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Well, I must have done it backwards then. I used to only read history books then

started on The Dark Tower series. I thought it was so :ohmy: until I finally started

the Wheel of Time and then I was hooked into this crazy fantasy stuff. :blink:


I heard about this series and put it off for a while and then blazed through them and

loved them all....well, except for Cersei. :wacko:


At least they are drawn in on something decent. I would hate it if they started with

some of the really crappy stuff.


Haha! My friend is like a huge Trekkie. I don't know what he is saying most of the time

so I just nod and smile a lot. I would like to find that Klingon Dictionary though. :biggrin: Bloodwine ftw! :rolleyes:




That is an epic article! Poor people, they just don't know what they're getting themselves into....


Re: Star Trek....


I live about 20 minutes away from Riverside, IA. Trekfest every year. A miniature Enterprise is located there.


My brother gave it a wash when he was raising money for his Eagle Scout project, actually. He had a car wash going, and I think it was advertised in the paper, and halfway through the wash....


The Enterprise showed up!!! And he got his picture in the paper. :laugh:


I was working that day. Unlucky me. XD


I like the way they say "Lord of the rings doesn't count" LOL


I can think of worse things to be addicted too...like romance novals...arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*laughs* I found this article on George's Not A Blog, and I lol'd. Several times. So I thought I would share. My favorite line was said by the wife: “I hate to say this, but it'd be better if he were dead.”


I laughed so hard a girl in my tent asked me to read the article to her.


..... I have a friend who has been pushing me to read them for the past few months. To put it simply his attempts have spawned a creature of skepticism and cynicism within me which will prevent me from reading or enjoying the series......



Randland is my fantasy world and I'm happy to construct an encyclopedia in my mind just for it, tuck it into the shelves at night and kiss it better when trollocs scare it...... I just don't think I'm ready to give that level of dedication to another series!


You're missing out pantsy poo :tongue: I feel strongly about ASoIaF, I have convinced many friends to read it and they thanked me for it ^^


Nope not the first of April, sadly.


I just can't believe this not to be a joke...


You're missing out pantsy poo :tongue: I feel strongly about ASoIaF, I have convinced many friends to read it and they thanked me for it ^^


Nope not the first of April, sadly.


Ohhhhhhh. So it isn't just an odd coincidence that your DM name is the same as that series! I get it now. biggrin.gif


You're missing out pantsy poo :tongue: I feel strongly about ASoIaF, I have convinced many friends to read it and they thanked me for it ^^


Nope not the first of April, sadly.


Ohhhhhhh. So it isn't just an odd coincidence that your DM name is the same as that series! I get it now. biggrin.gif


No I totally came up with this name before I even heard of the series. It's really about pokemon.


You were one of those friends buddy, Mr I don't want to read it because I don't think I'll like it. :tongue:


Yes mam that I am. It took all I had to force myself through Game of Thrones. You convinced me to keep reading and I have come to like the series. But I still like teasing you about not liking Martin more. biggrin.gif


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