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It's the Girls Turn for Fun (Girls Night Out)

Drea Raylin

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Drea sat at a table in one of the taverns on the Citadel grounds; The Lonely Goat. She had not intended to come here, but her feet had done the walking, maybe some act of the subconscious. The drink she ran her fingers up and down boorishly gave a slight escape to her misery. A sudden wave of understanding why Mehrin drank washed over her, but was gone as quickly as it had come. Temporary relief or not, there was no excuse to the amount he took in.


Drea groaned with frustration. She did not want to think about Mehrin right now. He was the reason for her being here. He and his daughter. Light curse her soul. She was ruining everything.


A girl walked in the tavern, she looked familiar. Yes, one of the scouts she trained earlier that morning. Miria, if Drea could remember her name correctly through the fog of irritation and alcohol that clouded her mind. The girl -a private?- walked past her table without seeing Drea.


"Miria." Drea caught the girl's attention and patted the empty seat next to her. "Sit. Talk." Miria seemed almost hesitant. "That's an order, Private" she slurred. Was the drink taking effect already? Just to make sure, Drea took another swig. One could never be to positive. Miria sat quickly and straight. Drea chuckled. "Light, girl. Relax. Tonight is your night off. Says me." Drea snapped to get a serving girl's attention, one who was obviously annoyed with Drea already. "One of these, for the lady."


"You don't have to-" Miria objected.


"I want to. No one likes to drink alone, Miria. Except the Commander." The serving girl set a cup down harshly, some gold liquid spilling over the side. Drea watched Miria stare at her drink. "You know how to drink one of these, don't you?" She held back a snicker. Perhaps Drea could teach her more today than she did most of her young scouts.




Laughter filled the near empty tavern. A few other women had joined Drea and Miria, but the joint was deserted except their drunken party. Time? There was no concept of time, only number of empty cups in front of her: four.


"You think that's bad, Nikka? The other day I had to try and seduce Mehrin just so he'd give up the bottle. I swear he's the most stubborn man I've met in my life. And I've met quite a few." She said the last with a wink and a giggle. "A man can always choose between sex and alcohol, and unfortunately one can sometimes lead to the other." The girls all laughed uproariously.


"Mehrin! Ah!" Nikka groaned with a twinkle in her eye. "He is so handsome! Rough, manly, rugged, so sexy. Just the type of man that gets me going!"


"Nikka!" Another girl exclaimed as the rest of the women giggled at Nikka's openness. Drea starred forward, looking past her drink and at the weaves in the wooden table.


"He is, isn't he?" She agreed plainly, realizing for the first time how incredibly true Nikka's statement really was. The conversation carried on, but without Drea. She pictured Mehrin in her mind: his short, almost bald brown hair, the eyes that spoke more words than what was in her own vocabulary and bore deeper into her being than her own soul, the way his shirt came tight around his chest, suggesting muscles that knew how to wield a weapon as well as hold a woman. Drea bit her lip as Mehrin stepped forward, approaching her with a smile. She had never seen him smile before, at least not like that and certainly not in her direction.


"Drea" He said her name. Any word off his tongue had never sounded so gentle, even when talking to his own daughter. He reached to take her hand in his. Her heart soared, racing her pulse, seconds away from stopping. She had never felt that way from a simple touch. "There is something I need to tell you." again with the strange gentleness, as if he not only cared about her, about what she did, how she reacted. There was a twinkle in his eye and the smile that crossed his lips parted as he spoke once again, but the voice was not his. It was higher, and filled with a mocking laughter. "Drea?"


Drea opened her eyes and looked up at the girls. Nikka shook her shoulder. "Drea, you've been starring at your glass for the past half hour with a stupid grin on your face. What are you thinking?" Drea snapped out of her daze, wiped said smile off her lips as beads of sweat glistened her forehead.





OOC: K girls! Have fun! Don't worry about reacting to this post completely if you don't want to. This can be your time to confess your secret crush, or maybe gossip, or fantasize about Carnhain! I may even do another one! We'll see! Just keep it PG 13. ;)

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Miria was lost in her own imaginings as she entered the tavern, thinking to get herself a light meal before looking for Kedyn. Their days usually led them in different directions, but it was a rare evening that they did not meet up. It was rarer indeed if Miria found herself sleeping in her own room.


