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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


Everyone to your posts! Five new Trollocs have been sighted, and two Fades.


Protect Tar Valon and the White Tower by finding and destroying the Invaders.


Trolloc 1. 2 Points + Bonus- Yellow. Stuff bad for Dogs. Confirmed Kill by Millon


Trolloc 2. 2 Points + Bonus - White. Hang Man. Confirmed Kill by Nargy


Trolloc 3. 1 Point + Bonus - Main WT board - who would you be quiz - confirmed kill by Daruya


Trolloc 4. 2 Points + Bonus - Warders - Brandon Sanderson. Confirmed Kill by Daruya


Trolloc 5. 2 Points + Bonus - Main WT - Foretelling Room. Confirmed Kill by Millon.


Trolloc 6. 1 Point + Bonus - Mosvani Dorm - confirmed Kill by Nargy


Trolloc 7. 1 Points + Bonus - Blues Pool- confirmed Kill by Sakaea


Trolloc 8. 1 Points + Bonus - Browns Romans - Confirmed Kill by Sakaea



Fade 1. 4 Points + Double Bonus - Main WT Board. iPod Shuffle. Confirmed Kill by Daruya


Fade 2. 4 points + Double Bonus - Greens Bleach - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.


All kills completed on this Alert. Please check the next one!


May the light guide and protect us all.

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let this make up for it then


Grapes? Seriously? What's wrong with grapes?





I need FOOD!!

*Millon stumbles towards the Yellow cafe in hopes he'll be able to catch the awesome awesomeness that is Doo-dah and try to get some grub. He did not expect to find a trolloc raiding the storage areas of the Yellows where they were testing out home remedies.*


How could they be getting so deep into the tower? *he must have spoken louder than he intended as the trolloc quickly turns to him. Quickly grabbing a pestle from a nearby mortar he hurls it at the trolloc striking him between the eyes. Using the moment he runs up on the trolloc and slides it's blade from it's scabbard and dances back out of it's reach. The creature reacts quickly and turns to run. Millon lunges and does not hesitate in striking a thing in it's back. The creature falls bonelessly to the ground. He removes another pendant from the trolloc. This one of a tight spiral.*


This should not be happening. Light preserve the Aes Sedai.

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A please





Brother! How are you doing?? *trolloc stares at him with wonder* What? You no recognize the great Nargbert? What they teach young trollocs today. Come... let Narg show you around. This here warders yard... this here tower. Come... this fun! *leads trolloc into Fnorrls room*


This place called room of the MaA. He one bad dude... really bad dude... check this out... see that shirt lying on ground... I bet you it smell worse than blight worm. Really! You not trust narg? *picks up Fnorrlls undershirt and takes a fake whiff* See... smell bad but nothing too it.. go ahead.


*Trolloc in arms picks up the shirt and takes a big whiff.... Suddenly he starts to convulse and stumble around the room.... the trolloc goes limp as the undershirt slips out of his hands and he flops to the floor.... Narg pulls out his sword and slides it into the trolloc nice and slow finishing the poor thing off.*


Poor poor trolloc. First thing they teach all new warder types... never... NEVER sniff Fnorrll undershirts... Narg learn that quickly!

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Green day. Brainstew Great song off an under rated album. I lugs me some green day. They are made of win





As Daruya wandered to her quarters, she turned on her iPod and searched for a song. As she started turning back the covers, she sensed something behind her. In the shadows behind her a Shadow moved. Her blood turned to ice. Another Fade! Light, how much more could she take?


She edged warily around the bed, keeping the bed between her and the Fade. Grabbing the bright red, slinky dress she'd borrowed from Elgee, she shoved it over the Fade's head, dancing just out of reach as he grabbed for her. Blast! The snug dress didn't hold his arms; instead, he finished wriggling into it and crossed over to a mirror. Daruya's jaw dropped as he turned and pirhouetted (sp?) in front of the mirror, admiring his reflection.


As he continued to admire himself, Daruya stealthily made her way to the common room, reached into the junk closet, and grabbed a scythe. Why on earth a scythe was in the common room closet was beyond her but at this point, she wasn't complaining.


Returning to her room, she snuck up behind the primping Fade and whacked off his head.


Light send that's the last one I'll see tonight!


Daruya stuck her head out the door and hollered. Get a cleaning crew in here NOW! I want this mess cleaned up before I go to bed!


As she watched the pool of blood below the Fade grow, she wondered . . . how on earth would she tell Elgee she'd ruined the dress? It was one of Elgee's favorites! Oh, well . . . little enough payment for all the stockings and gowns Elgee had shredded as Daruya's pet kitten. :ohmy:

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Hi Daruya. Sorry that Trolloc has already been found. Quick - edit your post and save it for later! The Fade is Legit (brilliant kill!) And I will update points. There is a full kill list just below the OP now.


OMG Nargy - That was SO FUNNY! *totally loves funny* I will update and do points.


Also tonight's last Fade and Trollocs have now come out of hiding :biggrin:

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I know it would mean more work and all but is there any way to "mark" those that are found so we don't have duplicate kills?


You're doing an awesome job with this game, Ithi!

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I have done a full list of Kills just under the OP. There will be NOT be more than one Invader of the same type in a thread at present. So if the Thread is listed, dont kill it again. It might be that there ends up being one Trolloc and one Fade in a single Thread in the future. But I think this place is big enough for that not to happen for a while.


