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I will die before I give in! (attn: EVERYONE)


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OOC: continued from http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4663


OOC2: This is NOT for the light of heart. Elizabeth is a very serious character with very real problems, mentally, physically, and psychologically. This passage goes back to her past, where she remembers being raped. I suggest that you not read this if you wish to avoid reading on this subject! (duh!) Ill give you an edited version if you wish, just pop me a PM.




Invited into the room, Elizabeth slipped in, her heart racing with every breath and every step. A few beats into the room, she took a look around, seeing the neat desk, the stack of white, books in a corner, and a desk.. a desk that held a knife. Fingers seemed to creep across her skin and she felt them tighten on her neck as her breath quickened. A sharp pain came to her leg, and another on her stomach. Grabbing her tummy with both hands, she could feel the ground under her seem to shake and she felt herself stumble as her thin figure almost landed in the arms of the Mistress of Novices. Her face almost gray, her lips parted as she let her eyes half close. "Child, are you alright?" she heard, and Elizabeth nodded her head. "Don't... touch..." she felt her whole body shake, and her fingers ran to hide in her hair. Gripping past white knuckles, Elizabeth held on as she began shaking and crying.


He couldn't touch her again, he was dead- her eyes opened and she saw him in the mirror. Pulling away from the woman she turned around to see nothing. It wasn’t him, he was dead. Her eyes glanced back at the desk and she saw the knife again before she felt a stab in her back. Screaming, she world around to see a shocked and bewildered Aes Sedai. The pain left her as she stared at the woman, but still she backed up until she was at a bookshelf. Items fell down around her and Elizabeth saw not one, not two, but three of him walking towards her. She screamed with every last bit of her being, the hands closing around her arms. "You won't have me, I won't let you," she screamed as she fought, her hands clawing at the body before her. "Never again!" she yelled, and then felt a hand clamp over her mouth, as if the air was gone from her.


Struggling, Elizabeth thought she saw the end. She felt terror and pain, every lasting scar he had left cutting into her again and again. She was carried, to the light knows where, and held down on a bed. The clothes on her body were ripped from her and Elizabeth fought the bonds, determined to never again be raped by him. She could already feel the pain between her legs as if he was brutally taking her again and she could feel his slimy hands running through her hair, his massive hands running over her breast. She had fought for so long and so hard, losing it all, and he should have been dead. He had to be dead. She closed her eyes one last time and asked for the Light to take her life before enduring another such pain.



OOC: ok, I am going to add in a little side note. I am doing most of this RP by myself. There is a part about to come up where I will need others help, particularly novices and accepted, any sisters that would like to RP Yellows, and a lot of Green Sisters and at least one Green Gaidin or lover, and then two male tower guards. PM me or hipbump me on msn and ill let you in.


OOC2: what exactly happened, you have to wonder. Well, you need to read her bio, because then you will better understand. http://whitetowerdiv.org/YellowAjah/Elizabeth.html will be where you can find her stuff; however, I will explain what just happened. She is having hallucinations of her late husband. She is feeling things from the past and even a gentle calming caress is taken to her tormented body as a grab or punch. The last bit, she is in the infirmary… just read and you will see. Let me know if you have any questions, and ill clear things up




Her body seemed to now be wrapped in cool sheets- the change had been immediate. She was afraid to open her eyes for fear of seeing his, but when a cool hand ran through her hair, she opened them slowly to see an Aes Sedai staring down at her, other Aes Sedai around her. "You need to calm down. Just breathe- we won't hurt you. Calm down, and then we can Heal these wounds." Elizabeth looked down to see her clothes in the corner and she tried to relax, her heart no longer racing. What had happened? Where was she? How did she get here? And where had he gone? The Aes Sedai slowly left her until only one remained, the one caressing her hair. "I am going to get you a sleeping potion, it will take me a few minutes. Once we put you to sleep, we will then Heal you." Elizabeth nodded her head and shivered under the sheet, her body aching and her throat sore.