Miria gave a small start on hearing her name, drawing her from her reverie. Sit? She thought of Kedyn probably waiting for her and wondered how to take her leave without being rude, when Drea made it impossible, ordering her to take a seat. Unless she wanted serious trouble, Miria had no choice but to obey her banner captain. A drink was placed in front of her, despite her protest, and Miria eyed it warily. Not that she deliberately abstained from all alcohol, but she was not built to hold it, even a small amount went straight to her head.


Still, surely one drink wouldn't hurt. She would mollify Drea, then head off to meet Kedyn. Ignoring the mocking look on Drea's face, Miria lifted the drink and took a swig, coughing as the strong liquid burned her throat. Light but it was a potent brew! Another, more careful sip, and before she knew it, she had finished the drink, and was feeling considerably light headed. Probably didn't help that she had an empty stomach, but she didn't object when Drea ordered them both another, her plans for the evening briefly forgotten by the pleasant buzz in her mind.





Miria laughed raucously along with the other women, giggling to herself at the thought that Kedyn had replaced alcohol with sex...well with more than that, with her, really. Blood and ashes, she was going to meet Kedyn hours ago! Her eyes widened in surprise at the amount of empty tankards littering the table. She'd only had the one, hadn't she? Or was it two? It was hard to remember, her mind felt...slippery. Miria giggled. Slippery was a funny word. Slippppery.


Snippets of the conversation floated through Miria's foggy mind, as she took another large pull of the...well she forgot what number drink. "Mehrin? Ha! Kedyn makes my blood boil." She grinned, ignoring the rolling eyes and knowing looks from the others. "He's got such a killer grin, and his body his heart stopping...and boy is he good with a sword!" Miria broke off into laughter along with the others at the double entendre. "And boy, what a sword!" Was that crass? Miria didn't really know, besides, it was the truth, as far as she was concerned.


Miria frowned into her cup. Something wasn't right...she grinned sheepishly when she realised it was empty. Setting on the table, she rose to go get another, though she didn't remember the room moving so much. Mid step she stumbled, landing unceremoniously in the nearest lap, bursting into a peal of giggles as she did so. "Oops! Sorry sir! I mean...umm...lady..." There were chuckles all round as Miria finally stood, making an unsteady path to the bar, only to find a barmaid had already carried a tray of drinks to the table. With a grin and a shrug, she stumbled back to her seat and grabbed another cup, taking a deep swallow. Maybe just one or two more...




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Eb sat at the rowdy table of girls, her jaw clenched, a row of empty glasses lined up in front of her.


What am I doing here? She threw back another shot, feeling the harsh warmth of the alcohol tear down her throat, spread through her stomach and settle into her brain. She slammed the glass back down onto the table. Hard.


That's what!


Ignoring the excited babble of voices around her, she pushed the glass away and reached for another, trying not to think about the tight, twisting feeling in her stomach. It wasn't from the alcohol anyway. She knew that, but maybe, just maybe, if she drank enough she would be able to convince herself that it was. She grimaced. The next empty glass joined the line.


"Mehrin! Ah!" Eb was startled out of her heavy oblivion by the gleeful mention of the Commander's name, and the obviously enamoured sigh that followed. Her heart stopped still in her chest. An icy hand gripped hold of her insides. She reached for another drink.


"He is so handsome! Rough, manly, rugged, so sexy. Just the type of man that gets me going!" the women around her laughed.


Eb's dark eyes shot daggers into the girl's back. Her glass slammed onto the table, her hand reached for her knives.


What is wrong with me?! She balled her hand into a tight fist and visions of Mehrin floated into her mind; Strong and tall he whirled, claymore darting forwards, eyes focused, his face was a mask of pure concentration.The corners of his mouth lifted up into a smile, his eyes met hers, he congratulated her on her win -


Eb snatched up her last drink from the table and gasped it down. This was not happening to her! It was not! She stood to leave, and found herself instantly bowled back into her chair. Her eyes narrowed dangerously. A stumbling woman landed messily in her lap, knocking her back into her seat and bursting into a fresh round of giggles.


"Watch it, Private," Eb snapped, pushing the girl away.


"Oops! Sorry sir! I mean...umm...lady..." The woman made an unsteady beeline for the bar and Eb growled under her breath.


This time the slamming of her glass onto the table was loud enough to interrupt the drunken chuckles tumbling around her - at least for a second. Scowling, she rose. She had no idea where she was headed, or what she would do when she got there, but she wasn't about to stay here.




