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So what do you want for Christmas?


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I thought it would be cool to have a thread talking about the things we most want to receive as gifts this holiday season. Also, it would be neat to hear some stories about unique gifts you are going to be giving to others.


I'll make my what I want post later, but I'll say what my most creative present I'm giving is. For my aunt I bought one of those ceramic ornaments that need to be painted, and have places to put a families names and the year. So I painted it and put each of their names on it, which in this case are little bears with Santa hats peaking around a Christmas tree :)


I have two of those books. Somehow... >.>


My favourite present I am giving this year is a teapot. Inside the teapot are two wooden christmas trees my friend and I painted and 3 rubber ducks which we also painted. One is a christmas tree, one is a donkey and one is a teapot.


I want skyward sword. Still.


I don't own it Maw but I've played it. It's a wonderful game


Yup. If this is the big white book you're talking about



That book it GREAT AH. Last I knew it was only up to book 7 I think, but maybe theyve released an updated edition :)


I have two of those books. Somehow... >.>


My favourite present I am giving this year is a teapot. Inside the teapot are two wooden christmas trees my friend and I painted and 3 rubber ducks which we also painted. One is a christmas tree, one is a donkey and one is a teapot.


That's really creative Ayla :biggrin:


i want the kids to be totally blown away by everything they get, to be over the top insane with joy and lust for toys, and to love every single thing they get all year long, and to forget some of it and rediscover it throughout the year and to be happy. and i want to see their faces shining with pure joy. and i will.


Nawwww.... :happy: I'm sure they'll love it cindy.


Not doing/getting(sob) much this year because most of the family's overseas. But meh.


One can always wish :tongue:


Recently I've fallen in love with this swinging fender saddle, combining the best parts of western and stock saddles. It's beoooooooooootiful...*dreams*...just what I'd need for starting to ride my young horse...but unfortunately more than half a grand :tongue:


One day I shall. *nodnod*


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