The woman left her there and Elizabeth closed her eyes, trying to relax. "What happened? Who was screaming?" A man. She could hear a man’s voice. Another one piped up. "It sounded like a tortured soul; she even woke up the trainees. Everyone wants to know what was happening!" Elizabeth's eyes opened and she felt the world closing in on her again. Her body was shaking as she heard a woman respond, telling them to not meddle in woman's business. For a moment, she thought that the nightmare would be gone, but the men pushed, looking for an answer. Elizabeth held the sheet tight around her body and she heard his voice… You are mine... Determined to get out before he could find her, she rose from the bed. The sheet tightened around her body as she looked for a way out. She had to escape. She had to run.




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Nynaeve nodded at Maya Sedai's explanation concerning Elizabeth's state, physically and mentally. Which was really that no one had a clue what caused it. All that was known was that the girl had a nervous break down. Screaming and the likes and had to be dragged to the infirmary. Nynaeve gazed at Elizabeth, who was laying on the bed, eyes tightly shot. Nynaeve wrinkled her brow in puzzlement, wondering what on earth could have triggered such a behavior and who could have hurt her so badly. Feeling sympathy towards the girl, Nynaeve ran her hands through her hair to sooth her.


At the feel of Nynaeve's touch, Elizabeth's eyes slowly opened. "You need to calm down, child. Just breath. We won't hurt you. Calm down and then we can heal your wounds. You are safe." Elizabeth didn't respond. She only looked about the room and then rested her head on the pillow, confusion decorating her face.


Nynaeve motioned the other Aes Sedai in the room to leave. It was getting too crowded and that could affect Elizabeth's state of mind. She wanted the girl peaceful."I am going to get you a sleeping potion, it will take me a few minutes. Once I put you to sleep, I will then heal you." Elizabeth nodded. Nynaeve smiled warmly, squeezing Elizabeth's hand and then left the room. She didn't get far. After taking four steps, she came across two tower guards.


Nynaeve raised an eyebrow. "Yes?". One of the Tower Guards finally decided to speak. "What happened? Who was screaming? It sounded like a tortured soul; she even woke up the trainees. Everyone wants to know what was happening!". Nynaeve glared. "It would be wise of you not to meddle in Aes Sedai business, boy." The other Tower Guard suddenly grew a back bone and said, "We have a right to know." Nynaeve chuckled. "A right? You have the duty to guard the Tower. Instead you are here, wasting my time and abandoning your post. What happens in the infirmary is Aes Sedai business. Leave me now!". Nynaeve considered flicking the guards with some air threads to add the effect she wanted, but she decided against it eventually.


At first the Tower Guards didn't budge. Nynaeve gave them a significant glare and was about to scold them, when one of them sighed, tugged at his friend's sleeve and they both left, probably realizing that they were not going to get anything out of her. Nynaeve shook her head in irritation and walked away towards the storage room, where they kept their medicine.






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The streets of Tar Valon were active for an evening like this. Shawn ate the meal one of the trainees had brought him only ten minutes ago as he watched the people of the city heading home from their jobs, and a few heading to their jobs. From the height of the wall looking down, the people looked too small to even be capable of being a threat to the denizens of the Tower. But Shawn knew better, and watched vigilantly along with the other guards for even the smallest sign of trouble.


He was amazed how satisfying guard duty could be. In truth it was utterly boring, for nothing ever happened, but he was protecting the Tower. Protecting others was one of the few things that brought him satisfaction. In fact, almost everything he did was related to this one single goal. He trained relentlessly to build his strength and speed and hone his skills, the better to serve the Sisters that gave their lives in service of the greater good. Even his work at the forge was done with a mind to build better weapons for himself and the other guards that they would be able to serve without worrying about the quality of their blades.


The only thing that could make this time on the wall better is if Dene was serving with him. These days, between training with his blades and in the smithy and learning the ways of the Path of Water, it seemed the only time that had to spend with each other was at night when they slept or here on the wall when they drew the same shifts. He knew she was growing resentful of the time he spent at the forge, and he was finding it harder and harder to some up with excuses, but he couldn't tell her yet. So instead he focused his enrgies solely on people watching. He tracked every individual beneath this section of the Tower wall with an intensity that caused no few of them to look around as though they were being followed. One or two even looked up and met his eyes, divining that it must have been his gaze they felt on their backs.


