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what if we upped the points ante here?

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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we have an interesting points system here. it's complicated, and can be .... fun... if you like math.


but it is also very... how can i put this nicely.... nickel and dime.


there are opportunities that pop up from time to time that let people get a bunch of points in one shot. i've been lucky enough to have been able to take advantage of more than my share.


but i live here. that's not the case for everyone.


most people are stuck slogging along picking up 5 and 10 as they can, and probably getting frustrated with the process. i'll bet we lose more than a few people that way.


what if we turned things around, though, and loosened up the points, and let people get somewhere fast if they've a mind to? i believe it would only be good for morale, for the whole BT.


and non-spam activity would go through the roof if that activity was rewarded with lotsa points. spam is great, spam is good... but it's not really very filling. if OP battles really paid, i'd be trying a lot harder to figure out the crazy system.



i'm not recruiting for another social group here. just pointing out a thing about points. in some places, the points flow like water. in one today there was an opportunity to get minimum 50 - 75 points just for posting in a thread. and this happens regularly. so if someone wants to get points, they're always there to get, in great huge bucketsful. and when people hand out points to other people there, they hand out tons. you made me lol, here's 50. i have to give out 400 this month, first 8 people to post get 50 a piece. like that. all the time.


i don't even want any more points there for fear of responsibility, but it's such a conditioned response, i jump every time.


and the same thing would happen here if we loosened up the purse strings.


and nothing bad would come of it. i promise.


what do you all think?


sounds good to me cindy


im a member in other orgs where points are hard to get ive been with the wolfkin for 6 years and have only just made it to full wolfkin. Mostly because i cant live here like you say.


I have worried how i would get points here now that ive got my 50 questions done.



btw cind..any spare points u got i will happily accept :biggrin:


i think they should consider it.


it's good for business.


no points to spare this month dice. infortunately we only get 10 to givbe out at asha level.


at some other orgs they gets hundreds.


and it's a lot of fun being able to give out points like that. it makes everyone happy.


happy is good.


points are good.


more points more happy.


less crankiness over points, and we have an awful lot of unnecessary points related crankiness.


I wholeheartedly agree with this idea. It could be as simle as enlarging the points pool for all Ashaman/leadership positions to give out, or having more contests and games that give out points more regularly. It's frustrating when only a few activities give points regularly, and you miss out on the opportunity to get any points from it if you log in too late.


and there's no reason for that frustration. we can print all the points we want, and make them fairer, and easier, to obtain.


it won't break the economy.


i don;t think anyone likes the "elitism" or whatever that goes along with the system.


id' like to see everyone have a sense of accomplishment, and pride, here. and as silly as it seems, points are what does that. i don;t get it, because there's no intrinsic value. but... they work.


and i really want to be able to just throw points around and make people happy. just, oh, i have 800 i forgot to give out this month, thinkin of a number between 1 and 1000, 10 people who come closest get 80.


like that.


it would be wicked fun.


I first joined in June. I was active for a month or two and maybe got 10 points.


Since coming back in September I've managed to get some more, but it's hard. It's not hard in a fulfilling way to get points, it's hard in a popularity contest or being in the right place at the right time type way.


I don't think points should just be given out and make it worthless, but it should be possible for someone why wants to put forth the effort to get them.


agreed. there's definitely a popularity contest aspect to it, and as small as the points are, it really skews things.


points should be earnable by anyone who has a mind to.


You make some good points Cindy, making this certainly worthy of consideration. However, you must realize that even with the points distribution being where it is now, people have a relatively easy time ranking up. To go from Civilian to Asha'man takes no large amount of effort and can be done rather quickly. (more quickly, I think, than most Orgs) Considering that the leveling up costs are quite small early on, one can get to Asha'man with even middling participation. It is from there that the effort required to keep climbing the ladders becomes actual to achieve thinks like Paladin, Attack Leader, Sa'Angreals, and so on. However, the only major point for stats after reaching Asha'man (except perhaps Paladin/Attack Leader) is for OP Battles and as long as the opportunities are relatively equal, that is all that matters in that regard. (And there are plenty of opportunities for points sitting around so that the rate of points increase can be directly proportionate to the level of effort put in)


That said, there are certainly some areas where I would agree that boosting the point output could be quite beneficial, and, I think, should perhaps be done. (For things such as the amount of points people can give up per month or the points allocated for certain tasks) In light of that, I will bring forth the subject to the Staff. I wouldn't expect a full overhaul, however I wouldn't be surprised to see changes in some areas.


Thank you for the suggestion. :)


so thinking about this more and not really coming up with good ways to reduce or remove the popularity contest and lurker rewar aspects of pointing and make it something rewarding and challenging and fair.


tho I do like the idea of having more points to give out Ican see where that might not be the way to go.


I'm thinking tasks and games with higher rewards, but no specific ideas.


so does anyone have any solid ideas on this? what would be good ways to make it possible for people who want points to earn them in a way that retains their value, and makes earning them fun and fulfilling?


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