:evil: Angry

Edited by Cass
Glitchy punctuation
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Drea saw Eb stand and go towards the door. She had been quiet all night, something Drea noticed only because it stood out so much from the obnoxious giggles and gossip from all the other girls. She didn't know much about Eb, merely that she was infantry, and that only because of a mutual friend, Naven -Light rest his soul. Drea downed the small glass in front of her which she had traded from the large pint of beer nearly three shots ago -was it three? in memory of her dear friend, then focused on Eb who was feet from the door.


"Eb!" Drea cried, a bit more excited than she wanted. But there was no control over her words, or how they were said at this point. That was passed hours ago. "Eb, wur dyathink yur gon'?" She hiccuped and tried to stand. The room spun quickly and she sat back down thinking better of it. Her finger waved in front of her face emphasizing words as she slurred along. "The nighs jus ge'n starded. Here, havanother an tell us a story. We wanna know wat ya havtasay 'bou-" The finger waving in front of her face caught her attention, she watched it wiggle and wave. Slowly her mind wandered back to Eb and she snapped out of her daze. "-Mehrin. He'sda man of the hour!"




OOC: Eb, I totally didn't know how to bring him up, so I guess this'll do. Hope it works!

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  • 2 weeks later...



The drunken cry raced through the noisy din of the tavern like a lasso, reining her in just inches before she managed to reach the door. What now? She paused, gritted her teeth, and turned around. To find ... Xandrea Raylin... waggling a finger at her.


"Wur dyathink yur gon'? The nighs jus ge'n starded -" The woman slurred her words as badly as any merchant with a small brain and fat purse, and she swayed just as precariously in her seat too.


"... havanother an tell us a story -" Eb's eyes narrowed. She was not in the mood for stories.


"...we wanna know wat ya havtasay 'bou -" Several of the women had stopped their chatter and were watching the conversation evolve with curiousity. Eb could feel their stares boring into her as the other woman rambled on. Her scowl broadened, her hand came to rest subconsciously on the hilt of the sword at her side. The alcohol streaming through her veins fuelled her frustration and her discomfort.


"-Mehrin. He'sda man of the hour!"


Several of the women squealed with glee, tumbling into peels of intoxicated laughter. Eb's expression remained icy and would easily have rivalled the nearest stone. Her glare was fierce; her features were locked into a compassionless scowl.


She stared hard at the woman.


The corners of her mouth twisted into a wicked snarl. Her eyes narrowed dangerously.


She stared hard some more.


Her hand tightened on the hilt of her sword.


The noise of the tavern had quietened down to a drunken hush. Somewhere somebody bumped a chair. The short bark of the legs scuffing the wooden floor reverberated across the room.


Eb's knuckles went white on her hilt.


"I. Don't. Want. To. Talk. About. The. Commander." She squeezed the words through her teeth.


With a final scowl at Xandrea and the rest of the room, Eb turned, released the grip on her sword, wrenched open the heavy wooden door, and slammed it firmly closed behind her.


She was not going to stay here!



:evil: Cranky Chica



OOC: Howzat? :D

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There was little in Jatasha'a life that was certain at the moment. She was trying to take things little by little, day by day to see how she fit in to these new surroundings. She saw a group of woman at a table in the bar and she wasn't sure if she should join them or not. They were all with the Band but that didn't necessarily make them friendly. She wasn't entirely sure where she stood really. What she knew was that in a Tavern this packed she could always pick up some coin and if things didn't work out well with the Band she'd need some more to head out on her own.


Still, she had hopes here. Hopes that perhaps she could learn to be more than a common whore and could contribute. Hopes that she could manage to thank the man that had saved her properly.


She looked at the others. Well, if there was a way to thank him, she thought perhaps they might now of it. While everyone else was starring after the person who had just slammed out, Jatasha slid over to the table and smiled warmly at them. "It do seem you have an extra seat. Would you be minding if I joined you?" She asked.


(And I joined in finally! Everyone say hi and be nice to the new girl :P)



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Drea starred blankly at the door as it remained closed. Conversation continued to boil around her, but her eyes remained on the door. She willed it to open, hoping Eb would return. She walked out? Why'd she leave? Did Drea say something wrong? She made a mental note to talke to her later that was scribbled rather than written in her mind and was forgotten shortly afterwards.


