her to stay, to feel, to enjoy.


It seemed an age later that she finally won the war with herself and lifted her head, dragging air into her lungs as she smiled at Rion, his kiss-swollen lips no doubt matching her own, his hair toussled in a most charming manner where her hand had tangled in it. Light, but she just wanted to kiss him again. "It is far too easy to forget myself when I'm kissing you." She admitted softly, pressing her lips upon his brow gently. "You may well be tired, and I'm keeping you up...or away from your new books at least." She grinned, giving him the opportunity to take his leave should he want to, though she hadn't been able to convince herself to rise from his lap and break the circle of his arms.

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Rational no longer existed. It had gone from simply not being possibly to being forgotten as Jocelyn kisses him, her hand resting on his jaw. It was like trying to think while asleep when he was kissing Jocelyn. His nerves were tingling and he felt on fire wherever Jocelyn was touching him, which considering how they were positioned was nearly everywhere.


"It is far too easy to forget myself when I'm kissing you." Rion only nodded a few times as he came back down to earth. Forget himself? That was an understatement for Rion when he was kissing Jocelyn. He liked nothing better and he was, he hoped, getting better at the act with everyone. "You may well be tired, and I'm keeping you up...or away from your new books at least."


Books? At the moment Rion didn't even know what those were. Every word had been replaced with Jocelyn. But slowly his wits returned. His books.....wait. His books! Rion jumped and then assumed a terrified look on his face as Jocelyn began to slide from his knee, only stopped by Rion tightening his arms around her waist.


He unwrapped his arms from Jocelyn's waist and began to stand, waiting for Jocelyn to stand so he didn't deposit her on the floor. A confused look matched with one that Rion couldn't place, though he hoped it was anger. "I um...I'll be right back. Oh light my books." Rion turned towards the door and took off like an arrow. His foot snagged on a chair in the outer room and he toppled over.


He ran out the front door with a small bump growing on his forehead to the stables where he had left his books sitting on a pedestal of air, having forgotten about them with everything going on. He ran flat out, sliding occasionally and falling twice more on his way to the stables. Panic and worry for his new treasures making his feet faster.


It would have helped if her had been more observant and seen the pile sitting on the table in Dashiva's sitting room where a kind groom had put them upon bringing them to the house.




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Jocelyn's eyes widened, startled, as Rion tried to stand while she was still on his knee, thankfully he caught her though, before she made an unladylike pile on the floor. Standing for him, she eyed him, confused. What had she said to make him run...understanding made brought amusement. His books. No doubt he had left them in the stables, a sign of just how preoccupied he obviously was to have forgotten about his treasures.


"I um...I'll be right back. Oh light my books." Jocelyn grinned as he dashed out of the room, wincing at the crash as he clearly tripped, his quick footsteps loud outside as he disappeared. Smiling to herself, lips still tingling from their kisses, Jocelyn strolled through the house, waiting for Rion's return. Entering the sitting room, she curled up on a chair to wait for him, only to spot his books on the table.


Shaking her head, she stood again, and headed out into the night. No doubt he would be terribly worried when he realised his books weren't in the stable. Humming to herself, she stole throw the shadows, coming out in front of the stable. Peeping in, she smiled at the sight, poor Rion obviously in a state of worry as he hunted.


"No need to worry, my sweet." She called as she entered, smiling at him as he stopped, wringing his hands frantically. "Someone obviously took your books back to the house for you, I saw them in the sitting room." She stepped over to him, patting his arm reassuringly. "And I promise they are all in perfect condition."

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Rion let out a stangled cry as the books were no longer sitting hwere he had left them. "Oh Light." Rin begna to search rather frantically, throwing hay over his shoulder to see if they had simply fallen. He rummaged through any closet he could find, searching everywhere.


"No need to worry, my sweet." Rion stood up quickly, rather suprised when it was Jocelyn's voice that spoke. Wringing his hands he couldn't help but dissagree. There was plenty of need to worry! "Someone obviously took your books back to the house for you, I saw them in the sitting room." Rion let out a very large sigh and smiled as Jocelyn patted his arm.