When it happened the third time Shawn turned away to clear his head. The last time he'd been on duty without Dene, this same thing had happened and he'd been chastised by his Captain for making the citizens of Tar Valon unneccessarily nervous. They were supposed to be unseen watchers, unobtrusive as possible while standing guard so high above the ground. They were not supposed to be attracting attention to themselves.


Then a woman's scream came out of nowhere to pierce the darkness and his heart. His head turned along with every other guard on the wall and he signaled to those in sight that he would go to investigate. Sprinting down the stairs he turned toward the infirmary, where he suspected the sound had come from. On his way he passed the trainee barracks, where many of them stood bleary-eyed outside the rooms. As he neared his destination another guard approached from the opposite direction. When they arrived at the same time he recognized Orion. He'd never met the guy but he'd seen him training in the Yards, and it was hard not to recognize the only man to serve as a Tower Guard without the use of his eyes.


They entered the infirmary together and Shawn called out, "What happened? Who was screaming?"


Before the Sister on duty could answer Orion added his own voice of concern, "It sounded like a tortured soul; she even woke the trainees. Everyone wants to know what's happening!"


The Sister glared at them as she gave a typical Aes Sedai non-answer, "It would be wise of you not to meddle in Aes Sedai business, boy."


Aes Sedai business? A scream like that was everyone's business who heard it. Any in earshot had the obligation to help in any way they could. How dare she stop them from helping? "We have a right to know!" Well now he was in trouble. You didn't speak to the Sisters like that. But he didn't back down. He knew he was right.


And despite her reply he still didn't back down until Orion tugged on his sleeve. The distraction was enough to realize the more experienced guard was right and now would indeed be a good time to leave. Once outside Shawn sought the other man's opinion, "So, what do you think that was all about?"

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Orion walked suprisingly quickly for himself. Without his eyes his life had seemed to slow in all aspects, fearing to hit something or someone if he went to quickly. But during the night there was no one to worry about and he was getting better at telling what was around him, so this night he was able to retain some semblence of normality to his life.


He stumbled, his hand darting to his head as a shriek rang across the yards being magnified twice over by the stillness of the night and the his already amplified hearing. A woman's voice coming from the direction of the White Tower. The pain and anguish in the wail was enough to almost break the void, and that was plain enough to someone who didn't rely on their hearing to tell people's emotions.


His feet were moving almost before his mind had made up his choice. His mind played out the mermorized layout of the Yards and soon there was another set of feet that he was able to follow as they're feet took them to, for Orion, a lesser known area.


The man burst through the door to the Infirmiry, or at least Orion thought it was, and the man he was following spoke first. Quickly Orion knew they weren't welcome, and quickly his dislike for the arrogant Aes Sedai coated the outside of the void with a thick layer of anger.


"A right? You have the duty to guard the Tower. Instead you are here, wasting my time and abandoning your post. What happens in the infirmary is Aes Sedai business. Leave me now!"


Orion tugged at his partner's sleeve, wishing to stay and further annoy this arrogant Aes Sedai, but knowing doing so would simply be petty and childish. The man ducked past him and Orion pressed a hand to his heart. "We protect and serve Aes Sedai." His voice was thick with sarcasm and an underlying anger and distaste.


"So, what do you think that was all about?"


He inclined his head towards the man who's voice he could not place. "I do not know. And now I do not care. If that Aes Sedai wishes to be an arrogant chit about us doing our job then let her handle it all."




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OOC: this is part two. In this section, Elizabeth will be running into the novices. All of the novices that signed up, take on these roles as I post them- you can write in your own thing that Elizabeth might not have noticed. Oh, and my lovely Nynaeve will be posting as well. :D



"It would be wise of you not to meddle in Aes Sedai business, boy." That was the woman. Her voice was soothing- Elizabeth could feel the calm words from across the room. "Yes, that is it... get rid of them," whispered Elizabeth. "We have a right to know." Elizabeth winced and her fingers dug into her arm as she hid, waiting for her chance to run. "A right? You have the duty to guard the Tower. Instead you are here, wasting my time and abandoning your post. What happens in the infirmary is Aes Sedai business. Leave me now!" And that was her que. Elizabeth stood, ready to walk out, and she heard a voice again. Her body froze and her eyes grew. "We protect and serve Aes Sedai."