Her barren stare was interrupted as another woman sat in the chair Eb had used, blocking Drea's view of the still door. Drea blinked and turned her lazy eyes toward the woman. A smirk from the corner of her mouth slipped up her cheek as a full mug slid across the table. She didn't have to say much to welcome the woman, but then again, Drea wasn't too sure that anyone would understand her even if she did. Another mug was set infront of Drea and was gone within minutes. She could still think somewhat clearly, and the name Mehrin still meant something to her. Would it ever not? No, she needed to forget who he was, if even for a few hours. She owed him that much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mehrin was the man of the hour? That was news to Miria. "Mehrin hash nothing on Carnhain! Have you sheen hish rump?" Miria slurred drunkenly, taking another long pull from her tankard. Hang on, did she say Carnhain? "Yep, Kedyn ish the one for me!" She blinked as the woman who's lap she had landed in stormed out and slammed the door. Well that was rude. She hadn't even apologised for pulling Miria into her lap!


"Wellll if you like Mehrin better, thatsh your problem!" She called after her with a giggle. Why were her words sounding funny? It was like her tongue was very heavy and extraordinarily lazy. Must be because she was tired, she thought as she finished the drink in her hand, already looking for another.


"It do seem you have an extra seat. Would you be minding if I joined you?"Miria greeted the newcomer with a warm if somewhat lopsided grin. That accent..."Are from Inilen...I mean Illa...I mean...you're not from round here are you?" She asked with a puzzled frown. Her words seemed broken. Maybe another drink would help, it was certainly making her feel good, if a little wobbly. Or maybe the room was just moving around. Hard to tell which.


"I'm Miria." She introduced herself, leaning over the table to tap her mug against the other's, slopping a good amount over her wrist and the table in the process. "Oops!" She giggled with a shrug, finishing what was left of her drink in a few gulps before wiping her hands on her shirt. Oh well Kedyn would only take it off anyway...Miria chuckled at her thought and even blushed slightly through her drunken haze. Wait what was she supposed to remember? Her cheeks flushed hotly. Well not that specifically, but Kedyn. She was supposed to meet him...or was that another day? Thinking was getting too hard, so she gave up and took the drink Drea pushed across to her with a grin.



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Jatasha laughed at the other woman as she introduced herself. "It be a pleasure to meet you Miria." She said. "I be Jatasha. And you're right, I no do be from around here. It seems a friendly enough place to stay though." She said as she took in the other women, all drinking quite heavily though they seemed to be quite into their cups already. She sipped on her own drink. "You all do be with the Band, do you not?" She asked.



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  • 1 month later...

It wasn't working. Beer was for wimps, and coincidentally, Drea knew how to take her alcohol. Cold and hard. Unfortunately, this had also been one of Mehrin's favorite bars and was therefore banned of anything but beer. That would probably explain the empty common room and grumpy inn keeper. Once again, her own concern came back to bite her in the-


Drea's attention was turned to the small girl now sitting next to her. It was AD, the stable hand who took better care of BG than she did herself some days. The two had grown close since AD's arrival and Drea smiled down at her. Not thinking, Drea patted her on the head like a dog and slid her a mug. "Welcome to the table, dear." was all she could muster through a numbed tongue. Maybe it was working, she just needed to give it time. Psh, who had time nowadays? Certainly not her.


A glance downward showed that AD had not taken a sip of her drink and merely stared at Drea. Drea managed another crooked smile and took a drink from her own. "See, like this."



OOC: I took liberty in assuming AD's post had not been erased. And if my memory serves me well, she came to the tavern, right? If not, pretend. This is all about imagination people! :D

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ooc it seems as if balefired out of this world cant even find it in my storage, sum up she arived got worried, ordered herself dinner and some salt meat for drea to help her get down on earth ;)


A.D. looked at her friend, she didnt touch the drink she was offered though but awaited the food and but looked at Drea taking the drink back. She smiled and paid when she got the food, puting the salt meat to the side hoping that the natural salt urge she herself had felt like when she had tasted the vile stuff had goten would take drea as well. She instead focused on her stew, she would need to think on something, preferably something to slow down the intake Drea was having less her friend wouldnt be able to leave the inn on her own acord. Pushing away the bowl as she finished dinner she turned. "Drea, how have your day been?" likely not what Drea would like to discuss but maybe if Arya could learn what was wrong then she could fix it.

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