"And I promise they are all in perfect condition." Rion smiled sheepishly and belated realised how foolish he must look right now. He was blushing profusely and had staw in his rumpled unirform as well as a few strands in his hair. He tried to look Jocelyn in the eye as he stood there but found it to difficult as he flushed deeper and looked away sheepishly.


Rion finnally found the courage to speak. "Thank you." Rion looked away again and took the pretense of picking some star off of his sleeve. "I feel rather foolish now." Rion clasped his hand behind his back and bit his lip.


"I'm sorry about running out so quickly. I panicked, and I think I almost...um dropped you. I'm sorry.." Rion bit his lip and looked down, wringing his hands behind his back and hoping Jocelyn wasn't angry with him.




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Jocelyn couldn't hide the affection she felt for Rion as she surveyed his dishevelled appearance, the straw stuck to his clothing giving him the look of a man who'd been rolling in the hay...which he practically had. His vivid blush simply added to the appeal, the way he shyly avoided her gaze.


"I'm sorry about running out so quickly. I panicked, and I think I almost...um dropped you. I'm sorry.." Jocelyn lifted one delicate shoulder in a shrug and stepped a little closer, reaching up to help pluck straw from his hair and clothing, playful smile on her face. "Well as to that, I'm sure you could come up with a way to make it up to me..." She let the words hang in the air, mischief dancing in her eyes.


"But I know how much you treasure your books...think nothing of it." She grinned, brushing his chest to remove the clinging pieces of straw. "And you don't look foolish...I think you look rather sweet..." She grinned at his blush, wondering if she would ever grow tired of it, of the innocence mixed with his curious mind. Probably not, she thought to herself. It was just to endearing.


"Well if you've finished cleaning the stables for one night, what say you escort me back to the house?" She giggles, lightly teasing him as she looped her arm into his, leaning against his arm slightly as they walked out into the night. Tilting her head back, she sighed softly at the star filled sky. It was a lovely evening, clear and bright, if a little on the cold side. It all seemed somewhat magical, and Jocelyn found herself reluctant to end it.


The house came into view, and she paused. "Sit with me, for a while?" She asked. "It's so pretty out here, watching the stars...I don't want to go in just yet." She smiled faintly and led Rion over to a fallen tree, sitting on it and motioning for him to join her, as she tilted her face to the sky once more. A thought that had been niggling in her mind since they left that morning rose to the surface again, and she turned her face towards Rion.


"What does it feel like? The One Power I mean." She added. "Is that what made Dash sick earlier?" Pressing against his side for warmth, she waited for his reply, resting her head against his shoulder.

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"I think you look rather sweet..." Light it seemed Jocelyn's goal in life to make him blush. Her words before, how to make it up to her seemed innocent but when Jocelyn said it. Nothing seemed normal when he was with Jocelyn, and for once Rion loved the chaos.


Rion found himself enjoying the night as he walked back to the house, arm looped with Jocelyn's. He could feel the small amount of pressure that spoke of her leaning against him and it produced a small smile as well as a small skip in his heart. He was dissapointed when the house finally came into view. "Sit with me, for a while? It's so pretty out here, watching the stars...I don't want to go in just yet."


Rion nodded enthusiasticall and followed Jocelyn over to a fallen tree, sitting down next to her when she motioned for him to. He looked up at the sky when she did and couuld not help a small amount of wonder at the view. He loved looking at the stars.


What Jocelyn said next caught Rion off gaurd, though he had been wondering when she would ask something like this. "What does it feel like? The One Power I mean. Is that what made Dash sick earlier?"


Rion sighed softly and chewed on his lip for a second before he answered. "I think that is what made Dashiva sick earlier. I ask him once and he has been chanelling for nearly ten years, which is a long time to still be...sane." Rion let out a long breath and closed his eyes for a moment before he continued. That subject was never an easy thing to talk about.