And Thanks :biggrin: its just nice to see everyone having fun!

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Hm interesting :) i have no major objections. To be honest im kinda like mat in personality i guess but i also like the fighting side of things ;)





Daruya yawned and rubbed her eyes as she headed to the kitchens to find out why she wasn't brought breakfast in bed. As she rounded the last corner before the kitchen, she saw it. A Trolloc, standing in the middle of the hall, sniffing the air. As he turned to face her, she lost it (her temper, that is).


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! She screamed in frustration. Just how many of these Light blasted Shadowspawn were there in the Tower? Just then, the Trolloc grunted and spoke.


"No scream! Hurt my ears. Have headache from stash of rum in yellow rooms. Me look for Narg. Narg kill my brother with stinky shirt and sword."

Daruya pondered furiously how to turn this to her advantage. Then it hit her. "I can help you find Narg but he's very strong. You should have breakfast first. Porridge is very good for building strength. Wait here!"


Daruya ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pot of porridge, then dumped a large amount of a sedative in it. The Trolloc hungrily polished off the porridge then fell with a thunk to the floor, snoring loudly. Daruya hurriedly scribbled a note, gave it to a passing Novice (who gazed fearfully at the Trolloc) and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. After about an hour, a tall figure flourishing a bright cloak strode up, followed by two burly men.


It's about time, Master Luca! Daruya snapped. I wasn't going to hold this Trolloc for you much longer. Now get him out of here. And remember, I get 40% of all profits from people paying to see him perform once you get him trained!


Daruya watched as Luca's men dragged the Trolloc off, and then rubbed her hands in satisfaction.


I didn't even have to exert myself much for that one! she thought, happily. Humming to herself, she continued to the kitchen to find out where her breakfast was.

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While I know I am officially on a LoA due to exams and moving house (got the keys today!), I had the opportunity to meet Brandon Sanderson today as he was doing a book signing here in London. I managed to sit next to him during the whole day (special DM privilege) and have just finished my report, which will be published on the General Boards here, the Blog and several other places. Northie was also there with me today, and she currently has the photos.


I just thought I would share (and brag!)!








After a satisfying breakfast (and dressing down of kitchen staff for not bringing it to her in bed), Daruya headed over to the Warder's yard. Maybe it was time to scope out unattached Warders so she could stop having to kill Shadowspawn alone. She mentally went over her long list of requirements as she stopped outside a lecture room where Corki was giving a speech about meeting the Creator's understudy.


But what was that? In the back of the room, lurking behind a suit of armor? It had horns like a ram and enormous teeth and . . . bloody buttered onions, another Trolloc!


Daruya didn't even bother with clever weaves this time . . . she blasted him where he stood, with one fireball after another, before waving cheerily to Corki.


Carry on!

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Gah! I've been searching everywhere according to the clue posted and I can't find where that Fade is lurking . . . or where the Lurk is fading . . . or something like that.


*grumbles about the Dark One giving Fades an unreasonable advantage in their uncanny ability to disappear in shadows*

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am I missing something here. again(because I am a dolt)? The warning post says all kills confirmed. Are there more clues at another post or something because I can't find it.


See? Found it. Please disregard. lol

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*is too lazy to check page one for the list but is sure this was one of the questions*


What will be the outcome of my new career path (on DM :P ) ?



Your career has a firm base that is an incentive for growth. Bring it back to basics and let it grow from the ground up.





*Millon's stomach growls ferociously. He stumbles around the tower in search of food*


Everywhere I go there are flippin trollocs. Kitchens, rec room, blue ajah. I know what I'll do. I'll go see Ith in her fortune telling room and see if she can find me some food!


*Millon dash's into Ith's tent and stops dead. There is SOMEthing sitting in Ith's seat wearing gypsy clothing that fits alll wrong. Not to mention the horns stickin out of the head wrap. It gestures to the cushions in front of it. As Millon sits the beast waves it's hands over the globe on the table and then begins to whinmper. It has seen it's own fate inside the mists. Millon slowly stands, takes the sphere in his hands ans smashes it on the trollocs head staving it in*


Some questions are better left unasked it seems.

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Sounds delicious Moon - if only all burgers were like this.


*sighs happily*





Narg spied an eagle headed trolloc. How dare he try to steal his visage! This just could not be stood for! Narg snuck around a building and behind the eagle freak. With lightning quick reflexes that only trollocs are known to have he grabbed a feather and pulled. Then Narg quickly hid again. The trolloc screamed and turned.... and saw nothing.


Then Narg charged from behind the house and engaged the ugly thing (It looked like his brother in law). Swords clashed as they moved in a deadly dance, known among trollocs as...... the polka.... Narg struck... the freak blocked.... he pushed Narg back and prepared to strike a killing blow.


Suddenly a strange look came over the trollocs face. Could it really be seeing what it was seeing?? There stood Narg the trolloc in a PINK TUTU!!!! The poor trolloc started laughing uncontrollably. His sword fell to the ground and he balled up in pain but unable to control himself.


Narg knew the tutu would come in handy as he quickly dispatched the poor trolloc. Was probably the humane thing to do since it seemed like it was in pain from so much laughter.

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