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Anyone else strangely addicted to Ghost Hunters?


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I read the title thinking this was a troll thread. I am very, very, very sorry it isnt.




News flash. We may all be nerds, but GHOST are not real.


The show is a scam. I really feel sorry for you. Not being mean. Just being honest.


You are haunted by a ghost aren't you? A poltergeist perhaps?


I appreciate your honesty though. I do, I really do.

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I read the title thinking this was a troll thread. I am very, very, very sorry it isnt.




News flash. We may all be nerds, but GHOST are not real.


The show is a scam. I really feel sorry for you. Not being mean. Just being honest.


Haha I agree with you for the most part, as I don't believe in ghosts or the show, but if it entertains people it has served its purpose.


I've been forced to watch the show a couple of times.

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