It was a struggled to keep from reaching out to Saidin as he described what it felt like. "Saidin is, well, the largest paradox that is possible. The taint will make you want to empty your stomach every moment you hold Saidin. Saidin is a raging storm, an avalanch that will consme you if you do not fight back."


Rion leaned his head and restied it lighty on Jocelyn's as he continued, a small nostalgic look taking control of his features. "But at the same time you cannot feel more alive, with Saidin. Colors are brighter, smells sharper. It's hard to explain. Saidin is like a rose. Beautiful but it has it's thorns. But with Saidin pricking your self with the thorn is inevitable." Rion sighed softly and slipped an arm around Jocelny's waist, taking some streangth in the simple act.




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Jocelyn listened quietly, having known deep down that it was the power that had effected Dashiva so, but wishing it was something else. Something that couldn't also affect Rion. 10 years was a long time to be channelling and retain your sanity? Jocelyn chewed her lip, fighting back the terrible feeling of despair it elicited in her. She didn't want that to happen to Rion, she wanted him to have a long, happy, relatively normal life.


"Saidin is like a rose. Beautiful but it has it's thorns. But with Saidin pricking your self with the thorn is inevitable."Jocelyn enjoyed the slight pressure of Rion's arm around her waist, wriggling a little closer to his warmth. She hadn't realised it was such...a battle, every time he held the power, yet it was obviously enticing...light, but it was a burden no one should have to bear.


"I'm sorry you have to endure what you do." She said softly, gazing out into the night. "I don't think I would be nearly so strong, if it was me." She admitted, a slight shiver from the chill urging her to snuggle closer to Rion for warmth. Another thought was bothering her, and though she really didn't want to voice the question, she had to ask. "How..." She paused, clearing her throat. "How long have you been channelling for?" Jocelyn asked softly, thinking it certainly could not have been nearly as long as Dashiva. Though even if it had been, she was holding firm to a belief that Rion would not be affected the same way, foolish a hope as it may be.


"Not that it matters, I'm more curious." She added, not wanting him to think she was afraid of him, because she certainly wasn't. In fact, she'd never felt so comfortable with anyone as she did with Rion. She turned her face towards his, hoping he could read in her eyes that she was not afraid or sickened by him...just worried for him. She smiled softly at him, lifting her head to kiss him lightly on the cheek. "On second thoughts, it doesn't matter. I don't need to know, because that is not going to happen to you. I won't let it." She added in a soft whisper, no idea how she could prevent such a thing, but knowing she would do all in her power, whilever she could.

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Rion gave Jocelyn a light squeeze at her words. He knew she was selling herself short, she was much stronger than she was telling him. You would have to be to live here under the circumstances she did. Rion did not think he could take being Jocelyn no matter how strong she thought he was.


"How...How long have you been channelling for?" Rion shook raised an eyebrow at that, having to think for a moment. He didn't know exactly when he started, for he had started unconsciously before he had consciously. He turned his head and smiled at Jocelyn as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. Rion could not help a small thought that Jocelyn was worried about him going mad, though he thought more for his sake than for her own. That single thought made his heart soar more than anything else could at that moment.


"On second thoughts, it doesn't matter. I don't need to know, because that is not going to happen to you. I won't let it." Rion tightned his arm around Jocelyn and brought her still closer towards him, leaning over to kiss the top of her head softly.


"If it makes you feel better I have only been channeling for a few months, if you wanted to know or not. I still have many years in front of me, and Light willing maybe we can find a way to get rid of the taint before anything happens." And if not, the Tower was very good at protecting itself from it's students going mad. Though Rion knew Jocelyn did not need to know that.


The pair sat in silence for a few moments, the darker subject temporarily destroying all thoughts of conversation. Rion tilted his head back to gaze at the stars again, it always had a calming effect. More to kill the quiet than anything else he spoke. "Do you ever wonder what the stars are really. I've always wanted to know and I haven't found anyone who can give me a straight answer." Rion chewed his lip thoughtfully as he craned his neck to pick out some of the constellations he had been taught to see as a boy by his father. Mouthing their names as he found them.