The men were gone, and the woman had disappeared. Now was the time. Now was when she had to go. Perhaps she could find a way out, or at least, somewhere to hide. She knew the men had gone out the door, so she couldn't exit that way, so her only option was up. The blanket she wore, she wrapped tighter, and looked around, seeing no one. Slipping out the doorway, she saw an empty desk and heard someone open a door on the floor above. That must be where the Aes Sedai had gone. Well, she couldn't go that way either. This meant she had to leave the infirmary.


As she took a step, she felt something cold running down her leg. Looking at her feet, she saw a small puddle of blood and realized that her arm was bleeding and that it was dripping onto her leg and foot. Trying to dry it with the sheet, she ignored the pathway she was leaving behind and ducked out the doorway. Up a short flight of stairs, she turned a corner and saw a set of closed doors. They must be classrooms- or torture chambers. Well, one of these must be good to hide in. She ran up to a random door and slowly opened it, looking inside to see a bed. Good, somewhere to slip in. Elizabeth closed the door behind her and walked to the bed, glancing in the mirror to see blood running down her face. When had she opened that wound? She looked at her hand and saw the blood under her nails… she had torn at her own skin.


You will always be mine...Elizabeth looked up in the mirror and her body froze as she saw him. His eyes. They were staring at her in the mirror. She could feel his grimy fingers in her hair, his lips on the back of her neck, and his body pressing against hers. ...Always have been, always will be... "No..." she whispered, and tried to push him away from her. The sheet slipped slowly, and rested just over one arm, her body now bare. ...Those scars are mine. That blood is mine. You are mine. I will haunt you for all eternity... "NO!" she yelled, and heard a scream. Looking at the bed, a girl sat up, and Elizabeth turned around in shock and ran towards the door. Edwyn was behind her- she could feel him there. Why must you run when you know you want me? "GO AWAY!" she yelled, tears revived on her face.


Girls were in the hallway from hearing the screams, and a few just stared in shock. There was a girl that walked up and tried to touch Elizabeth, but she wouldn't allow it and stumbled trying to get away. "You can't have me!" she yelled, trying to avoid the touch. ...I already do... "No..." she whispered, her fingers pulling at her hair. "AES SEDAI" she heard, and Elizabeth looked up to see two novices running, yelling for Aes Sedai. "Not the witches! They will not have me too!" Pushing herself off the ground, she ran as hard as she could, girls moving out of her way. "No one can have me!"


She ran up another set of stairs and saw it empty. Falling to the ground on her knees, she began weeping, afraid of whom she would find here. All was quiet, so for the moment she was safe. Her hands were on the floor, semi holding her up. Hair was streaming down her face and sticking to the blood on her cheeks and arms. "You will not touch me..." she whispered, and she shivered slightly, feeling a breeze around her. Yes, I will... He was in her mind. She could feel it. Images appeared before her eyes, and she couldn't move as she saw images of the past. She remembered this. It was the first time he had come to her drunk. It was the first time he brutally raped her.


He was holding her down, his hands in her hair, and his hips pushing her to the bed. The stench on his breath was enough to make her gag, and she tried to keep her lips from his as he ran his tongue over her neck. "Don't touch me! Edwyn, that hurts! Please!" Why wouldn't he listen? He was always gentle. Aye, it wasn't that good, and rather uncomfortable, but nothing like this. He was taking her again, but no longer was he gentle- his body was harder and faster and more brutal. She could feel him slapping her and grabbing her, and she put her hands above her face, trying to block him. "Please!" she yelled at him, and he took her wrist and held them behind her back as she cried from the pain. "You are mine, brat. Deal with that you little whore." What? What had happened to him? He took her and threw her on the floor as he had finished, and she felt a kick in her side as his boot made a bruise to her pale complexion. "We are going to-"


"ENOUGH!" she yelled, and pushed the memory from her. "I have to get out..." and she pushed herself up off the ground, running again to the nearest place to hide.




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Shanara had gone down the hall for a drink of water when she heard a shriek from the other end.


"NOOOO! NO! NO! Edwyn! SATY AWAY FROM ME!!!!! NOO! No-one can have me! Not the witches! NOT THE WITCHESSSSS!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!"


