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Drinks for tinahel


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Dice wanders around the outskirts of the Black Tower looking for a suitable place to set up drinks for tina. He spots some towering trees nearby and heads for them. Once he enters the area enclosed by the trees he feels a peacefullness wash over him


looks around the glade...verry pretty


starts to set up


0ne large table with comfortable chairs


one fully stocked bar


one pool table


one jukebox


a dicing area



looks around "hmmm just needs a little something extra.."


hangs a sign over the door




then goes to prepare a drink for Tinahel


(wonders to himself how many will come in before her figgers on 5)


cindy is a lightie, my friend, and happy to have found the light and repented while there was yet time, like st augustine.


and your silly compulsion won't work on me, nor will your jedi mind trick.


dice is glad he only put out the compulsed stuff....Cindy will now find herself acting like a lightie for the next week or so..






Major Fail lol.


*also leaves badly written note for the M'Hael*


Dicey is up to sommat. I would not trust him as far as I could throw him.


*considers using a weave of air to throw Dicey but can't be bothered so leaves*


joins dicey for a drinkydrink soooo this here drink stand wouldn't in someway be a bribe or something would it? I would have to twap you if so >.>


*being Leelou's minion means I has to look after Tina sometimes too so she isn't taken advantage of!


*Leelou wanders in to check out the area Dice has picked.* Nice set up you have here Dice, I'm sure my sister will be along shortly. *smiles and winks at EP*


*had heard rumors and decided to check out the bar. There was truly a beautiful place she thought. She was happy she had chosen her new dress. Suddenly she stumbled on something and landed on the ground. EP? With a quick weave she made the dirt disappear from her dress. What to do with the drunk man? She smiled as she lifted him up with another weave and laid him down in the nearest tree. That will be fun to watch as he wakes up.*


Dear Dicetosser. What a beautiful place.


Hi Dice, sure I'll take a drink. *smiles to her sister, then watches Tina put her minion in a tree* *sighs and with weaves of air gets him out of the tree*


hmmm so the steddingness only extends so far...good to know


Hi Tina!! thought id take up your suggestion


Leads Tina over to the table set aside for them . Quickly give leelou the same as he gave EP and throws a bucket of water on the firebird


heads over with drinks for him and tina




thought we could sit and have a bit of a natter Tina not that i have a particular topic in mind other then getting to know you.


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