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Jocelyn couldn't deny how comfortable it was to sit with Rion's arm around her, the light kiss dropped in her hair making her smile faintly in the dark. There was no pressure or demands for what she could give as a woman, but rather a contentment to simply sit and enjoy each other's company, something she found a little disconcerting if wonderful. She'd never sat with a man in the moonlight without the man expecting to dandle her on his knee or more, but Rion made her feel completely at ease, as though he enjoyed her company and not just the fact that she was a creature in skirts.


"If it makes you feel better I have only been channeling for a few months, if you wanted to know or not. I still have many years in front of me, and Light willing maybe we can find a way to get rid of the taint before anything happens."Jocelyn blinked, not realising just how raw the feelings must be, of Rion leaving home, of discovering his ability. He really was strong, to have come to terms with it so quickly, though she was pleased to discover he had not been channelling nearly as long as Dashiva.


"Do you ever wonder what the stars are really. I've always wanted to know and I haven't found anyone who can give me a straight answer."Drawn from her thoughts once more, Jocelyn tilted her own head back somewhat, still resting against Rion's shoulder as she took in the twinkling brilliance of the night sky.


"I doubt the answer I could give you would be correct." She mused with a small smile. "But my Grandfather would tell me that stars were the remnants of the great souls that had gone before us. The ones whose lives had shone so brightly, that not even death could remove their spark.†She smiled wistfully at the memory, lying on the grass in the gardens with her beloved grandfather as a child, listening as he told her about the mysteries of the universe. He’d first told her that after the passing of his wife, her grandmother. Lifting an arm, she pointed to one particularly bright star. “See that one there?†She asked, helping Rion find the one she pointed to. “That’s his star.â€


Lowering her arm, she snuggled against Rion’s side against the cold. “Like I said, I doubt it’s the real explanation, but it’s a nice thought, all the same.†She said with a smile, noticing as he mouthed to himself. “I don’t know the names of many constellations…can you tell me some?†She asked, still not wanting to break the spell and head inside for the evening.

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Jocelyn's story about what the stars was a good one, but it was still just a story. Well, it could be true but Rion was to much of a realist, to much of a scholar to beleive it was that mystucal. “See that one there? That’s his star.†Rion followed Jocelyn's finger to a one of the brighter stars in the sky.


The thought that great people were destined to become a star was enough to wonder if his life would be deemed worthy of such an honor. Whether he was leading a life that would be deemed great in the eyes of others. Probobly not, with greatness one needed to be able to stand int he center of the spotlight and Rion was not one to draw attention to himself.


“Like I said, I doubt it’s the real explanation, but it’s a nice thought, all the same. I don’t know the names of many constellations…can you tell me some?†Rion smiled and nodded quickly. He brought his arm from around Jocelyn's waist and used his finger to trace the stars of the constellations.


"The one there, you can see the three stars in a line. If you look above and below, you'll have to use your imagination, you can see the torso and legs. That's The Hunter." Rion's finger traced over the stars, his imagination putting the figures together.


Rion turned his gaze to the right and moved his finger along with it. "Those there," Rion's finger tracing the stars. "those are the twins. To the right of them, these two look very similar but have a few differences if you use your mind to put the image on them, are The Lovers."


Rion's arm fell back around Jocelyn as he looked to the sky for more of the constelations, but from his vantage he couldn't see any of the others he knew. "There are a few others, but...I don't see them tonight." Rion tilted his head back down to rest on Jocelyn's. He breathed deeply. He wished tonight would never end, that he coudl sit under the stars with Jocelyn forever, oblivious to the world around them.




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Jocelyn followed Rion's finger, picking out the stars, trying to make a picture from them. Some took quite a bit of imagining, though others leapt out at her right away. The lovers jumped out at her, and set her imagination whirring anyway, bringing a tiny smile to her lips as Rion's arm once more rested around her waist.