Shanara dashed back to her quarters, grabbed the sword from its peg in her wardrobe and rushed back, without a thought as to calling the Tower Guards or Aes Sedai or even an Accepted or the other Novices. A woman with long dark-ish hair that covered most of her from view laid sprawled next to the wall at the other end of the corridor. She ran all the way down and skidded to a stop. The woman was weeping, naked and covered in blood. Blood was everywhere. It looked like when her mother had died...


The woman began to weep even harder.


Shanara tried to push the memory away but only suceeded in intensifying her revulsion; she collapsed to her knees, shivering, about thirty feet away from the bleeding, terrified woman-- no, girl. This was a girl, barely older than she. Her head spun and her vision started to fade; with a little moan of "Oh no... not again..." she toppled over and was unconscious, clutching her sword to her chest as if trying to defend herself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Opal pulled her blanket up over her head, someone was screaming far away it sounded like. In the infirmary maybe, it had woken her up. Annoying, couldn’t these Women keep order around here? They certainly tried to keep her “inline†as they called it.

She yawned, and fell back to sleep, it was nothing to do with her after all.




Someone yelled right next her head, Opal screamed a little and sat up in the bed. There was someone in the darkened room, a girl who ran to the door and flung it open and ran out leaving the door open. Opal jumped out of bed, and stepped on a wet sheet laying on the floor. She held it up to look at it, it was wet and dark with fresh blood. She must have been the one screaming earlier, what had these women been doing to her that made her run, wrapped only in a sheet. Opal dropped the sheet and ran out in the hallway.

Peering down the hallway, pushing some of the other girls out of the way.

“What is going on here?†She demanded. “Can’t They keep hurt people in the infirmary? Did someone send for a Sister? What’s wrong with her any way? Is all that blood hers? Why, I’ve never seen a place where they couldn’t keep someone hurt that badly in bed! Who did that to her?†Opal looked around for someone to yell at about this.

Other girls were screaming and shouting and milling about, no one seemed to be trying to help the injured girl though.

Opal pushed her long blond hair back from her face, she didn’t know anything about healing, and was afraid to make things worse.

There must be someone looking for her.



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  • 1 month later...

It was the trollocs again. Hairy snouts and clawed paws, maws jutting out at unusual angles from attempting to support too many jagged rows of frenzied teeth at once, teeth that ripped and tore into live human flesh as if it were nothing more than overripe tomatoes basking in a midwife’s yard, dripping sickened pulp the color of blood. They snarled at one another, chuckling in guttural voices that could only find home in the pit of Dhoom as they hurled rusted axe blades at her gilded door, the stench of their rotting breath permeating the air in until it boiled thickly like the Aiel Waste, though the naked trees rattling feebly by her window indicated it was deep in the heart of winter. They would burst through her barricade any moment now, and she did not have a single weapon on hand. What had happened to the palace personnel? She could no longer hear the resonating screams of the servants pitched just high enough so that they blatantly declared it was one of death. The rasping clash of swords from the tower guard had long since faded into the distance and left only the cold, empty silence and the roar of attack from the writhing creatures at her door. She was alone. There could be doubt of it now. Many hours later, they would find her crouched by her bed and missing limbs and organs, still, unmoving, alone in her cowardly hiding and alone in her miserly death. Fiera Evelin Tai’shar, powerful countess of the intrepid Saldea could not expire in such a way! The girl scrabbled to her feet and opened herself to Saidar, allowing the swift river of calm fill her trembling soul. But the source refused to return her embrace and left her hollow and waiting, fighting down the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. Nothing…The groaning of wood screeched in her ears. For a moment, it seemed is if her door was swelling outwards, ready to give birth to some terrible calamity that would lay waste to the Light of the world. Then the bulge strained and broke. All she could smell was the acid stink and the flames that curled forward, scorching and black, fully prepared to consume her wilting soul. She screamed.


