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welcome to the Band Garth Van Bell!!


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we always love having new victims I mean people to have fun with :) I'm Jea, second in command here and in charge of counting these tiny things of yours called points! as for what you need right now, F Horn of Valere will be along shortly to help explain the current recruit scheme and what you should go after next. While Corki, our illustrious leader, will sit back and watch Horn work like any normal marshal general would.


Until then, browse around the boards and start posting, I promise we don't bite...unless some newer members have hidden from me that they're vampires, but I doubt it.


Also, *hands the newbie a plate of never ending chocolate fudge brownies and a large mug of Brew Tea to wash them down* Those might keep you occupied for a while too ;)

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There are so many new people, sheesh


Welcome and i hope you have a good time.

I am Wolf of the cavalry the newest cav member, or the pony rider if you will :)


Hope you have a good time and please continue posting, we value your posts.

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*lines boots in front of the new recruit*


I like new members since they can polish my dirty boots! :biggrin:


Anyway, welcome to the Band Garth! You have been added to our usergroup, and Horn has set up your Recruit thread! So jump in and enjoy the Band!

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