She sighed softly, contentedly as Rion's head once more rested on her own. She was so comfortable, enjoying his warmth, the niceness of being held, nothing demanded or expected. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, not wanting to disperse the spell, the scent from the herbal soap Rion had used that morning lightly teasing her senses.


Turning into his arm slightly, Jocelyn wrapped an arm around Rion's waist, hugging him, partly to stave off the chill, but mainly to enjoy the closeness. "I'm glad that you're here." She said softly. Light, imagining what it would be like at the farm without Rion was horrifying. The thought of being constantly watched by Drenn, or Isha...she swallowed, thinking just how lucky she was to have been found by the sweet, gentle man she was hugging.


Wrapping her other arm around him, she smiled to herself, holding him silently, revelling in the sweet simplicity. Why it should be simple she had no idea, she was a prisoner, essentially, and he was a man who was destined to go mad...yet here, in the moonlight, none of that seemed to matter, none of it seemed real, as though it were a million miles away.


She yawned softly, determined to not move, ever, when footsteps reached her ears, causing her to stiffen, reluctantly turning her head. She couldn't make out who it was, and they walked on, thankfully, but they had reminded her that she was sitting out in the open with Rion, where anyone could see. Not that she cared for herself, but she didn't particularly want to subject him to any more embarassment. She was the only one allowed to make him blush.


With a rueful smile, she looked up at Rion. "I suppose we should be going inside, but light help me, I don't want this night to end." Lifting her hand she brushed at the hair that had fallen across his brow, before pressing a light kiss on his cheek. "Thankyou for sitting with me." She smiled.

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The pressure of Jocelyn's arms hugging him was enough to send a small shiver along Rion's spine. It felt good though, the uneeded heat coming from Jocelyn felt strange but not unwanted. "I'm glad that you're here." Rion smiled sheepishly, though Jocelyn couldn't see it.


And although Jocelyn coming into his life had sent shockwaves through him and his calm organized life. He was very glad she was here to. Rion was not one to enjoy chaos, but for once the chaos brought when Jocelyn was around was something Rion wanted. His bubble had been popped and he was finally being propelled into the real world, and for once this change was proving wanted.


Rion turned his head with Jocelyn, not becuase he had heard anything but because he was just curios as to what she was seeing. It turned out to only be someone walking in the dark, and Rion couldn't see them so he was hopeful that he couldn't see him.


It wasn't as if he was ashamed of sitting here with Jocelyn, in fact he didn't really care if someone saw them. He just didn't want to be interupted. He had grown used to being taunted so that words said about him and Jocelyn that they had encountered weren't much of a bother. They hurt but, they were only words.


"I suppose we should be going inside, but light help me, I don't want this night to end. Thankyou for sitting with me." Rion could feel the light heat on his cheeks that spoke of him blushing. Light, it didn't seem natural that a mere kiss on the cheek could make him blush now, but he didn't think he would ever be able to stop.


Rion smiled in response to hers, feeling a little bold he leaned in and kissed Jocelyn lightly on the lips. "I had a wonderful time. I hope you enjoyed the day as well." Reluctantly Rion unwound his arm from around Jocelyn's waist and stood. He offered her his arm when she followed and smiled again when she slipped her arm in his. "Today turned out to be much better than I expected."




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Rion's boldness caused Jocelyn's eyes to widen slightly, though the soft kiss was most welcome, and elicited a reactive flutter in her stomach. "I had a wonderful time. I hope you enjoyed the day as well." The feeling of, well loss was almost overwhelming as Rion released his hold on her, standing before also offering her a hand. It was strange, the empty feeling inside, like suddenly she was no longer whole. What that had to do with Rion's embrace she wasn't entirely sure, and didn't even know if she wanted to explore the reasons behind it, scared of what she would find.