Her head rang as if bludgeoned mercilessly by an anvil as Fiera jerked awake in a cold lather, her despairing shriek still resounding in her ears. She slapped a hand to her mouth, only to find it obediently closed. For a moment she sat still and confused, but realization quickly dawned on brain, pushing out the murky webs that still lingered from deep sleep. It was not her who had given voice to their woes. She hastily straightened her thin nightdress around herself and slid from her bed, her hair lying in rumpled waves almost to her elbows. Deigning not to waste time fixing her slightly tousled particulars, she tottered from her room—her bottom had all become one dull ache from the Mistress of Novice’s boundless generosity—and jutted her head into the shadowy marble hallway, giving a slight start when she realized she was far from the only spectator of this strange bedtime rendezvous. Her first thought was embarrassment at her bedraggled garb, but she soothed herself when she noticed everybody else was more or less in the same state. She was not everybody else, however, so she consciously straightened her back and pushed back her shoulders to regain her imperious air and regain every inch her lacking height would grant her, turning to largely ignore the existence of everyone else crowding the hallway. Her sharp green eyes took account of the situation and flicked to the end of the corridor to where all the other orbs seemed to be glancing fixatedly. Her emerald augers swept over the crumpled form of an unconscious girl—the goose—and finally came to rest on something entirely more disturbing.


A young woman was slumped against a pristine wall, completely hunched into herself as if seeking protection within the very core of her being. It was obvious to see why. Her sleek, bare body was a battlefield of lurid scars snaking their way up her dimpled skin. Blood coursed from unseen, gaping wounds, matting the pallid floors with pools and smothered streaks of raw crimson. She was a sack of blubbering, sniveling, weakness and Fiera was not pleased that she had encroached upon her sleep. How could people bear to wallow so immensely into their self-pity? All the initial shock she had felt rapidly drained out of her, leaving only a perturbed and slightly irritated shell of callous interest. She had seen many worse spectacles of blood and gore in Saldea, but what had captured her curiosity was what had reduced the woman to such a state. Perhaps she had been involved with one too many skirmishes with shadowspawn…or perhaps they were in the Tower now, judging by her freely dripping wounds! A tremor of excitement trilled up Fiera's spine and she snatched at Saidar, willing it to filter into her imagined weaves of fire and destruction. To her great annoyance, nothing happened whatsoever. A faint growl rose in her throat and she begrudgingly snapped her gaze back to the quivering girl, her brain working to formulate how she could get the fool to explain who was laying siege to the White Tower. She could always walk up and shake it out of her…Without thinking, her feet forged forward on their own, soon falling into smooth motion as she concurred, and gliding her closer to the heap of a woman. That whimpering goose was going to talk and somehow intertwine this whole affair with trollocs if it was the last thing this foolishly obstinate Saldaen girl got out of her. Sure the sheep had rescued Fiera from witnessing herself being dunked into a trolloc cook pot, but that was for Fiera to know and her to never find out.

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Shanara blinked her eyes open slowly to torchlight and the patter of feet. An angry-looking young woman in a rather ornate shift stepped over her. Shanara held still until the other girl bent to check on the bloody woman, and then sprang noislessly to her feet. She did not deal well with blood, but she could at least see if there was anything that needed doing. her cheeks burned with embarrasment as she remembered fainting, of all things... what a ridiculous thing to do. She quietly and smoothly slid up behind the other girl, who gracelessly attempted to snatch at saidar as Shanara cast an elementary weave of healing at the bloody woman, whose shallower cuts immediately stopped spurting. She cast it again and it helped the woman a tiny bit more, than slunk back to the back of the crowd, hopefully before anyone caught a glimpse of her face. She only knew the weave because she had watched some of the sisters in the Infirmary, and she did really want to be Blue. Yellow, however, would not be so bad... she would decide when it was time to and no sooner.

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  • 2 months later...

OOC: Please, if you get traumatised easily, don't read this. It is an apporved post, and I deleted most of it. I have the real post saved if you would like it. Just let me know, and I will send it over.