Instead, Jocelyn smiled at Rion, looping her arm in his in their usual manner, leaning against him slightly. "Today turned out to be much better than I expected." Jocelyn smiled to herself, their steps slow as they made their way to the back door of Dashiva's house. "I can honestly say I don't remember when I've enjoyed better." She replied sincerely, her gaze meeting his as he paused to open the door, letting her enter the darkened house first.


Slowly Jocelyn made her way up the stairs, the sound of Rion's soft footsteps not far behind her. She paused in the hall outside their rooms, tired but yet still terribly reluctant for the evening to end. She whirled to face Rion, rueful smile playing about her lips. "I guess it's time to say goodnight." She said, with a small shrug of one slim shoulder, instinct causing her to step forward and onto her toes, bringing her lips to Rion's in a fervent kiss, lingering for a time before easing herself away. Light, if she'd been reluctant to leave before, she was twice as much so now! Why had she done that? Looking at the glint in Rion's eyes, and the rosiness of his lips where hers had caressed his own, she knew, and had the urge to do so again. Madness, absolute madness.


"Sleep well, Rion." She said breathily, smiling up at him from beneath her lashes before turning to her door, fumbling with the knob a few times before managing to open the door, closing it behind her with a soft click and leaning back against it, sighing in the dark. Light, but he created turmoil inside her, without so much as trying. Did he have any idea just how much he affected her? She shook her head with a smile and stepped towards the bed, not bothering to light the candle as she pulled her dress over her head, tossing it carelessly aside.


Kicking aside her shoes, she padded barefoot over to the small window, clad only in her thin shift. Resting her elbow on the pane, she placed her chin in her hand, gazing out at the stars. Picking out her grandfathers star, she opened her mouth, and began to softly speak, doing what she hadn't done in many years. She told him all about what was happening, and about a wonderful man named Rion, and how he would no doubt have been fond of him too. Strangely enough she didn't feel silly, talking to a star as though it held the spark of her beloved grandfather, but rather it was comforting, staying where she was for some time, until the cold got the better of her.


Blowing a quick kiss out the window, Jocelyn slid beneath the blankets, curling up into a content ball as her lips tingled, as though the ghost of Rion's lips still remained.

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"I can honestly say I don't remember when I've enjoyed better." Rion was overjoyed that Jocelny had enjoyed herself, knowing that the day had been ultimately for her. He smiled as she walked by him, his stomach fluttering as her arm brushed against him.


Rion followed Jocelyn up the stairs reluctant that he couldn't be next to her, but not overly saddened by his position. He blushed and diverted his eyes when he found himself admiring the way Jocelyn moved in front of him and how her dress clung to her form. She turned at the top of the stairs. "I guess it's time to say goodnight." Rion's stomach jumped inside of him as Jocelyn stepped foreward rising on her toes in a what was becoming familier gesture. Rion lowered his head to meet Jocelyn, as their lips met and she kissed him. His lips felt afire and his heart was beating rapidly as they kissed, Rion lifting his head almost reluctantly as Jocelyn broke the contact.


"Sleep well, Rion." Rion simply smiled, breathless and unable to speak as the ghost of Jocelyn's lips still lingered. He finally mustered the ability as Jocelyn fumbled with the door knob. "You to Jocelyn." Rion waited until the door clicked shut behind her before moving to open his door.


Rion shurgged out of his coat and threw it onto his bed as he entered the room. He weaved his small ball of light almost without thinking as he stripped his shirt and shoes. He settled under one blanket and took the notebook from beside his bed.


He took up the piece of charcoal laying next to the unlight candel and began to draw on the piece of paper in front of him, letting his hand do whatever and simply enjoying the motions. He wasn't sure how to end a day such as this, and as such simply ended it like any other day. The form in front of him slowly took on the shape of a woman's face, then Jocelyn's features began to form. Rion traced in the a last wisp of hair falling across her face and smiled at Jocelyn's image before lying it down on the table and sliding under the sheets. He stretched once before he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.




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