OOC: so like yeah dm ate my post- didnt realise that till just now




`Your hair, my dear, is simply exquisite. I feel like I could run my fingers through it all day,` he whispered to her. His fingers ran through her beautiful, shining locks of brunette. His lips seemed to bury in them as his spair hand wrapped around her lower back and pulled her towards him intimately. "Th-thank you, my lord," she whispered, her cheeks turning red. She had barely just met this man just a few hours earlier and he was already trying to seduce her into his bed. He was charming, handsome, and caring. Perhaps living here with him would not be so bad. `And your lips... I feel like they are begging to be kissed by me alone,` he whispered and kissed her passionately. She was in surprise of her first kiss and melted in his arms as ravaged them with his lips and teeth. Pleasure surged from every fiber of her being, yet she tried to remember her virtue. "Please, my lord, can we not wait? Our marriage shall be in just a month, and then you shall have me as a husband has the right to."


He groaned into her neck as he nibbled softly and she knew she could not ask him again if his actions continued. She was a willing bride without the ring on her finger, and he knew it. However, he was good, just as she suspected. `Of course, my dear, you are right. One more kiss, and I shall send you to your room for a good night's rest.` He took her into his arms again and this kiss was more brutal and savage. She felt his hands tighten around her thin arms and her lips repelled the assault upon them. However, she did not struggle, suddenly happy that he was allowing her to bed. When he finally let her go, she dashed to her new room. Sitting down at the mirror, she saw that her lip was bleeding and there was slight brusies on her arms and neck. What had happened? One moment, he was a gentle lover, and the next, a cruel master. Would things always be this way?


Do you remember this? You were such a willing virgin, ready for my bed. I know you remember, Elizabeth Ferido Tragico. You will never forget your first kiss, given by your caring husband, will you, girl. Her eyes burned as she saw these visions and her fingers clawed at her hair. "No, please, just die." He had practically spat her name and was cruel in how he called himself caring. She could feel him behind her, holding his arms roughly on her shoulder. He wouldn’t have her again, not here, not now. I was your first- oh how you were ready and waiting for me. You became mine and only mine that night, or do you not remember?


`Oh Lizzie, beautiful Lizzie. You are finally mine, and only mine.` She lay beneath him as his kisses trailed over her body, trying to relax. They were married now, and she could say nothing against him. Oh, but how she wished she could. Her cheek still burned from where he had slapped her a few nights before and her arms still felt the bruising from him pulling her to their new bed. She had to relax, or else it would hurt more. She just had to close her eyes and pretend it would be over soon. `Oh Lizzie, please look at me, darling.` Oh, how she hated him using that name. However, she did as she was told and opened her eyes slowly. He was grinning at her cruelly and she felt a sudden intrusion and pain in her body. Her gasp and cry met him with a wider grin and she looked away from him as she covered her face with her hands. `Why do you look away? Look at me, I said!` Slowly, she did as he commanded, and his eyes were filled with hatred and the grin, albeit evil, was gone. `There is a good girl...`


It became worse as time went by and she struggled to remain herself and not pass out. This was rape- the world practically screamed from her lips with each gasp of pain that parted her dry lips. `Say my name,` he commanded, and she wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, about to say it. However, the back of his hand reached her lips before the words did. `I told you to say my name, girl. SAY IT!` She fought for the words, and whispered it quickly. "Edwyn" `What, brat?` another slap reached her face and she concentrated all her attention onto that pain. All of her attention on her face... "Edwyn, stop, please!" she begged, and he began to laugh. `You are mine!` He yelled as he finished with her. She cried softly as he slapped her again and pushed his kisses to her lips. Eventually, he let her go, and she stumped from the bed as he fell asleep. She pulled herself across the floor and got out of the door, crying in pain as everything hurt. A servant was in the hallway, but simply looked the other way. "Please, help me," she whispered. He turned back and looked at her there, and was full of fear. She could see it in his eyes. He continued down the hallway and she laid there, shaking, cold, alone, and hurt.


I told you, you are mine. You always have been, and always will be! "That is where you are wrong!" she yelled and began running down the hallway. Her feet seemed to run raw. She fell on occasion, and she felt him all around her. Every corner that held promise of her hiding, she found him there. Every doorway or classroom held some reminder. Nothing could hide her from him. Perhaps she truly was his. She had been sold to him to be his wife, but that was not her fault. Was she truly his? The Creator protect her, she could not belong to him. Surely someone would protect her. Surely someone would save her. Whether it is from him, herself, or the world, someone had to save her. Life was far too cruel to send her through his now after all she had endured.


Running down another hallway, she saw it was semi-lit by torches and slowed her walk. She saw Green tiles down the hallway and began to wonder if this was an Aes Sedai residence. Well, of course it was! The tower was home to hundreds of sisters. And the finery of this could not belong to any of the girls in white that she had seen. No, this had to belong to one of the cursed Aes Sedai. "What is this place?" she whispered to herself. She walked up to one doorway and went to open it, ready to see if she could find a desk to hide under or a closet to slip into. A noise was sounded behinid her and she turned to see what it was. A gasp escaped her lips and she fell against the door she had been about to enter. What made her gasp, however, was not the noise she heard, but what she saw above the doorway across the hall. A dagger. Do you remember the first time I had to teach you true obedience? I used one of those. how had he found her? The Aes Sedai should be protecting her. Cursed light, how could he have found her even here? She thought she was rid of him. She scampered to her feet and looked up to see a sword above the doorway she had just been hiding in. Another gasp made her back away to a small bench, which she fell over. Her hands gripped at the sheet that was barely wrapped around her and she tried to shield her eyes as she glanced at a torch that came to life. Slipping off the floor, she whispered a silent prayer to the Creator that he spare her anymore pain and simply take her life. She saw somewhere to hide- an open door. Slipping inside, she fell against the wall and shut the door. Are you so stupid, I must refresh your memory again?


`ELIZABETH! COME HERE!` Elizabeth hid behind the bathroom door, her heart racing as once again, she tried to win this game they played every night. Sometimes she won, but usually, he did. He would come home, and want her to service him before beating her. On occasion, he would drink till he fell asleep, but usually, he got drunk and angry, which resulted in the whip hurting ten times more. However, the nights with nothing were worth the beating, as it gave her enough time to recuperate. She slipped from behind the door and ran down a hallway and up a stairway. On the way up, she slipped and fell, landing hard on her knee. A yelp of pain escaped her lips before she could stop it, and she jump up, running faster. `Where do you think you are going, little whore?` Where was he now? She ran up the stairs and turned to run straight into his arms. He picked her up easily, as the beatings and lack of food had made her lose the little weight she actually had, and he carried her into the nearest room- an office. Fighting against her husband, she knew she was no match for he. Even in this drunken state, he was much stronger than she. `Come on, little one, you know you want it,`


"Please, Edwyn, no, NO!" Her shrieks of pain could be heard down the hallway as she lay bare before him. He used her to completion, and half crumpled on top of her. She sobbed in pain and embarrassment, trying to get away from him, when he took her by the wrists and turned her over so her back was up to him. `NEVER-` she screamed as she felt the knife, `HIDE-' She felt almost run through as another long scream was torn from her, `FROM-` why wouldn’t he just stop the pain? `ME!` And with that, he struck the dagger again deep, drawing every breath of air into her scream that lasted until she had no breath or voice left to scream with.


"Not this time! You wont win this time!" she yelled as she jumped up from her seat and opened the door. By this time, there were a few women in the hallway, one asking what was going on, and another asking who she was. She saw them all around her, and the constant twisting and turning in search of an exit made her grow dizzy. You can't hide from me. I own you, whore. She put all of her energy into her run down the hallway, even dropping her sheet at one point as it got mixed up with her legs, making it hard to run. She felt bonds around her, as if he had guard on her, holding her still and pulling her back, and she fought, screaming, begging for the Light to take her back to the Creator, and for peace to finally come to her. She was let go and took two steps, not even opening her eyes, before landing in the arms of someone. "No, no, please, let me go!" she screamed and opened her eyes to see a man. She tried to pull away from him, but he had a firm grasp on her arm with one hand and a sword in another hand. She passed out before she could protest again.





OOC: Elizabeth landed in the Green Ajah Hallway. All you girls can grab up a position, whether it be the one that asks who she is, another that made the torches come to life, or someone that tried to hold her with bonds of air, but let her go. The man she runs into is Corin. In a few moments, Nynaeve and a few yellow sisters will arrive there, following her screams. You can go with them down to the infirmary or just hand her over. Another thread will follow for what happens the next day when she is sent to apologise, so you can choose between the two or do both.

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